12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 2101-2130 of 2808 matches for query force.

2101. Man shot by police dies in hospital

A foreign national, who was hospitalized after getting shot by Limassol police during an attempt to arrest him, has succumbed to his injuries...

2102. Transport Minister: Flight ban to apply to all countries

Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos on Wednesday rectified previous statements over a flight ban to be imposed on 28 countries as of Saturday, stressing that the ban will be universal....

2103. Cyprus to ban flights from 28 countries

As of Saturday, flights to the Larnaca and Paphos airports from 28 countries will be banned, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced on Tuesday night, noting that this stricter measure does not affect cargo....

2104. Cooker seen behind deadly blaze at Moria camp

Firefighters on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos are investigating the cause of a blaze that broke out on Monday afternoon at the Moria refugee and migrant camp, killing a child before it was brought under control. Authorities said the child was a girl aged between 6 and 7...

2105. Coronavirus hits Cypriot armed forces

Two high ranking military officers have tested positive for the coronavirus, while the entire camp of commandos in Stavrovouni has been placed under quarantine over a suspected case of a soldier...

2106. North in coronavirus crisis: hospitals, prisons in turmoil

On Monday morning, Turkish Cypriot authorities confirmed that the number of coronavirus cases had reached six, including four tourists from Germany who had arrived in the north last week, and two Turkish Cypriots who had recently returned from the UK....

2107. Police report two more gatherings of over 75 people

Since the enforcement of the crowd ban decree by the Health Minister last week, police have conducted a sum of 1,390 checks and filed three reports against cases where they found over 75 people gathered under one roof....

2108. President: Partial lockdown of airports, schools to remain closed until April 10

President Nicos Anastasiades addressed the nation on Friday night after the week saw cumulative confirmations of coronavirus cases across the divide....

2109. EU slams Trump’s Europe travel ban

The European Union has slammed the new anti-virus travel ban announced by US President Donald Trump, lashing out at an “unilateral” decision taken “without consultation.”...

2110. Turkish Cypriots close two crossings

Turkish Cypriot authorities have shut down two crossings on Thursday for ten days, following the latest developments with the coronavirus pandemic...

2111. Turkish special forces fire over Greek military vehicle at border, Kathimerini learns

There is evidence of a sharp increase in aggressive behavior by Turkish security forces in both the Aegean and at the Evros land border, Kathimerini has learned. ...

2112. Four new suspected COVID-19 cases at Limassol hospital

Four new suspected coronavirus cases were being treated at the Limassol General Hospital on Wednesday, while three other suspected cases had received a green light for their release....

2113. Erdogan likens Greek authorities to Nazis

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday said there is “no difference” between Nazis and the Greek authorities trying to hold the country’s border against the influx of thousands of migrants and refugees spurred to push into the European Union by Ankara....

2114. Erdogan says Greece’s treatment of migrants at border ‘murderous’‘murderous

Turkey intends to take Greece to task over its alleged “maltreatment” of refugees and migrants spurred on by Ankara to push into the European Union through the Greek-Turkish border, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on a flight back from Brussels on Tuesday, according to the pro-government Daily Sabah. ...

2115. UN ask T/C leadership to close Ledra checkpoint

A UN proposal issued to the Turkish Cypriot leadership on Monday suggested the closure of the Ledra checkpoint from the north, as has been done by Greek Cypriot authorities, effectively forbidding the movement of civilians into the Ledra Buffer Zone....

2116. UN police block protesters at Ledra checkpoint

UN police in Cyprus were taking no chances at the Ledra checkpoint on Monday, blocking Turkish Cypriot demonstrators in the north who wanted to bring flowers to Greek Cypriot riot police behind fortified barricades in the south...

2117. Cyprus scrambles to contain coronavirus risk

A police station and an army camp in Nicosia went under quarantine on Sunday following two suspected cases of the coronavirus, with health officials on the edge of their seat waiting for lab test results for over 30 individuals...

2118. Special force from Cyprus flies to Greece

Nearly two dozen members of Cypriot special security forces have been deployed to Greece’s Evros region to assist in a pushback of undocumented migrants, with reports saying the situation was calmer after a tense weekend...

2119. Eight Turkish Cypriots rushed to hospital after Ledra checkpoint protest

Protesters gathered on both sides of the Ledra Street divide on Saturday to demonstrate against the closure of four checkpoints by the government of the Republic of Cyprus, a move it said was part of a bundle of coronavirus protection measures but which has been criticized as a measure veiling ulterior political motives....

2120. EU criticizes Turkey on migration as border clashes resume

Clashes between Greek riot police and migrants attempting to cross the border from Turkey erupted anew Friday as European Union foreign ministers took aim at what they called “Turkey’s use of migratory pressure for political purposes.” ...

2121. 'The Time Is Now': Women abstain from duties in call for gender equality

Women from across Cyprus locked elbows to form human chains outside their workplaces on Friday during a one-hour work stoppage that called for gender equality and an end to discrimination against women....

2122. Anastasiades dubs UNFICYP position 'unfortunate' intervention

President Nicos Anastasiades on Friday described the statement issued by UNFICYP as “unfortunate”, noting that such announcements go beyond its mission as a peacekeeping force....

2123. Checkpoint closures to be extended until Monday

The closure of four crossing points last Saturday, in what the Government said would be a one-week temporary precaution against coronavirus outbreak, will be extended until Monday, the National Council agreed on Thursday....

2124. Turkey deploys 1,000 police at Greek border to stem pushback of migrants

Turkey is deploying 1,000 special police forces along its border with Greece on Thursday to halt the pushback of migrants toward its territory, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said, adding that 164 migrants had been wounded by Greek authorities....

2125. Greek forces use tear gas to repel migrants

Greek riot police and troops used water cannon and tear gas on Wednesday against hundreds of migrants as they made another attempt to cross the border from Turkey into Greece....

2126. New developments in key witness disappearance

There are new developments in the disappearance of ex-con and key witness Ahmed Zaidan, with crime investigators looking into allegations that he was seen being forced into the trunk of a car at gunpoint...

2127. North to bar entry from 'high-risk' countries

The north will stop accepting people from countries deemed ‘high-risk’ due to the spread of coronavirus, the Bicommunal Technical Committee on Health agreed on Tuesday....

2128. Turkish FM alleges three migrants killed trying to cross Greek border

A war of words between Ankara and Athens over the migrant crisis escalated on Tuesday when Turkey’s foreign minister said without providing evidence that Greek soldiers had killed three migrants attempting to enter the country, a claim denied by Greece....

2129. Greek army, police dig in along Turkey border after migrant clashes

Greek troops and riot police remained on high alert on Tuesday along the land border between Greece and Turkey, the main flashpoint in an escalating row between the EU and Ankara over how to deal with a new wave of migrants and refugees....

2130. Guards use tear gas to disperse hundreds of migrants at Greek-Turkish border

Guards on Greece’s northeastern land border with Turkey made “deterrent use” of tear gas to disperse some 500 refugees and migrants trying to enter the country and the European Union after Ankara loosened controls on migrant flows....