12° Nicosia,
07 February, 2025

Labor inspections island-wide during the month of May

Ministry cracks down on undeclared labor

Source: CNA

The Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance will be carrying out spot inspections island-wide in May at leisure centers and cafes to combat undeclared labor and to ensure that businesses are complying with basic labor laws, the Ministry announced.

The purpose, they say, is to raise awareness about the consequences of undeclared work and non-compliance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.  In addition, inspectors will scrutinize the working conditions at these venues, in order to ascertain whether employees' salaries, working hours and leaves of absence are in line with employment regulations.

According to the provisions of the relevant labor legislation in Cyprus, employing an undeclared worker can result in a €500 fine multiplied by 7 months unless the employer proves that the period of violation was shorter.  Should the period of violation be longer, the fine will be multiplied by the number of months the employer was in violation. 

A nationwide hotline has been set up for complaints or information regarding labor violations.  The number is free to call, 77778577.


Cyprus  |  economy  |  labor

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