12° Nicosia,
01 July, 2024


Displaying results 481-502 of 502 matches for query hands-free.

481. 'A new history starts now' as leaders of two Koreas make peace

The dramatic meeting, aimed at ending their decades-long conflict, comes weeks before Kim is due to meet Trump to discuss denuclearizing the Korean peninsula...

482. Macron tells it like it is

Capping a three-day visit, Macron repeatedly criticized Trump’s isolationist principles in a speech to a joint meeting of Congress, an honour given to a small number of visiting foreign leaders...

483. Trump and Macron seek stronger measures on Iran

With a May 12 deadline looming for Trump to decide on restoring US economic sanctions on Tehran, Macron said he spoke to Trump about a “new deal”...

484. Cyprus is open for business and China’s buying

As US President Donald Trump builds barriers to Chinese trade, Cyprus is throwing open the gates...

485. Cops keep a tight lip in Strovolos double murder

Police are keeping a tight lip in the Strovolos double murder case, saying the investigation is going forward despite public and media criticism pointing to a series of errors. ...

486. A 'Very excited' Prince William takes Kate home after birth of prince

A 2013 change to the law means that for the first time in British history, a new prince will not supplant his older sister in the order of succession...

487. Police confident in solving brutal double murders

Crime investigators in Nicosia believe they are getting closer to cracking the Strovolos double murder case wide open, despite coming away empty handed during a search in the perimeter of the home and sharing little information with the media. ...

488. Lawmakers shelve Novartis bribe probe

A day after a special parliamentary committee deemed that it was not competent to investigate allegations that several top-ranking Greek politicians took bribes from a Swiss drugs firm, Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis appeared confident that the judicial probe into the affair is “moving in the right direction.”...

489. Passenger killed when engine explodes on Southwest Airlines US flight

The death of 43-year-old Jennifer Riordan on Flight 1380 was the first in a US commercial aviation accident since 2009...

490. Cypriot protesters tell NATO to go home

About 250 peace activists gathered outside the American Embassy in Nicosia Monday evening to demonstrate against NATO and the latest military airstrikes against Syria. ...

491. Cypriot activists to protest against strikes in Syria

An anti-war demonstration is scheduled to take place Monday evening outside the US Embassy in Nicosia, organised by the Cyprus Peace Council which is opposing military strikes against Syria....

492. Nigeria's Boko Haram has abducted more than 1,000 children since 2013

One young woman, Khadija, now 17, who was abducted after a Boko Haram attack on her town, then locked in a room, forced to marry one of the fighters and repeatedly raped...

493. Alpha Cyprus gets new owner

Alpha Cyprus has switched owners in a multi-million deal, putting full ownership in Cypriot hands but maintaining its affiliation with sister company in Greece with no noticeable changes for viewers....

494. Tsipras looking to rein in hawkish defence minister

According to a senior official, the incendiary rhetoric “is not needed” at a time when Greece is trying to de-escalate tension with Turkey...

495. Southeast Asia's idyllic islands buckle under tourism strain

Airports have become chaotic, hotels are being thrown up hastily with little regard for safety and sanitation...

496. South Africa's Zuma appears in court on corruption charges

Thousands of Zuma supporters gathered to express solidarity with a leader they say is the victim of a politically motivated witchhunt...

497. Facebook data leak hits 87 million users in widening privacy scandal

Facebook first acknowledged last month that personal information about millions of users wrongly ended up in the hands of Cambridge Analytica...

498. Woman wounds three at YouTube headquarters in California

The woman approached an outdoor patio and dining courtyard on the campus around lunchtime and began to fire before entering the building...

499. Municipal police in the works

Ministers of Justice and the Interior are putting their heads together to draft legislation for accelerating the creation of a new Municipal Police. The new force will handle minor violations, such as illegal parking and smoking, thus relieving state police who have their hands full with serious offences such as speeding and drinking under the influence. ...

500. Max’s killer gets three months

The Supreme Court hands down a three-month prison sentence to a man who stabbed a German Shepherd to death, overruling an earlier suspended sentence that was seen by the public as too lenient...

501. Trump dumps chief diplomat Tillerson after clashes

Senior State Department officials said Tillerson was unaware of why Trump pushed him out...

502. Putin faces midnight deadline to explain nerve attack on former spy

The European Union also said it would stand by Britain, which is due to leave the bloc in just over a year’s time...