12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 271-300 of 330 matches for query Costa.

271. On this Day on 17 September 1625

On 17 September 1625, Pietro della Valle, a Roman traveler of patrician birth, made an entry in his journal about the church of Saint Lazarus in Larnaca, Cyprus...

272. Government scrambles to counter teacher strike

The government is putting together measures to minimise the impact of next week’s teacher strike, with the education minister saying he is willing to pick things up with the unions from where they were left off at the last handshake...

273. Green Sea Turtle rescued in Limassol returns to the sea

274. Teachers and government clash over strike

Union teachers decided Wednesday to go on a rolling strike, starting with a 48-hour industrial action next week while warning the government this is only the beginning...

275. AG disagrees with former banker’s acquittal

Attorney General Costas Clerides disapproves of the acquittal of former banker Andreas Eliades, saying cases involving the collapse of the credit and financial system are “difficult and complicated...

276. Cyprus argues British Military Bases in Cyprus violate UN Charter

277. Coca cola takes over Costa Coffee

The owners of café chain Costa have agreed to sell the business to Coca Cola for €5.4 billion, marking a new era for the global soft drink group...

278. Education crisis at end of tether

Difficult days lie ahead in public education, with state teachers unions saying a last-minute proposal by ruling party Disy, at least at face value, is no different than the latest government measures already rejected...

279. Teacher demo forces eleventh hour debate

The government is contemplating a suggestion that would allow proposed education measures to take hold but only through the end of the calendar year, in exchange of labour peace and talks with the teachers unions...

280. Teachers march nine thousand-strong

Thousands of demonstrators descended on Presidential Palace Avenue on Tuesday, protesting a Cabinet decision to trim down the number of class-exempt teaching hours in state schools...

281. Teachers regroup ahead of big demonstration

States teachers unions rejected over the weekend a government attempt to seek middle ground in budgeting exempted hours, saying they had nothing to do with the proposal and warning they would resist any change without mutual agreement...

282. Nicosia seeks legal input in Browder case

Nicosia has to make a final decision on whether authorities can legally cooperate with Russia in the Browder case, following a court ruling in early August opened the door for judicial assistance...

283. President makes final offer to teachers

President Nicos Anastasiades has weighed in on the ongoing debacle between state educators and the government, drawing up a final offer to teachers and expecting an answer before the weekend is out...

284. Education debacle full of suspense

The president is weighing in on the ongoing debate between the government and state educators in a last ditch effort to avoid a bumpy start of the school year, but it is not clear whether the highly contested issue of budgeting hours will be taken off the table...

285. No labour peace as schools open next month

State teachers and the government failed to reach an agreement this week, with the education minister saying the unions were placing demands that cannot be addressed before September and accusing them of avoiding the budgeting issue...

286. Archbishop favours scrapping five religious school holidays

Archbishop Chrysostomos says religious holidays on school days no longer serve their purpose, suggesting that five of them should be eliminated while also taking a jab at union teachers...

287. Gap in education talks seems unbridgeable

A truce agreed upon ten days ago by state teachers and the government, which aimed to help reengage in a dialogue on school reform, appears to be collapsing...

288. Teachers agree to a truce

Three unions representing high school state educators have agreed to a truce with the government, in order to reengage in a weeklong dialogue aimed at finding common ground in school reform...

289. President invites enraged teachers to Palace

President Nicos Anastasiades has extended an invitation to public education union leaders in order to have an open dialogue on school reorganisation...

290. Teachers up in arms as minister rejects ultimatum

Unions of state educators are fuming as Education Minister Costas Hambiarouis rejected their ultimatum to start dialogue from scratch in public school reform...

291. Browder attorney in Cyprus rests his case

Bill Browder’s attorney in Cyprus says the government and justice minister are complying with a request for judicial assistance in order to keep Russia happy...

292. Minister unfazed by angry educators

Thousands of public teachers stood outside the gates of the Education Ministry on Friday, calling on Education Minister Costas Hambiaouris to resign and union members refusing to go to his office to talk things out...

293. Cyprus and Israel talk fire and water

Israel and Cyprus agreed to develop further their cooperation in water management and firefighting, two areas in which both countries face similar challenges...

294. Browder case in Cyprus pushed back another week

The Bill Browder case had been pushed back for another week due to a scheduling conflict with his defence attorney, with a Nicosia judge setting a new hearing date for July 18...

295. AG names investigators to comb though co-op

A former judge, an economist, and a banker will make up the executive committee that will investigate any suspicious dealings that took place in the troubled Cypriot co-op...

296. Rouvikonas claims attempted attack on ANEL MP’s office

The Rouvikonas anti-establishment group on Wednesday claimed responsibility for an attempted attack on the office of an MP with Independent Greeks, the right-wing party in Greece’s left led-coalition....

297. Former judge points fingers at the establishment

Former ECHR judge Loukis Loucaides says police abuse and corruption are part of a systemic problem in Cyprus that cannot change until those at the top who hold political office stand up and follow the letter of the law...

298. Probe countdown begins for Cyprus Co-Op debacle

Attorney General Costas Clerides is moving forward with the launching of an investigation into possible offences at the Cyprus Cooperative Bank, in connection with bad loans worth €7.5 billion...

299. Probe into Stavros’ death still open

Members of a Health and Safety Task Force Committee are visiting Alethriko elementary on Wednesday, a Larnaca school where 10-year-old Stavros Georgallis got injured last month and whose death hours later was shrouded in controversy and allegations of incompetence...

300. #PoliticsBlog End of an era and Harris’ bitter chalice

Journalists often abuse the term 'end of an era' but in the case of the Cyprus Cooperative Bank, these words totally fit the bill...