12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2161-2190 of 3501 matches for query Politic.

2161. Jury still out on UN rep after New York lunch

Divided Cyprus’ leaders are on standby following a meeting they had together with the Secretary General, with reports saying a joint statement was past due following disagreement over specifics in assigning another UN representative on the island...

2162. Biden's Ankara pick says no two-state solution in Cyprus

Never-Trumper Jeff Flake reversed his position on the Armenian issue on Tuesday, replying with a resounding “yes” to US Senator Bob Menendez before the foreign relations committee that holds the hey to advancing his nomination to be ambassador to Turkey...

2163. Treating antisocial elements for what they are

Day-to-day life in Greece is excessively determined by people defying laws, rules and reason; it’s disappointing and extremely frustrating. ...

2164. Baby Asya arrives in Nicosia for costly treatment

One-year-old Asya Polatli, who is in need of expensive gene therapy, flew from Turkey to Larnaca on Monday after health authorities in the Republic of Cyprus said the Turkish Cypriot infant who had already began treatment in Turkey could be admitted to a hospital in Nicosia...

2165. Anastasiades meets Elpidophoros after Tweet

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades reversed an earlier decision and finally met with Archbishop Elpidophoros in New York, after the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in America had issued a statement on Twitter calling for unity...

2166. President Anastasiades addresses the 76th UN General Assembly

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, today addressed members of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York....

2167. Vaccinated in Cyprus granted checkpoint boon

The two sides of divided Cyprus have agreed to do away with tests for fully vaccinated persons wishing to cross the buffer zone, following the latest assessments of a bicommunal committee and news that the virus is slowing down...

2168. Another cause for division

We have made something of a custom of division in Greece. It is something we do passionately, ready to fight with our friends and turn our backs on our neighbors....

2169. Elpidophoros clears up Turkish House incident

Archbishop Elpidophoros says he is 'sincerely sorry' for pain he may have caused to Cypriot and Greek Americans by attending the opening of a Turkish House in New York City, while pointing out he has always sought 'honest and courageous' dialogue for peace and religious freedom...

2170. No more apologies: Inside Facebook's push to defend its image

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, signed off last month on a new initiative code-named Project Amplify....

2171. Hope for a new perspective on the Cyprus issue

The meeting of the President of the Republic Nikos Anastasiadis with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, lasting 20 minutes, did not seem to change the climate that exists in the Cypriot view in view of next Monday's appointment with the Turkish leader Ersin Tatar....

2172. Cypriot president snubs Archbishop in New York

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has canceled a meeting with Archbishop Elpidophoros in New York City, amid reports that Nicosia and Athens were displeased after the high churchman attended the opening of a Turkish House a day earlier...

2173. Chasing immortality

"The only sure thing is death and taxes," Benjamin Franklin said 230 years ago. ...

2174. Athens and Istanbul can do their part

During one of the deepest troughs in bilateral relations in the fall of 1999 following the arrest of Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan, Greece and Turkey went from being on the brink of war to a rapprochement, spearheaded by their foreign ministers, George Papandreou and the late Ismail Cem....

2175. Russia behind 2006 murder of Litvinenko

The European Court of Human Rights today ruled that Russia was responsible for the 2006 killing of Alexander Litvinenko....

2176. Britain: End of an Era - Which University ousted Cambridge and Oxford

For the first time in history, neither Cambridge nor Oxford are at the top of British universities: At the top of the rankings is now the University of St Andrews in Scotland....

2177. Cyprus’ spy van case too close to the bone

A police investigation in Cyprus has concluded there was no proof of illegal phone tapping in the spy van case, but prosecutors are still going after the main suspects on lesser charges despite reports of alleged contacts in the past with local officials...

2178. Loizidou case still open as others settle

The conclusion of a meeting by the Committee of Ministers keeps the Loizidou case open for oversight, while other cases are closed due to amicable settlement between Greek Cypriot private citizens and Turkey...

2179. EU Cannot be blackmailed

Europe cannot be blackmailed by any of its neighboring countries on migration,...

2180. Case against artist George Gabriel dropped

The Cabinet today authorized the Minister of Education to call on the Attorney General to drop disciplinary proceedings against George Gabriel....

2181. A decentralized federation, with flexibility

Marina Economidou interviews UK High Commissioner Stephen Lillie regarding the UK's proposed plan to the Cyprus solution....

2182. September 11: Twenty years since the day that changed the world

Twenty years have passed since the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York...

2183. NATO must 'stand together' in Afghanistan

The political and military leadership of the Afghan Army must shoulder a significant part of the blame for its swift collapse...

2184. The superiority of transparency and efficiency

The Hellenic Republic signed a contract to purchase 44 torpedoes for its 214HN submarines, considered a significant asset against Turkey....

2185. Book with Ataturk reference pulled after false move

The education ministry in the Republic of Cyprus is temporarily suspending the use of a high school workbook, following backlash over an urgent email calling on English teachers to rip out a page about Kemal Ataturk, with Nicosia on the defence after Turkey and Turkish Cypriots landed hard on the decision...

2186. President Anastasiades is ready for a solution

President Nicos Anastasiades, sent a letter last week to UN S.G. Antonio Guterres underlining his readiness for a solution to the Cyprus problem....

2187. Zorba the Greek composer, Mikis Theodorakis has died at age 96

He was a legendary figure in Greece and was world renowned for his huge body of work....

2188. Cypriot experts on board with third dose

The Cypriot government will take a political decision this week on a proposal to start administering third COVID-19 vaccine doses ahead of the flu season in response to the Delta variant threat that emerged sooner than expected during the summer...

2189. Menendez says two-state wrong for Cyprus

American Senator Bob Menendez, a longtime champion of Hellenic causes, said during his visit to the Republic of Cyprus that his goal was to see the last Turkish soldier leave the divided island...

2190. Nicosia’s senator friend pays visit

US Senator Bob Menendez, a well-known ally of Greeks and Greek Cypriots, is on a private visit to Nicosia on Monday where he will receive the island’s highest honor...