Never before has the slogan of DISY ''seismos seismos, Synagermos'' (or roughly translated: ''earthquake, earthquake, Alarm'') been more fitting than in the days we're living through now (It does sound better in Greek though don't you agree?). This is because the seismic tremors that began with Christodoulides’ candidacy (with ongoing aftershocks ever since, comparable to what we see in Santorini) may reach their peak tomorrow at the big DISY (Democratic Rally) Congress. The topics to be discussed are endless, with hidden agendas that, as time passes, are not so hidden anymore.
I would compare the situation to Annita being asked to walk through a sandstorm and emerge unscathed, with her hair perfectly styled, which, of course, is practically impossible. Uncomfortable topics will be discussed, inevitable tensions will arise, and, worst of all, not everything can be postponed indefinitely. At some point, painful decisions will have to be made, and some DISY members, officials, or supporters will be left unhappy.
The Fox from Argaka (Averof Neofytou), who, to be fair, paid the price either for the mistakes of others or for the unpopular positions he’s occasionally expressed, seems to have learned from those who defeated him and is now applying their strategy. Our national retiree and the blonde influencer watch in discomfort as Averof engages in an apolitical guerrilla war, vanishing whenever there's a hot potato and appearing only in quick strikes, suddenly attacking and firing (just like the 'armatlokoi' and 'klephtes', bandits of old), before quickly returning to the safety of his hideout.
His hideout, of course, is for obvious reasons. This time, he found himself in New York, his favorite cosmopolitan destination after Argaka. From the safety of a distance, he managed to draw attention to himself with a viral post. In it, he claims, among other things: “The Pakistani taxi driver voted for Trump to keep other foreigners out of America. The waitress is waiting to see tax cuts now that tips won’t be taxed anymore, while the businessman sees his store full and his customers spending more.” I am speechless.
He ends with a wish that MAGA (Make America Great Again) won’t lead to MES (Make Europe Smaller). You quickly double-check to make sure this post didn’t come from Fidias, and then try to decipher it. The message is controversial, more complicated than hieroglyphs.
Although it’s not explicitly stated – to use the favored expression of young Nikos (Christodoulides) – it’s clear that Foulis (Averof) has been profoundly influenced by Trumpism and is probably a closet Trump supporter. Perhaps there’s even a subtle thought that MAGA (Make Averof Great Again) could lead to MASA (Make Annita Small Again). We shall see.
*This article was translated from its Greek original