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28 September, 2024


Displaying results 391-420 of 600 matches for query girl.

391. Sara slams Tzionis with forgotten detail

The former girlfriend of accused double murderer Loizos Tzionis says the defendant confided in her that he had been planning to rob the Strovolos couple, who were found stabbed to death in their home in April 2018...

392. Custody issue raised in Marie abduction trial

Five defendants have pleaded not guilty to kidnapping charges in Marie’s abduction in 2017, while prosecution is facing mounting pressure to clarify whether or not the Norwegian father of the little girl had legal custody...

393. Two dead in Limassol murder-suicide

Police are investigating a possible murder-suicide in Limassol, with reports saying a local man shot and killed his former female partner and then turned the gun on himself...

394. Genius or joker?

Loose cannon or influential statesman - what kind of British prime minister would Boris Johnson make on the world stage? Judging by his time as foreign secretary, possibly both...

395. Strovolos double murder trial gets ugly

A defence attorney in the Strovolos double murder trial accused a police officer of falsifying a document, prompting a heated exchange in the courtroom...

396. Sex offender fined for flipping the bird

A pardoned sex offender has been fined €700 for flipping off the parents of his victim after getting out early...

397. Orestis case over but new details still shocking

Cypriot serial killer Nikos Metaxas began serving seven life sentences following his trial on Monday, with the public still trying to process the horrifying details of the case and possible future legal steps...

398. Tzionis changes plea on some charges

There were new developments on Monday in the Strovolos double murder trial, with the main defendant changing his plea to guilty on burglary and kidnapping, while still maintains his innocence on the murder charges...

399. Tzionis backs away from plea change

The defendant in the Strovolos double murder case has been given additional time to contemplate his answers to some of the charges against him...

400. Tzionis hints at a change of plea

There are new developments in the Strovolos double murder trial, with reports saying the main defendant wishes to address the court over some of the charges against him and the prosecutor saying there can be no preconditions...

401. What’s with all the horrifying details?

The most shocking aspect was not so much the discovery of the little girl’s body as it was actually the way we take part and become a part one way or another in this sensationalism of human pain...

402. Shots fired at Paphos General Hospital

Police officers fired shots at Paphos General Hospital to thwart an escape attempt by a detainee on Tuesday evening...

403. Diver’s words resonate through Memi Lake

A brief exchange between a supervisor and his diver who found the body of little Sierra in Memi Lake has resonated with the Cypriot public, as shock and disbelief still continue in the serial killer case...

404. Body found in Memi Lake

A human body believed to be Sierra has been found in Memi Lake, with reports saying state forensic pathologists are rushing to the scene...

405. Partial drain at Memi Lake to go forward

Divers can expect a less difficult task at Memi Lake in the search for little Sierra, following a decision by the Water Development Department to allow a partial drain to lower the water level...

406. Police renew efforts in search for Sierra

Robotic cameras head back in the water on Monday in search for little Sierra, with officials still contemplating a partial drain of the lake...

407. Makarios doctor refutes reports over little girl

A doctor at Makarios Children’s Hospital is refuting reports that a little girl was denied treatment, following an incident that sparked debate over non-network doctors referring their patients to state hospitals...

408. Girl with fever incident sparks debate

A recent incident where a young girl running a fever was turned away at the hospital has sparked debate among doctors and the Health Insurance Organization, with an easy solution nowhere in sight...

409. Expert unsure whether Orestis acted alone

Private forensic pathologist Marios Matsakis has raised a number of questions following the discovery of a third suitcase at the red lake, including whether the alleged serial killer acted alone...

410. Young fever patient turned away twice

A little girl who was running a fever was turned away at two state hospitals in Nicosia, with reports saying medics refused to refer or treat the young patient because she was not registered in the newly-launched Cyprus General Healthcare System known as GESY...

411. New witnesses in Coral Bay trial

The Coral Bay trial resumed this week with a new witness giving his account of what took place on 24 June 2018 just before British tourist Robert James Birch was ran down and killed...

412. Difficult search ahead in Memi Lake

Divers head to Memi Lake to search for a little girl, one of seven victims in the serial killer case, one day after a third body was recovered from the red lake...

413. Fears of more victims resurface in Orestis case

Police are trying to track down three more women in the serial killer case, as divers head to Memi Lake to search for a little girl one day after a third body was recovered from the red lake...

414. UK Cypriot jailed for sexually abusing minors

A Cypriot man living the United Kingdom has been sentenced to prison for 14 years after being found guilty of sexual harassment of a boy and a girl many decades ago...

415. School vendor mistaken for kidnapper

Larnaca police went on high alert Friday by responding to a school complaint over a possible kidnapper, who ended up being a vendor for the canteen...

416. Teen injured by rock thrown at car in Limassol

A teenage girl was injured Wednesday night in Limassol when an unidentified person threw a rock at a vehicle following a football match that rallied the southern town...

417. Supreme Court stunned at lenient sentence

The Supreme Court has ruled that a suspended sentence for a man, who battered his girlfriend because she refused to have sex, was “exceptionally lenient” especially given his criminal past behaviour...

418. Girl’s mom accuses cop of obstructing justice

A mother has turned to a media outlet to complaint against the police, saying an officer discouraged her from filing a complaint against an obscene caller who targeted her pre-teen daughter...

419. Cops on alert after girl’s alcohol poisoning scare

Authorities are troubled over an alcohol poisoning incident where a young teenage girl ended up in the Emergency Room after her mother went to pick her up in the early evening...

420. Strovolos double murder stalls in court

The Strovolos double murder trial has been stalling over telecommunications data, following testimony by a police officer whose credentials have been called into question by the defence...