12° Nicosia,
15 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 385 matches for query push-back.

211. ECB tells Cyprus lawmakers to get it right

Elizabeth McCaul, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, advised caution over possible amendments to the Cyprus foreclosure law stressing that 'such policies can also backfire and destabilize the banking sector if designed in a haphazard manner'...

212. G7 agree on plan targeting tax heavens

The G7 reached a landmark deal on Saturday to pursue higher global tax rates on multinational businesses but the measures need broader support including an EU resolution, with retractors including Cyprus where Amazon recently registered a company...

213. Limassol biker dies in wild crash

A local biker was killed in Limassol on Saturday after he lost control of his motorcycle and went flying into the air, with witnesses saying he was popping wheelies before the crash and police not ruling out dangerous motorist behavior...

214. Jam-packed day in Geneva underway

UN chief Antonio Guterres started his day with a full plate on Wednesday, with reports saying efforts could be made to draft a joint statement in Geneva despite the two Cypriot leaders reportedly painting different pictures of their priorities during the 5+1 meeting...

215. Search for common ground on Cyprus begins

The United Nations are launching in Geneva their latest effort in the Cyprus Problem, with an informal 5+1 meeting starting Tuesday in search for common ground despite the two sides on the divided island having denounced each other’s official position...

216. Anastasiades sets course for Geneva

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades is flying to Geneva on Monday ahead of an informal five party meeting held by the UN to ascertain whether there is common ground to push for a new round of peace talks for the divided island...

217. Greek Easter relaxation hopes put to rest

Cyprus’ current epidemiological situation is behind the government’s latest decision to freeze possible relaxation of restrictions ahead of Greek Orthodox Easter, with the administration focusing on vaccinations but also not ruling out further measures...

218. UK Minister talks Cyprus problem in Nicosia visit

The UK Foreign Minister for the European Neighbourhood Wendy Morton reiterated in a visit to Nicosia on Wednesday the UK’s full support of the upcoming UN talks on Cyprus. ...

219. Cyprus wraps up cheese that grills

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades says the registration of halloumi and hellim with the European Union is “to the benefit of all Cypriot producers, Greek and Turkish” following Monday’s designation for the famous cheese that grills but not without protests on both sides...

220. President meets with EU Health Commissioner in Nicosia

President Nicos Anastasiades met with the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides on Monday to discuss EU efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic....

221. EU frontline ministers talk migration in Athens

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is in Athens this weekend where he is attending a MED5 meeting on immigration, with some of the bloc’s Mediterranean members tackling issues stemming from Brussels’ new migration proposals that divide the union...

222. EU regulator ‘convinced’ AstraZeneca benefit outweighs risk‘convinced-astrazeneca-benefit-outweighs-risk

With coronavirus cases rising in many places, governments faced the grimmest of dilemmas Tuesday: push on with a vaccine that is known to save lives or suspend use of AstraZeneca over reports of dangerous blood clots in a few recipients, even as the European regulator said there was “no indication” the shot was responsible....

223. Critics slam 'Trump-like' fence installed in Nicosia suburb

The government came under fire on Tuesday over a decision to lay razor wire along a section of the Astromeritis buffer zone in the Nicosia district....

224. Cyprus to push for help from Brussels on migration issue

The Republic of Cyprus will make its case to Brussels and other international fora, both at the political and technocratic level, over migratory pressure and the need for assistance. ...

225. Turkey faced with Greece’s EU membership and diaspora

Last week, the Turkish minister of defense once again denounced what he perceived as Greek attempts to reframe Greco-Turkish disputes as wider disputes between Turkey and third parties, powerful countries or regional entities....

226. From Bismarck to Merkel

'Turks and Germans loved each other for a long time,' Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during a visit to Berlin in 2018. He was citing the historic words of Germany’s first chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, which still seem to determine Berlin’s policy on Ankara. We should recognize this reality as we enter a new geopolitical era, without succumbing to sentimentalism and spasmodic reactions....

227. Pressure mounts on EU drug regulator to approve Pfizer vaccine

Europe's drug regulator is under increasing pressure to quickly approve the Covid-19 vaccine developed by US giant Pfizer and Germany's BioNTech, officials said, as inoculations get started in Britain and the United States....

228. EU leaders pull Turkey punch at last minute

European Union leaders agreed on Thursday to prepare limited sanctions on Turkish individuals over an energy exploration dispute with Greece and Cyprus, postponing any harsher steps until March as countries sparred over how to handle Ankara...

229. Turkish exploration vessel back in port ahead of EU summit

Turkey’s seismic exploration vessel Oruc Reis returned to port on Monday from disputed Mediterranean waters, less than two weeks before a European Union summit where the bloc will evaluate possible sanctions against Ankara....

230. New court culture coming to Cyprus

The president of the Cyprus Bar Association says justice reform is in the air in the Republic of Cyprus, after proposed rules on Civil Law Procedure were submitted on Thursday to the Supreme Court in hopes to introduce a new court culture on the island...

231. France, EU lawmakers push for sanctions on Turkey next month

France is leading a push for European Union sanctions on Turkey next month to follow through on a threat made by the bloc in October, but has yet to win support from EU governments beyond Greece and Cyprus, officials and diplomats said. ...

232. Council of Europe report critical of Greece's migrant pushbacks, detention conditions

A Council of Europe report, released Thursday, calls on Greece to stop pushbacks of migrants and calls out the country on the conditions in several migrant detention centers....

233. Athens starts diplomatic offensive

Athens has embarked on an ambitious diplomatic offensive aiming to woo old and new friends in the bid to advance its positions in the face of Turkey’s stance in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean. ...

234. UNSG ready for new round of Cyprus talks

In a letter to the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres expressed his readiness to resume talks for a settlement of the Cyprus Problem on the basis of convergences already reached, including agreements during the Berlin meeting of November 2019, but also in accordance with Security Council Resolutions....

235. Cyprus slams Erdogan's push for two-state solution

The Republic of Cyprus slammed comments regarding a two-state solution to the Cyprus Problem made by the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Monday after meeting with the new Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar, with government spokesman Kyriakos Koushios stressing on Tuesday that such prospects are in complete opposition to UN resolutions....

236. Al Jazeera strikes again at Cyprus Papers

Al Jazeera’s investigative unit struck again on Monday with new Cyprus Papers material, involving a report accompanied by a one-hour video depicting undercover reporters who visited Cyprus and posed as representatives of an imaginary ultrarich investor, Mr X, who was convicted for palm-greasing and money laundering, to ‘test’ whether local authorities would still be willing accept his hefty investment and provide him with Cypriot citizenship....

237. Pompeo: No to unilateral actions

Following a visit to the US naval base at Souda Bay on Crete with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday reiterated his opposition to unilateral actions amid disputes between countries and, in an interview with Kathimerini, indicated that the US is prepared to “play any role that’s appropriate and useful and constructive.” ...

238. Made in Cyprus ‘Jiu Jitsu’ to launch in US‘jiu-jitsu-to-launch-in-us

Jiu Jitsu, a sci-fi movie with Nicolas Cage shot in Cyprus under the new Cyprus cash rebate programme, will be the first film to be distributed by a brand new label set up to push a small number of independent titles in North America...

239. Police lower over-the-limit tolerance

Motorists who go slightly over the speed limit by relying on police tolerance will need to make new calculations next week, following a decision by the transport ministry...

240. The four scenarios after the 'veto'

The decision on EU sanctions has been postponed for the meeting of the 27 leaders of member states, likely to take place on October 1 and 2 due to a case of coronavirus. At that meeting, it will become clear whether the case of Belarus will be linked with whether sanctions will be imposed on Turkey for its provocations in the Cyprus EEZ or not. Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides made it clear to the Council of Foreign Ministers that what was agreed in Berlin should be respected, in essence using his veto. Whether Nicosia will maintain this position until the end will be seen at the summit of the 27....