12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2101-2130 of 3500 matches for query Politic.

2101. Seven Greek soldiers killed during the invasion have finally returned home

Forty-seven years after they were killed during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, the remains of 7 Greek soldiers were returned to their homeland....

2102. There is no longer a 'federation' solution in Cyprus, says Tatar

The issue of a Cypriot Federation was closed after he took over the “presidency” of the pseudo and illegal state of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, said Turkish-speaking Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar....

2103. German Health Minister: 'Vaccinated, recovered or dead' by the end of winter

New calls for an increase in vaccinations were made on Monday by the German Minister of Health, Jens Span. The Minister warned about a very difficult winter to come due to a pandemic, while discussions to extend the deadline for persons to get vaccinated are intensifying around the country....

2104. Reduction of electricity VAT from 19% to 9%

Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said on Thursday that the Government has notified the EU’s VAT Committee over its intention to reduce VAT on household electricity bills from 19% to 9%...

2105. 'Time is not on the side of a solution'

While giving her perspective on the current challenges and opportunities in the Cyprus issue, Elizabeth Spehar warned of the passing of too much time and that "the more time passes, the greater the possibility that the divide will be entrenched". ...

2106. The Vatican welcomes modern Greek art

It is the first cultural event of Greece in the Vatican, one of the centers that shaped European art....

2107. The sins of the EU and Nouris' obligation

The numbers are buzzing about the huge problem Cyprus faces with irregular immigration and asylum seekers....

2108. Cabbies want no politics in pumping gas north

Taxi drivers in the Republic of Cyprus went on strike Tuesday to air their grievances against customs officials who allegedly have been threatening cabbies to have their vehicles confiscated if they filled up in the north...

2109. Cyprus hopes for Turkey’s dress down in December

Nicosia says it is displeased over delays in reprimanding Turkey over actions in Varosha, while also expressing readiness to support punishing Ankara over its stance on migration...

2110. The lockdown of the unvaccinated begins today in Austria

A lockdown for citizens who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 enters into force in Austria today, and even stricter restrictions are not ruled out if the situation continues to worsen....

2111. The Cyprus issue is at a prolonged impasse

The insistence of Turkey and the leader of the Turkish Cypriots and settlers Ersin Tatar on advance acceptance by the Greek Cypriot side of the sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriots has led the Cyprus issue to a prolonged impasse....

2112. Commissioner slaps fine in spy van case

An Israeli-owned company in Cyprus known for its role in the country’s spy van case agreed to pay nearly one million in fines despite no evidence of spying on citizens, after an independent commissioner found there was no doubt that actions by WiSpear had at the very least breached principles relating to personal data...

2113. Locals up in arms over mosque plans

Local residents in a village in Paphos are up in arms over hearsay that Syrian inhabitants in the community want to have a mosque in the small rural town, with the debate on migration getting more intense and political...

2114. Cyprus grabs a seat at the Libya conference table

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has a seat waiting for him at the Libya conference in Paris on Friday, the first time ever for the east Mediterranean island to officially state its views on the war-torn country proxied by power struggles in the region...

2115. Erdogan files lawsuit against Greek newspaper

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has filed a lawsuit against Greek daily newspaper Dimokratia at a prosecutor’s office in Ankara,...

2116. The Evros example

The West, particularly Europe, is faced with a dilemma. It is challenged by tough players that casually utilize threats and blackmail....

2117. Former South African President F.W. de Klerk dead at 85

South Africa's last white president F.W. de Klerk, who died on Thursday aged 85, stunned the world when he scrapped apartheid and negotiated a peaceful transfer of power to a Black-led government under Nelson Mandela....

2118. Rift ignites over access to pandemic data in Cyprus

A great rift has been taking place within the government’s scientific advisory team in the Republic of Cyprus, with some members demanding more data and a bigger say on policy and others ready to offer their opinions whenever officials need expert advice...

2119. Greek PM defends migration policy in heated exchange with journalist (video)

Mitsotakis, whose center-right New Democracy party came to power in 2019, defended his government’s migration policy, calling it “tough but fair”, and said Greece was rescuing hundreds of people at sea since 2015 when it was on the frontline of Europe’s migration crisis....

2120. Cypriot experts dissent from government decisions

A frustrated local epidemiologist in Cyprus is calling on the government to reevaluate its latest response to the pandemic, saying politicians are ignoring local data on how vaccinated persons continue to spread the coronavirus...

2121. Rule stickler mayor left hanging with stroke of pen

President Nicos Anastasiades used the stroke of a pen on Wednesday to block the closure of a department store in Paphos, a move that left the town’s mayor hanging after he had warned his municipality would not tolerate illegal operations without permits...

2122. France flexes muscle, puts warship in eastern Mediterranean

France showcased its military muscle Monday with a tour of its new frigate Auvergne in the eastern Mediterranean,...

2123. Cyprus awaits Brussels decision on golden passports

The President’s Cabinet in the Republic of Cyprus has approved at least 390 golden passport applications despite European warnings after the program was scrapped last year, with Interior Minister Nicos Nouris saying he has already explained the logic to the European Commission but hasn’t heard back yet...

2124. Cyprus’ top expert goes public over measures

The head of Cyprus’ government team for pandemic response says it is time for measures to evolve, calling for frequent rapid tests to apply to vaccinated people as well amid reports that many who get the jab tend to play down symptoms and carry on normally due to a false sense of security...

2125. Cyprus’ civil service secret out in the open

Thousands of civil servants have been found to run private businesses or direct companies without permission from the state, with officials calling on violators to comply with the law and some politicians calling for an investigation into possible conflicts of interest...

2126. Tatar puts up new fight for squeaky cheese

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar is taking to task European Union decisions on halloumi/hellim, the island’s famous cheese, saying they favor Greek Cypriots and leave their counterparts in the north at the mercy of inspectors approved by the south...

2127. Cabinet ends citizenship ordeal for mixed couple’s kids

The President’s Cabinet has granted citizenship to two siblings from a bicommunal mixed family, following criticism that their applications for identification cards were caught in a political stalemate for having a Turkish grandfather...

2128. Poland fined 1 million Euros per day

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) sentenced Poland to a fine of 1 million Euros per day for ignoring a ruling ordering the country to suspend the disciplinary chamber of its Supreme Court....

2129. Cyprus dips toe into euthanasia debate

Euthanasia in the Republic of Cyprus is forbidden by law but two women in parliament are more than ready to discuss the taboo of painless killing, a practice viewed by the Church as suicide or even murder...

2130. Government issues decree to allow employment of asylum seekers

The Cyprus government has issued a decree making it easier for companies to hire political asylum seekers in Cyprus....