12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 691-720 of 1227 matches for query medical.

691. Health experts uneasy ahead of holiday weekend

Health experts in Cyprus are urging the public to adhere to protective measures especially during the holiday weekend, with officials warning that even though daily Covid infections have dropped, things could get worse if hospitalizations don’t go down this month...

692. Nicosia reacts to new Al Jazeera video

Nicosia has refuted allegations concerning a Cypriot minister and his trips to London, in reaction to an Al Jazeera secret investigation into how convicted criminals could take on new identities and launder money through ownership of English football clubs by deceiving authorities...

693. Hospital admissions and discharges even out

The latest trend in COVID hospitalizations in the Republic of Cyprus suggests admissions and discharges are evening out, with health officials still calling on the public to get vaccinated following a spike of cases in July...

694. Vax message clear but data all over the place

Health officials have been trying to paint the big picture in Covid hospitalizations this week saying the virus was striking people under 50 who were unvaccinated, but by Friday morning meaningful information on hospital cases was still in short supply...

695. Unvaxxed hospitalization data still sporadic

Most hospital admissions for COVID-19 in Cyprus concern unvaccinated cases according to health officials, but basic details on cases regarding infected patients remain sporadic...

696. Tougher Safe Pass logic brought into question

The head of the government’s pandemic advisory committee says it is not up to health experts to justify political decisions such as tougher Safe Pass rules, but one of his colleagues defended tougher restrictions saying they had worked in the past during lockdown...

697. President furious at critics of teen vaccinations

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades rushed to the defense of a local Pediatric Society on Monday, calling threats against its members a 'disgrace' after they were targeted for recommending summer vaccinations for young teens...

698. Unvaccinated literally squeezed into a corner

People no longer eligible for free rapid tests in government-run facilities were literally squeezed into a corner under the hot sun in Paphos on Sunday, while it was a walk in the park for vaccinated individuals and others in that town who were still eligible for state-funded testing based on the latest decree...

699. Minister says unvaccinated should pay up

Cypriot Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantela suggests vaccinated persons do not need to take rapid tests for Covid, adding those who choose to remain unvaccinated should now have to pay out of their own pocket to keep getting tested if they want to use Safe Pass...

700. Lack of data stymies booster shot debate

Discussion in Cyprus over the possibility of a COVID booster shot ahead of the flu season is still up in the air, with the debate prompting officials to break an embargo on vaccination data of hospitalized patients and reveal that half of the older adult and elderly were vaccinated...

701. Data suggest things less bad with vaccinations

Daily detection of COVID infections continued to drop in the Republic of Cyprus but cases still remained in the upper hundreds, with experts suggesting a very bad epidemiological situation could have been a lot worse had it not been for vaccinations on the island...

702. Cypriot officials tackle data gap on vaccinated

Health officials in the Republic of Cyprus are trying to regroup this week following public criticism over lack of information on vaccinated persons, with plans underway said to include cross referencing vaccination data with close contacts of infected persons and more qualitative data...

703. Reports suggest two cases detected on Jewel

There have been some reports that at least two passengers on the Jewel of the Seas tested positive for the coronavirus, with a number of crew and passengers currently in isolation on the fully-vaccinated cruise to the Greek islands...

704. Safe Pass law lets door greeters inspect ID docs

Business establishments in the Republic of Cyprus are now inspecting Safe Pass documents presented at the entrance by customers, who are also required by emergency law to show proof of identity when the employee at the door doubts the veracity of a person’s identity...

705. Delta wreaks havoc as Cyprus passes 1000 mark

The Republic of Cyprus reported 1081 new cases on Tuesday, as government officials confirmed that the Delta variant was the dominant bug ravaging the community and experts called on the public to be vigilant...

706. Cyprus takes vaccine message to Facebook

Officials from the health ministry have partnered up with health experts and a patients advocate group in order to reach out to Facebook users who may be unsure about the pandemic or have concerns about getting vaccinated...

707. Cyprus raises bar for sake of normality

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has added a few finishing touches on its latest Safe Pass measures as daily COVID cases continue to rise, with the government allowing more flexibility for businesses willing to cater to people who are vaccinated...

708. Expert tells vaccinated not to let guard down

Known Covid infections continue to rise in the Republic of Cyprus, with the positivity rate standing at 1.80% and health experts warning that vaccinated people should not let their guard down...

709. Temps in Cyprus shoot up during heat burst

Two warnings, an orange alert for extreme high temperature and a red warning for fires, have been issued for Cyprus as a heat burst on Friday is expected to take its toll on the island...

710. EAC burn victim loses fight for life

An electric utility worker has succumbed to his injuries at a Greek hospital, where he was being treated for severe burns following a substation accident in Cyprus last month...

711. Lute back at it again in Cyprus

UN envoy Jane Holl Lute is back on the island to hold separate discussions on Tuesday with the two Cypriot leaders, just days before the seasoned diplomat’s boss is expected to run shoulders with President Nicos Anastasiades in Brussels...

712. Cypriot president out of hospital after surgery

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades underwent spinal surgery on Friday, after the procedure came up casually during comments he had made to reporters about an imminent Cabinet reshuffle...

713. Elderly man found dead on hiking trail

An elderly man was pronounced dead on Sunday after a nature outing where he is believed to have fallen into a ditch on a registered footpath trail in Troodos...

714. School safety issues after unclear incident

A physical altercation at a middle school in Larnaca was behind an impromptu demonstration on Thursday, a day after a teenager went to the school following an argument between his younger brother and others including a teacher...

715. Vaxxed doc treated for infection in Cyprus

A doctor in Limassol, who is said to have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, is out of any immediate danger after being hospitalized with a coronavirus infection, as fear and confusion about the rise of variants continue to muddle the government’s message...

716. Archbishop back in Cyprus after treatment

Archbishop Chrysostomos was back in his office on Tuesday following his return from the United States where he underwent another cancer treatment, with doctors noting 'noticeable improvement'...

717. Vaxxed woman in Cyprus dies from blood clot

A British woman passed away on the weekend while she was receiving thrombolytic therapy in Cyprus, following her vaccination against COVID earlier this month, with officials admitting a link but unable to pinpoint what exactly may have caused the blood clot...

718. Vaxxed woman in serious condition in Cyprus

A woman in Cyprus was hospitalized this week with a rare case of a clotting event following her vaccination against COVID-19, with local media criticizing state authorities over lack of information...

719. Badly burned utility workers flown overseas

Two workers from Cyprus are being rushed to foreign hospitals for specialized medical care after suffering severe burns following in an accident at a utility substation...

720. Official says no data privacy after death

Cyprus’ privacy commissioner says a recent decision by the health ministry to withhold vaccination history in reported COVID deaths could not be based on privacy concerns but 'possibly other reasons'...