12° Nicosia,
05 October, 2024


Displaying results 871-900 of 1197 matches for query Management.

871. ECB tells Cyprus lawmakers to get it right

Elizabeth McCaul, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, advised caution over possible amendments to the Cyprus foreclosure law stressing that 'such policies can also backfire and destabilize the banking sector if designed in a haphazard manner'...

872. KPMG Announcement

873. Legal departments face challenges in transformation efforts

Legal departments across the globe are facing a mounting list of operational challenges as they look to transform in the wake of complex digital and regulatory change, according to the 2021 EY Law Survey, which was conducted in collaboration with the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession...

874. KPMG and CIM offer 2 scholarships

KPMG in Cyprus and the Cyprus Institute of Marketing – The Cyprus Business School (CIM) offer for third consecutive year the opportunity to two fellow citizens to acquire an undergraduate or a postgraduate degree...

875. Advisory Services to the Cyprus Cancer Research Institute

KPMG in Cyprus will offer pro-bono Advisory Services to the Cyprus Cancer Research Institute (CCRI). Based on the partnership, the scope of services relates to the overall design of the Institute’s operational processes...

876. Consulco outperforms the London property market says MSCI.

The annual MSCI results are now available, and Consulco’s London commercial real estate portfolio outperformed the Greater London Retail property market by 5.9 % during 2020. ...

877. Cyprus unveils 'ambitious' stimulus plan

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has called on the new parliament after elections as well as industry leaders to support an ambitious €4.4 billion economic stimulus plan, saying it will lead the country into a new era...

878. Mild-mannered Stylianides back in action

Former European Commissioner Christos Stylianides will be appointed special adviser to Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas, Politico’s Playbook said Wednesday...

879. Anastasiades warns against new faits accomplis

Despite talks in Geneva coming to an unsuccessful end after the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced he failed to find common ground among parties, President Nicos Anastasiades lauded the successful management of the summit on the part of Guterres and the Greek Cypriot representation....

880. S7 looking to drop Cyprus Airways

The future of Cyprus Airways is once again up in the air following reports that its Russian private shareholder S7 is looking to sell its entire stake in the Larnaca-based Charlie Airlines...

881. KPMG Announcement

KPMG in Cyprus wishes to inform you that our partner, Antonis Rouvas has decided to accept appointment as Group CFO at Hellenic Bank...

882. 22 green points operating islandwide, 14 more in pipeline

There are 22 green points operating across Cyprus, Environment Minister Costas Kadis said on Thursday, adding that the aim is to set up another 14 large green points to accommodate densely populated areas and dozens more smaller drop-off points in rural areas....

883. IMF: Withdrawal of support measures should be gradual

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission met virtually with the Cypriot authorities from March 8–29, 2021 to discuss recent economic developments and policy priorities on the island. In an interview with Kathimerini Cyprus, IMF mission chief for Cyprus, Anita Tuladhar, said the longer the recovery period in sectors related to tourism, the greater the chance that permanent scars will remain in the economy of Cyprus. Tuladhar also noted the importance of state-sponsored programs to support the economy....

884. Cyprus expecting 60,000 Covid doses this week

885. Islandwide rollout of 'pay as you throw' programme in 2022

The ‘pay as you throw’ programme is expected to be rolled out across Cyprus next year, President Nicos Anastasiades said Wednesday....

886. Damning State Dep. report highlights Cyprus human rights issues

A US State Department country report on human rights practices in 2020 proved damning for Cyprus which was found to have had significant human rights issues last year....

887. EU frontline ministers talk migration in Athens

Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris is in Athens this weekend where he is attending a MED5 meeting on immigration, with some of the bloc’s Mediterranean members tackling issues stemming from Brussels’ new migration proposals that divide the union...

888. 729 lives lost on Cyprus roads between 2008-2020

Seven hundred and twenty nine people lost their lives in road crashes between 2008-2020, 60% of which (drivers and passengers) were not wearing a seat belt while 54% of motorcycle drivers and passengers weren’t wearing a helmet, figures released by the Cyprus police on Thursday showed....

889. Cyprus scrambles to reduce asylum backlog

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris says the government is moving forward with rejections of asylum applications under new, faster procedures to clear a system backlog, with Europe seeking a comprehensive solution and a commissioner calling on Cypriot authorities to investigate illegal pushbacks...

890. President warns of tougher measures

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades addressed the nation on Tuesday, two days after hundreds of carnival enthusiasts violated protocols in Limassol, with the commander in chief warning of tougher measures if people did not shape up...

891. Cyprus to assume first Presidency term of EMGF

Cyprus will assume its first official Presidency term of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF) starting on January 2022, participants at the fourth EMGF ministerial meeting decided on Tuesday....

892. Vaccinations 'main economic tool' in managing Covid crisis

Vaccinations have turned into the main economic tool for the management of the coronavirus crisis and the prospects for recovery, Minister of Finance Constantinos Petrides said, stating that he foresees a strong recovery in 2021 ranging from 3.5% to 4.5% of GDP, depending on the development of the pandemic....

893. Cyprus FM express solidarity to Greece after 6.0 earthquake

Cyprus’ Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides contacted his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias to whom he expressed the solidarity of the Cypriot people to Greece following the earthquake that struck Elassona, in central Greece, on Monday....

894. Cyprus response to pandemic gets tested

Another pandemic death was recorded Tuesday in the Republic of Cyprus, as critical voices against the government’s response continue to multiply calling for fewer tests and more vaccinations...

895. FinMin: Cyprus to reduce debt once pandemic normalises

Cyprus Minister of Finance Constantinos Petrides told the Cyprus News Agency that the government will begin reducing public debt, increased due to strategic cash reserves, once the pandemic begins to normalise....

896. Cypriot army to feed animals with leftovers

The Animal Party Cyprus says the National Guard has agreed to reduce food waste by saving leftovers for Cyprus’ animal shelters...

897. Current restrictions extended through February

Taking up the suggestion of the inter-ministerial committee tasked with the management of the pandemic, the Cabinet on Wednesday agreed to extend current restriction measures until the end of the month....

898. When the lights of the Palace begin to dim

The testimonies of 2013, say that in those critical days of the savings levy, there was a crowd of people on the hill of the presidential palace....

899. Thousands of Covid decree violation fines left unpaid

Thousands of fines issued to the public for violating coronavirus decrees remain unpaid, Kathimerini Cyprus reported Monday....

900. The hidden world of soil and why we need to protect it

In the wake of the climate crisis over the last decades, we all talk about the state of the air we breathe and the quality of our water; both undoubtedly invaluable and essential to all life forms. However, we very often forget another key player; the part of Earth right under our feet, the soil....