12° Nicosia,
30 September, 2024


Displaying results 2251-2280 of 3503 matches for query Politic.

2251. Greek far-right MEP arrested in Brussels

Convicted Golden Dawn lawmaker Ioannis Lagos was arrested in his home in Brussels on Tuesday, shortly after a European arrest warrant was issued for the far-right MEP, according to sources. ...

2252. Larnaca seafront’s last oil tank gone

A video showing the removal of the last oil tank from Larnaca’s seafront was posted online Tuesday, revealing an unobstructed view of the ancient town’s blue waters after years of local and national efforts...

2253. Search for common ground on Cyprus begins

The United Nations are launching in Geneva their latest effort in the Cyprus Problem, with an informal 5+1 meeting starting Tuesday in search for common ground despite the two sides on the divided island having denounced each other’s official position...

2254. Biden says Armenian deaths were genocide

US President Joe Biden kept a campaign promise on Saturday, saying massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted genocide, a move vehemently denounced by Turkey amid frayed ties between the two NATO allies...

2255. Alan Duncan publishes book ahead of Geneva

Sir Alan Duncan who irritated Greek Cypriots two years ago when he said sovereignty over waters off the island was 'under dispute' has written a book, in which he says the British High Commissioner felt betrayed by President Nicos Anastasiades...

2256. Local gov reform heads for summer freeze

Interior Minister Nikos Nouris has been asked by EU officials to give the rundown of the administration’s latest efforts in local government reform, just days after a proposal for a referendum was defeated by opposition parties that cried foul over the move...

2257. Interim report on golden passports delivered

An interim report on the golden passport scandal in the Republic of Cyprus says just over half of citizenships granted by the executive branch were not approved lawfully...

2258. Jiu Jitsu director says Cyprus losing out

The director and producers of martial arts movie Jiu Jitsu sought audience with Cyprus’ finance minister this week over delayed cash rebate payments, with reports saying the film makers are also ticked off by an unflattering audit report on the country’s Olivewood scheme...

2259. Europe must get off the sofa

Everything we learnt from what took place in the presidential palace, and then from Brussels, reinforced the image of a weak, if not anemic Europe...

2260. Bicommunal health committee working on reopening of crossings

Authorities in the north have instructed the bicommunal technical committee on health to draw up a road map for the restoration of crossings to pre-pandemic conditions as soon as the epidemiological situation allows....

2261. Commission officially registers halloumi PDO

The European Commission announced on Monday the official decision for the registration of halloumi/hellim as a protected designation of origin (PDO) product, protecting it against imitation and misuse across the EU....

2262. Gloves are off again over golden passports

Cyprus’ auditor general told a House committee this week that the Cabinet used old rules to approve over two hundred golden passports after the cutoff date for an investigation ordered by the attorney general, who pushed back on the criticism saying there was 'no bottom to the abyss'...

2263. Cyprus hurries to clean up company registry

Energy Minister Natasa Pilides has called on business stakeholders in Cyprus to embrace a new effort of recording and updating true information about beneficiaries of companies, saying a new digital registry can bolster transparency on the island...

2264. UK Minister talks Cyprus problem in Nicosia visit

The UK Foreign Minister for the European Neighbourhood Wendy Morton reiterated in a visit to Nicosia on Wednesday the UK’s full support of the upcoming UN talks on Cyprus. ...

2265. EC head taken aback as Erdogan and Michel snap up the chairs

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was taken aback to find her fellow top EU official taking the only chair available next to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan when the duo visited Ankara, and her spokesman made that clear on Wednesday....

2266. Michel says EU will be active observer in Cyprus peace talks

The EU remains committed to the resumption of Cyprus peace talks and is looking forward to the informal meeting set to take place in Geneva later this month, where it will participate as an active observer, European Council President Charles Michel said Tuesday after meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara....

2267. Top EU officials head to Turkey in bid to improve ties

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council chief Charles Michel are headed to Turkey on Tuesday on an official visit aimed at improving ties between Brussels and Ankara....

2268. Reported House website hack was false alarm

The website of the House of Representatives in the Republic of Cyprus suffered a technical glitch on Monday, the innovation commissioner says, following reports in Greek Cypriot media that a foreign hacker had targeted the website...

2269. Turkish hacker targets Cyprus Parliament website

The Cyprus Parliament’s website was on Monday facing attacks by a Turkish hacker, an announcement by the House of Representatives said....

2270. Anastasiades sends message to Turkey via Michel

President Nicos Anastasiades called on Friday on the President of the European Council Charles Michel, who is set to visit Ankara next week, to convey to the need for Turkey to show political will that will allow the resumption of substantive talks on Cyprus....

2271. Cabinet approves €250m supplementary pandemic budget€250m-supplementary-pandemic-budget

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a supplementary budget of €250 million to cover needs arising from the handling of the pandemic. ...

2272. Borrell determined to carry out EUCO mandate on Turkey

President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades said clarifications about the EU’s role at the informal conference of Cyprus set to take place in Geneva in late April may arise after the visit expected to be paid to Turkey by EU officials....

2273. Sexual harassment case involving local politician referred to court

A case involving the sexual harassment of a 32-year-old woman by a local politician will be referred to a Cyprus court next week as per the recommendation of the Attorney General....

2274. Cyprus springs forward again

People in Cyprus will lose an hour of sleep after Daylight Saving Time goes into effect Sunday morning, with European officials and public opinion still divided on whether there is value in switching back and forth at all...

2275. Cyprus rejects EU draft on Turkey which seeks to deepen trade ties

Cyprus has rejected a draft prepared for a summit of EU leaders this week which seeks to deepen trade ties with Turkey, describing it as “totally unacceptable.” ...

2276. Gloves are off in EU-China relations

The United States, the European Union, Britain and Canada imposed sanctions on Chinese officials on Monday for human rights abuses in Xinjiang, in the first such coordinated Western action against Beijing under new US President Joe Biden...

2277. Borrell report on Turkey covers all bases

A report by European Commission Vice-President and High Representative Josep Borrell spells out the 'political and economic consequences' that Turkey will suffer should the country 'not move forward constructively in developing a genuine partnership with the EU'...

2278. EU will be present in Cyprus issue negotiations, senior EU official says

The EU will be present at the conference on Cyprus to be convened by the UN in Geneva in late April and at the formal negotiations that may follow, a senior EU official said at a press conference in Brussels ahead of the forthcoming Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) of Monday....

2279. Cavusoglu to meet Dendias in Turkey in April

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday he would meet his Greek counterpart Nikos Dendias in Turkey on April 14, after the NATO members resumed talks to seek common ground in a decades-old maritime dispute....

2280. EU nips green pass debate in the bud

The EU's plan to get people traveling again with a Green Pass is expected to defer to member states on key decisions, such as whether to accept Russian and Chinese vaccines in the program...