12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024


Displaying results 1-30 of 52 matches for query cyprob.

1. Anastasiades speaks out on Cyprus solution, corruption, and political ties

In one of his most candid interviews to date, former President Nicos Anastasiades discussed the Cyprus problem and the talks held in Crans-Montana with Marina Economides in "K". ...

2. Erdogan and Tatar reject federal solution on 50th anniversary (pics)

Yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July 1974. Over half a century later, Cyprus remains in the same status quo as it had after that fateful day. Consequently, poignant memorials were held across the island, including in the occupied areas....

3. The Economist: 'The division of Cyprus looks indefinite'

As Cyprus marks the 50th anniversary of its division, a resolution to the longstanding conflict remains elusive. Despite decades of diplomatic efforts, the island remains split between its Greek south and Turkish north, with the status quo appearing increasingly permanent....

4. Turkish parliament urges recognition of Northern Cyprus as independent state

In a resolution marking the 50th anniversary of Operation Attila, the Turkish parliament has called on the international community to recognize the occupied territories in Northern Cyprus as an independent state....

5. Christodoulides calls for honesty on 50th anniversary of Cyprus coup

If we want to move forward, we must be honest, Cyprus President, Nikos Christodoulides, said on Monday, after a memorial service for those who fell during the July 15, 1974 coup of the Greek junta against President of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios. He pointed out at the same time that “I am not here to give a pardon to anyone”...

6. Greek Defense Minister visits Cyprus on 50th anniversary of coup

Greek National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias pays a visit to Cyprus on Monday, as the island is marking 50 years since the coup d' etat that took place on July 15, 1974....

7. Wailing sirens to commemorate tragic events of 1974

In a poignant tribute to a pivotal chapter in its history, Cyprus will activate the sirens of its Public Warning System on significant dates this July, marking the anniversaries of the 1974 coup d’état and the ensuing Turkish invasion....

8. Diplomatic efforts intensify amidst critical juncture

The diplomatically crucial time leading up to Friday is seen as particularly important for efforts to break the deadlock in the Cyprus talks. UN Secretary General's personal envoy, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, ...

9. UN envoy stresses need for Cypriot leadership in reconciliation efforts

The UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy to Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, expressed optimism for Cyprus’s future reconciliation in an open letter ahead of her report to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on July 10....

10. Green Line: Trade and crossings surge, irregular migration declines

Trade and personal crossings across the Green Line in Cyprus saw significant increases in 2023, while irregular migration dropped by more than 50%, according to the annual European Commission report on the implementation of the Green Line Regulation published Thursday....

11. Reunification talks face challenges, UN envoy finds parties far apart

The ongoing efforts to reunify Cyprus have hit another roadblock, as the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, former Colombian Foreign Minister Ms. Holguin, finds significant gaps between the negotiating parties. ...

12. Turkish Cypriot groups challenge Tatar's solution proposals

Twenty-one Turkish Cypriot guilds, organizations, and political parties have collectively appealed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his envoy for Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, ...

13. ''Government'' moves to license casino at controversial airport

The ''government'' in the Turkish-occupied northern part of Cyprus is reportedly moving forward with plans to grant a ''license to operate'' a casino within the controversial Tympou airport, according to the local newspaper Avroupa....

14. Navigating summer stalemates in the Cyprus conundrum

Historically, there has never been a peak in the Cyprus problem during the summer. The last significant event in Crans-Montana occurred at the start of the season....

15. The effort continues despite the difficulties

In an exclusive interview with Cyprus problem negotiator Menelaos Menelao, journalist Andreas Kimitris delves into the complexities of the ongoing negotiations, posing tough questions about the current state of affairs and the challenges ahead. Here are the major points:...

16. Navigating the next steps in the Cyprus issue

The Cyprus problem is entering an intriguing phase following the UN Secretary General's Personal Envoy, Maria Angela Algin Quayar's, rounds of contacts - including three visits to Cyprus and diplomatic engagements in Greece, the UK, Turkey, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, and Moscow....

17. UN envoy deemed ''unworthy to lead''

Efforts to restart negotiations on the Cyprus problem hit a snag as the Turkish Cypriot Civil Servants Union (KTAMS) and the Teachers' Union (KTOS) jointly criticized UN Personal Envoy Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar....

18. UN envoy urges leaders to heed public sentiments in Cyprus talks

UN Secretary-General's personal envoy for the Cyprus issue, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, emphasized the need for leaders to heed public sentiments and push for progress in resolving the longstanding division on Wednesday....

19. Twenty years on...

The rejection of the Annan Plan transcends mere historical significance; especially this year, it coincides with an anniversary nested within another....

20. Lost promises, missed chances: Secrets behind Cyprus' EU entry

In an exclusive interview with Kathimerini's Marina Economidou, Gunter Verheugen sheds light on the intricacies of negotiations surrounding the Cyprus problem at Burgenstock....

21. President wants top technocrats advising him on CyProb

President of the Republic Nikos Christodoulides said on Wednesday that the National Security Council that is to be set up will consist mainly of technocrats and will further strengthen the work of the National Council, the top advisory body to the President as regards the Cyprus issue...

22. Nicosia scrambles to keep CyProb on UN agenda

Greek Cypriots want UN reports on the Cyprus Problem to continue every six months, but sources say the Security Council is leaning towards an annual extension at least for the peacekeeping force mandate following 'no meaningful progress' on the issue...

23. Throwing light on 'A Dark Room'

"For real? Did the Turks leave for Cyprus? " asked the dictator Dimitris Ioannidis while looking puzzled. ...

24. 'Time is not on the side of a solution'

While giving her perspective on the current challenges and opportunities in the Cyprus issue, Elizabeth Spehar warned of the passing of too much time and that "the more time passes, the greater the possibility that the divide will be entrenched". ...

25. 38 years since the illegal proclamation of the pseudo-state

Today marks 38 years since the illegal proclamation of the pseudo-state in the occupied territories of the Republic of Cyprus....

26. Tatar: The opening of Varos gave a new dimension to the Cyprus issue

The decision to open Varosi gave the Cyprus issue another dimension, said Ersin Tatar, while claiming that Varosi is the territory of the pseudo-state and part of the sovereignty of the "trnc"....

27. The Cyprus issue is at a prolonged impasse

The insistence of Turkey and the leader of the Turkish Cypriots and settlers Ersin Tatar on advance acceptance by the Greek Cypriot side of the sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriots has led the Cyprus issue to a prolonged impasse....

28. Minutes shed light on Turkish intransigence at Crans-Montana Cyprus talks

The official minutes of a meeting between UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on July 6, 2017,...

29. Averoff: 'We will give what we can to the vulnerable child - We are not racists'

No one else wants a solution to the Cyprus problem more than we do, according to DISY President Averof Neophytou,...

30. ‘A Dark Room’: excerpts from Alexis Papachelas’ forthcoming book‘a-dark-room-excerpts-from-alexis-papachelas-forthcoming-book

“The nut, he went and did what we didn’t,” said Greek dictator Georgios Papadopoulos the morning of July 15, 1974 after he found out that Dimitris Ioannidis, the junta’s military police chief, had orchestrated a coup to overthrow Cyprus President Archbishop Makarios....