12° Nicosia,
16 September, 2024


Displaying results 181-210 of 231 matches for query JAPAN.

181. 20 Cyprus coronavirus patients to participate in drug clinical trial

20 coronavirus-positive patients currently being treated in Cyprus hospitals will participate in the third phase of clinical testing of the influenza antiviral drug Avigan, to evaluate its safety and efficacy against Covid-19....

182. Additional COVID-19 protection measures announced in the north

Turkish Cypriot ministers agreed on several additional coronavirus protection measures on Friday during their third emergency session on the unfolding pandemic....

183. Health Ministry issues revised travel guidelines

The Ministry of Health has released revised travel advice to travellers concerning the novel coronavirus, with effect as of Saturday, March 14....

184. Updated guidelines for arrivals from high-risk countries

Updated guidelines for travellers were issued on Tuesday afternoon by the Health Ministry, which bumped the UK from a Category 2 high-risk country to Category 3, reportedly due to fears of massive economic implications....

185. Cyprus scrambles to assert coronavirus policy

More Cypriots are resisting government plans aimed at establishing a local quarantine facility for the coronavirus, while foreign officials warn the Wuhan outbreak may be reaching pandemic levels...

186. Cyprus quarantines woman on flight to Israel

Cypriot health officials have quarantined one individual as a coronavirus high-risk after a private jet landed in Larnaca with a crew member suspected of coming into contact with Israel's first ever confirmed case...

187. Novel coronavirus: The profile of victims

The death toll from the coronavirus epidemic rose to 490 in China on Wednesday, when two US airlines suspended flights to Hong Kong after the first coronavirus fatality was recorded, and a cruise ship was quarantined in Japan after 10 passengers tested positive for the virus....

188. House President holds meeting with outgoing Ambassador of Japan

Cyprus House President Demetris Syllouris met on Tuesday with the outgoing Ambassador of Japan in Cyprus, Shinichi Nakatsugawa....

189. Coronavirus outbreak and fears spread

The World Health Organization is reconvening Thursday to decide whether the virus should be classified as a global health emergency, as an outbreak of a new coronavirus that began in the central Chinese city of Wuhan has killed 17 and infected nearly 600 people globally...

190. 2020 year of ‘slowbalisation’‘slowbalisation-for-global-economy

Global economic growth in 2020 is expected to grow at a rate of around 3.4% in purchasing power parity terms,according to new projections by PwC, compared to its long-term average of a 21st century average of 3.8% per year...

191. Attorney general okays spy van warrants

The CEO of WiSpear says he is open to talking to Cypriot police, while investigators insist on reeling him in after the attorney general reportedly gave the okay for the arrest warrants of three Israeli nationals in the spy van case...

192. Court rejects remand requests in spy van case

Prosecutors in the spy van case pointed to Wi-Fi antennas installed at Larnaca International Airport, during a remand hearing on Friday where three local employees of an Israeli firm were being accused of multiple charges including privacy laws violations...

193. Firms including MOL, Osaka, Gaslog, chosen in Cyprus FSRU LNG tender

Three joint ventures have been selected by Cyprus in the first stage of a tender to provide a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) to import liquefied natural gas (LNG)...

194. EY: Renewable energy is taking strides towards a subsidy-free era

The renewable energy sector is entering a new phase of subsidy-free growth across the world, according to the 53rd EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI). Mainland China and the US remain at first and second positions respectively on the top 40 ranking, while France moves up two positions to third from fifth, led by a new focus on floating offshore wind capacity and doubling of its annual targets for onshore wind capacity additions...

195. Two women at the top of EU decision making

Under the deal, Ursula von der Leyen, a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will replace Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm...

196. Erdogan tells Macron not to speak about Cyprus

197. Carbo One sponsors Cypriot Olympic team

Carbo One Ltd. sponsors the Cypriot Olympic team ahead of 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo...

198. Johnson and Hunt fight for British PM job

199. Chinese Ambassador to Cyprus: No one stands to win in a trade war

200. How to reinforce the arsenal for the fight against cancer

With research and timely diagnosis being the tip of the spear in the fight against cancer, Carbo One Ltd funds significant events that aim at reinforcing research...

201. The Cypriot company that feeds the world with coal

Carbo One Ltd is one of the biggest players in the world coal market with an almost 20 year experience, circulating more than 75 million tons of the good...

202. Motive behind tanker attacks unclear

203. Ancient Greek Drama Festival returns

204. Tourism Minister says Brexit extension to affect holiday prices

205. Professor turned away at Larnaca Airport

A Japanese professor who was visiting a university in the north was refused entry at Larnaca International Airport, prompting reaction on both sides of the divided island...

206. K. Treppides & Co Ltd: Cryptocurrencies/Digital Assets and Regulation

Following the latest trend with the VFA's or Cryptocurrencies or Digital Assets and the Blockchain technology behind them, a booming and contagious effect is spreading between Continents since they are considered to be the ‘golden key’ to a new age...

207. French fighter jets fly over Cyprus

208. Implementation of the Multilateral Instrument

209. Parsimonious northerners are the euro's biggest winners, study shows

Germany and the Netherlands have benefited enormously from the euro over the 20 years since its launch, a study has found, while for almost every other member the single currency has been a serious drag on economic growth....

210. Hunt: UK risks Brexit paralysis and possibly no Brexit at all