12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 571-600 of 761 matches for query primary.

571. Health Ministry announces 361 new cases

The Health Ministry announced 361 cases on Friday, when 48,484 tests were conducted, marking a positivity rate of 0.74%. Total cases reached 43,971....

572. Health Ministry announces two deaths, 293 cases

The Health Ministry announced two coronavirus fatalities and 293 cases on Tuesday, raising the death toll to 248 and total cases detected so far to 43,286....

573. Health Ministry announces one death, 365 cases

The Health Ministry announced one coronavirus fatality and 365 cases on Tuesday, raising the death toll to 246 and total cases detected so far to 42,993....

574. Cabinet says no to early reopening of schools

The Cabinet on Tuesday put its foot down in response to mounting pressure by parents of middle and Limassol primary school students for the reopening of schools ahead of the planned date on April 2....

575. Health Ministry announces two deaths, 410 new cases

The Health Ministry announced two coronavirus fatalities and 410 cases on Monday, raising the death toll to 245 and total cases detected so far to 42,628....

576. Parents take anger over closed schools to Presidential Palace

Parents of middle school and Limassol primary school students took their frustration over schools remaining closed to the street outside the Presidential Palace on Monday....

577. Health Ministry announces 364 new cases

The Health Ministry announced 364 coronavirus cases on Thursday, raising total cases detected so far to 41,475....

578. Health Ministry announces 385 new cases

The Health Ministry announced 385 coronavirus cases on Thursday, raising total cases detected so far to 41,111. ...

579. 729 lives lost on Cyprus roads between 2008-2020

Seven hundred and twenty nine people lost their lives in road crashes between 2008-2020, 60% of which (drivers and passengers) were not wearing a seat belt while 54% of motorcycle drivers and passengers weren’t wearing a helmet, figures released by the Cyprus police on Thursday showed....

580. Health Ministry announces 382 new cases

The Health Ministry announced 382 coronavirus cases on Wednesday, raising total cases detected so far to 40,726. ...

581. Health Ministry announces one death, 475 cases

The Health Ministry announced 475 coronavirus cases and one fatality on Tuesday, raising total cases detected so far to 40,344 and the death toll to 241....

582. Health Ministry announces two deaths, 383 cases

The Health Ministry announced 383 coronavirus cases and two fatalities on Thursday, raising total cases detected so far to 38,879 and the death toll to 238....

583. Health Ministry announces one death, 431 cases

The Health Ministry announced 431 coronavirus cases and one fatality on Thursday, raising total cases detected so far to 38,496 and the death toll to 236....

584. Health Ministry announces 415 cases, two deaths

The Health Ministry announced 415 coronavirus cases and two fatalities on Wednesday, raising total cases detected so far to 38,065 and the death toll to 235. ...

585. Health Ministry announces 420 new cases

The Health Ministry announced 420 coronavirus cases on Tuesday, when 34,799 tests were conducted, marking a positivity rate of 1.21%....

586. Chloraka suspects deny murder charges

Two male suspects extradited from Turkey to face trial in the Chloraka killing of a 20-year-old Syrian man have pleaded not guilty to premeditated murder charges, with a judge ordering them to remain in custody while nine others face manslaughter in the same case but separate trial...

587. Schools the main contributor to recent Covid surge

The growing number of cases being detected at schools that reopened their doors with the government’s gradual lifting of lockdown measures is causing increasing concern....

588. Cyprus awaits relaxation announcements as cases rise

The Health Ministry’s announcement of Tuesday’s coronavirus cases sounded the alarms, cutting short the restrained optimism that had prevailed thus far....

589. Cinemas, theatres to reopen Monday

The Cabinet on Wednesday agreed to allow theatres and cinemas to reopen their doors next Monday....

590. Rapid tests Cyprus' main weapon amid gradual relaxation

A major weapon in the government’s battle against a renewed flare-up of the virus as lockdown measures are steadily lifted are rapid tests, with employees who are set to return to work next week subject to a €300 fine if they haven’t gotten checked for the virus....

591. Teacher ready to sue over Twitter search

A teacher who won an appeal following an unlawful police search, in connection with a Twitter parody account complaint filed by Justice Minister Emily Yiolitis, has vowed to sue the state saying she was targeted because of her activism...

592. SMS system returns as Cyprus enters three-week lockdown

Cyprus Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced the new restrictions agreed upon by the Cabinet on Friday, which include a clampdown on unnecessary movements, and social and professional gatherings....

593. All education levels revert to distance learning

Primary, middle, and high school won’t be returning to school classrooms on January 7, as the Education Ministry announced Tuesday that the school year will resume via distance learning....

594. AG says release of 'golden passports' files would harm investigations

The findings of the investigative committee looking into the Cyprus’ disgraced Citizenship by Investment scheme will be made public to the degree that will not affect public interest, Attorney General Giorgos Savvides said Friday....

595. Teachers in Paphos dance Jerusalema

A group of teachers in Paphos took the Jerusalema Challenge this week, sending a message of hope and solidarity during the global pandemic...

596. COVID-19 to disrupt holiday shopping plans

597. KPMG survey: companies see climate change as financial risk but disclosure quality must improve

56% of the world’s 250 largest companies (G250) now acknowledge climate change as a financial risk to their business in their corporate reporting, according to a new KPMG International survey, which also revealed that the quality of climate-related risk disclosures among these companies needs to improve...

598. Greece enters three-week lockdown to stem jump in infections

The Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced on Thursday a three-week nationwide lockdown in an effort to stop an “aggressive” jump in infections, a rise in intubations and intensive care admissions....

599. COVID-19 calls for digital technology investments in oil and gas

Ninety percent of oil and gas executives agree that investments in technology and workforce are essential to surviving current market conditions, according to a new EY survey...

600. Over 200,000 tonnes of plastic leaking into the Mediterranean each year

A new IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) report finds that an estimated 229,000 tonnes of plastic is leaking into the Mediterranean Sea every year, equivalent to over 500 shipping containers each day. Unless significant measures are taken to address mismanaged waste, the main source of the leakage, this will at least double by 2040. ...