12° Nicosia,
07 October, 2024


Displaying results 3571-3600 of 4476 matches for query member.

3571. Three new endangered monk seals born in Cyprus

Three new births of the Mediterranean monk seal species (Monachus monachus), one of the most endangered mammals in the world and the only seal species in the Mediterranean, were recorded last year, the Agricultural Ministry announced on Friday....

3572. British High Commissioner talks trade, free movement after Brexit

In an interview with the Cyprus News Agency, British High Commissioner in Cyprus, Stephen Lillie, talks about what tomorrow will look like, and what applies for Cypriot and British nationals living in both countries, which he said share a deep historical relationship....

3573. Two leaders to meet for coronavirus cooperation

President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci will meet next Monday to discuss possible ways of cooperation in view of protecting the Cyprus population, both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, from the coronavirus....

3574. 1 in 10 employed persons in EU at risk of poverty

One in ten employed persons aged 18 years or over in the EU were found to be at risk of poverty in 2018, according to data published on Friday by Eurostat, the statistical service of the EU....

3575. The beginning of Brexit

At the stroke of midnight in Brussels, Britain will officially leave the European Union, setting off negotiations in which London will seek to gain as many benefits as it can from the Union. At the same time, it will work toward bilateral agreements with EU member-states and countries outside the bloc....

3576. Bomb squad called out to Lakatamia ATM

Residents in a Lakatamia neighbourhood were ordered to evacuate the area after a gas cylinder was spotted outside a local bank...

3577. Aksoy: Turkey will continue protecting T/C rights‘turkey-will-continue-resolutely-to-protect-the-rights-of-the-turkish-cypriots

Turkey’s ongoing survey and drilling activities off Cyprus aim at protecting the rights of Turkish Cypriots, a foreign ministry spokesman said Thursday, adding that “until these rights are guaranteed, Turkish Petroleum will continue to operate” in the areas licensed by the breakaway state....

3578. Serious planning, not tough-guy posturing

3579. Cyprus taps into Europe’s mountain know-how

Cyprus is hosting a European conference on mountain areas of large Mediterranean islands, hoping to gain valuable information and know-how from countries with a long tradition in managing mountain area policies...

3580. European Parliament says goodbye to UK

The European Parliament has given its final approval to Britain’s divorce deal from the bloc, paving the way for Brexit to take place on Friday...

3581. EU vessels will no longer have automatic access to UK fishing waters

The automatic right of EU vessels to fish in British waters, in accordance with the EU’s common fisheries policy, is to be ended under the fisheries bill introduced to parliament on Wednesday....

3582. UNFICYP draft under ‘silence procedure’‘silence-procedure

A resolution renewing the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus for an additional six months is under the “silence procedure” and it is expected to be adopted on Thursday if no member breaks the silence...

3583. Nicosia ups efforts ahead of UNFICYP vote

Nicosia is intensifying efforts over the final makeup of an UNFICYP draft resolution in New York, as the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus is expected to be renewed ahead of its expiry at the end of the month...

3584. New wiretap law on the skids

The president and justice minister are set to meet on Monday to discuss a government phone tapping bill that passed the House on Friday, following concerns that last-minute amendments could be defeating the purpose...

3585. Flamingo deaths raise alarm in Cyprus

Over a dozen flamingos were found dead at Aliki salt lake in Larnaca, with officials playing down the incident while members of the Green party are calling for an investigation...

3586. Soaring reviews and high praise for the all new Nissan Juke

With its bold, sporty character and rebellious design, the next generation Nissan Juke Coupe Crossover earned high praise at its official unveiling event, where members of the Media had the exclusive opportunity to experience the latest addition to the Nissan model range ...

3587. Democrats lay out case against Trump

Democrats planned to plow ahead on Thursday at President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial with their arguments for removing him from office, but Republicans showed no signs of softening their resistance to the Democratic case...

3588. Turkey blocks Cyprus from Geneva conference

Turkey has blocked a request from the Republic of Cyprus to take part in the global Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, as an adversarial relationship between the two countries is growing more intense...

3589. Harry and Meghan go it alone

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan will no longer be working members of Britain’s monarchy and they will pay their own way in life as they embark on an independent future...

3590. Passenger killed in Kaimakli car crash

Nicosia police are trying to determine who was behind the wheel of a vehicle that crashed on Saturday morning in Kaimakli, killing the front seat passenger...

3591. US Congresspersons: USA and UNSC members must continue supporting peacemaking efforts in Cyprus

The United States and the other members of the UN Security Council must continue to support peacemaking efforts in Cyprus, Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) and Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), co-chairs of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Caucus stressed....

3592. Brussels cannot accept the Turkish behaviour in Cyprus EEZ

The EU cannot accept the behaviour of Turkey and will stand strongly by the side of Cyprus, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Tuesday, January 14th, while Andrej Plenkovic, Prime Minister of Croatia whose country holds the EU rotating presidency, stated that their policy will remain within the context of EU Council conclusions....

3593. Large boat with refugees reaches Cyprus

Over a hundred presumptive refugees from Syria reached the eastern coast of Cyprus on Tuesday, including women and young children...

3594. Effort at international level for Cyprus missing persons to be intensified

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and the Pancyprian Organisation of the Relatives of Undeclared Prisoners and Missing Persons discussed on Tuesday, ways to intensify the effort at an international, political and diplomatic level to be intensified so that Turkey can be pressured to cooperate in the matter of the missing persons in Cyprus, during a meeting at the Presidential Palace, in the presence of Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Christodoulides and Presidency Commissioner on Humanitarian Issues Photis Photiou....

3595. Church plans for Kornesios House draw heat

Local controversy is growing over the Archbishop’s decision to turn a famous folk house museum in old Nicosia into a church museum for next year’s bicentennial celebrations of the Greek Revolution...

3596. Cypriot students take to the streets

Organized student groups were gathering outside the Presidential Palace in Nicosia on Thursday to protest the implementation of exams on a semester basis...

3597. Terrorism suspect jailed in the north

A suspected terrorist arrested in the north earlier this week was ordered to remain in custody on Friday, as Turkish Cypriot authorities continue to investigate possible links with ISIS...

3598. Both US and Iran claim ‘self defence’‘self-defence

Iranian UN ambassador has sent a letter to the UN Security Council calling Tehran’s missile strikes a "measured and proportionate" act of "self-defense,” while the US also says killing Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani was for self defence...

3599. Pompeo cancels trip to Nicosia

US State Secretary Mike Pompeo has cancelled a trip to Cyprus next week in the wake of protests outside the US Embassy in Iraq, with Department officials vowing to reschedule the visit “in the near future"...

3600. Israel opposes Turkey-Libya deal

Israel opposes an accord signed last month between Libya and Turkey mapping out maritime boundaries in the eastern Mediterranean, but the deal was unlikely to lead to a conflict with Turkey, Israel's foreign minister says...