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19 September, 2024


Displaying results 211-232 of 232 matches for query JAPAN.

211. Hunt: UK risks Brexit paralysis and possibly no Brexit at all

212. Christmas in photos around the world

Here are a few photos from different parts of the world where Christmas was celebrated on 25 December 2018...

213. Ghosn not currently fit to lead Renault, says French finance minister

214. After cabinet backing, May girds for Brexit battle in parliament

215. Greece to continue importing oil from Iran

Greece will continue to import oil from Iran after it was – along with seven other countries – granted a temporary exemption from the sanctions Washington re-imposed on the Islamic republic on Monday....

216. US reimposes oil and financial sanctions against Iran

217. Exxon Mobil is placing big bets on China’s soaring liquefied natural gas demand

218. Condé Nast International to launch its 25th Vogue in Greece

219. Netflix's next big thing: feeding the service with its own movies

As Hollywood studios unleash their summer blockbusters into theatres, Netflix is trying to give film buffs a reason to stay home...

220. Israel's Netta beats Cyprus

Israel’s Netta Barzilai won the Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon on Saturday, bringing Israel its fourth victory in the glitzy pageant, watched by over 200 million people around the world, and the right to host the event next year...

221. Trump seeks 'very meaningful' summit in with N. Korea

US President Donald Trump has high hopes of “doing something very meaningful” to curtail North Korea’s nuclear ambitions at a summit in Singapore next month, after Pyongyang smoothed the way for talks by freeing three American prisoner...

222. Looted church mosaic has been located on someone's wall

A rare mosaic depicting Apostle Mark from the Church of Kanakaria has been located, according to The Walk of Truth, a non-profit organization which campaigns for these last mosaic fragments from the church be included on Interpol’s list of stolen artworks...

223. Understanding Kim: Madman or misunderstood

US intelligence experts are trying to build a profile of Kim Jong Un to give Trump a competitive edge in one of the most consequential summits since the Cold War...

224. Thousands gather for ANZAC Day memorials around world

The date is seared into the national consciousness as a point where the two nations emerged from the shadow of the British empire...

225. Driver kills 10 after ploughing van into Toronto crowd

The brutal incident - which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a “tragic and senseless attack” - was one of the most violent in recent Canadian history...

226. Airlines re-route flights

Some major airlines were re-routing flights on Wednesday after Europe’s air traffic control agency warned aircraft flying in the eastern Mediterranean to exercise caution due to possible air strikes into Syria....

227. RAF bombers on standby in Cyprus

RAF bombers on standbyTornado bombers at RAF Akrotiri are on standby and ready to strike against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if such an order is given out, just days after a US missile destroyer left Larnaca port....

228. Cypriot jihadist does not expect fair trial

Two members of the “Beatles of ISIS” squad, one of them of Cypriot origin, say they don’t expect to get a fair trial after being stripped of their British citizenship. ...

229. China space station burns up over South Pacific

The 10.4-metre-long Tiangong-1, or “Heavenly Palace 1”, was launched in 2011 to carry out docking and orbit experiments...

230. China says North Korea committed to denuclearization

North Korea is willing to talk with the United States and hold a summit between the two countries...

231. China urges US away from 'brink' of trade war

China showed readiness to retaliate by declaring plans to levy additional duties on up to $3 billion of US imports...

232. Trump and North Korea's Kim plan first-ever meeting

Trump had previously said he was willing to meet Kim under the right circumstances but had indicated the time was not right...