12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 1111-1140 of 1795 matches for query attempt.

1111. Scientists warn against rapid test self-checking

The rapid antigen tests that the health ministry recently stocked up on in its battle against time to detect coronavirus cases among Cyprus employees require careful handling....

1112. Prisoners released early as part of RoC 60th anniversary

Fourteen prisoners have been released early after President Nicos Anastasiades moved to reduce the sentence of a number of prisoners to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, the Central Prisons announced Wednesday....

1113. Ankara focused on getting recognition of north Cyprus

Well-informed sources in the Turkish capital and in the Turkish Cypriot community insist on the fact that the messages relayed during Sunday’s celebrations in the north are of particular importance for the future course of the Cyprus Problem. Returning to the well-known rhetoric of the division, Turkey once again brought to the fore strategies and moves for the Cyprus Problem that had been forgotten for several years....

1114. Editorial: The third invasion

The first invasion engraved in Cyprus’ collective memory is that of July 20 1974, while the second is that of August 14 1974, when the Turkish army violated the truce agreement and moved its tanks towards Famagusta....

1115. Highways clog as authorities issue travel ban specifics

The health ministry on Friday clarified that 12 categories of people are exempted from the travel ban enforced on the Limassol and Paphos districts until the end of the month, but said that as of next Wednesday, November 18, each person wanting to get through the roadblocks will have to show proof of a negative coronavirus test taken no more than seven days prior....

1116. Senior on bike killed while crossing street

A senior citizen was killed in a road incident on Saturday after he was struck by a vehicle while riding his bicycle in Limassol...

1117. Government unleashes new bundle of support measures

Along with the new restrictions imposed to curb the recent spike in coronavirus cases, the labour minister Zeta Emilianidou said Thursday that the Cyprus government agreed on a new batch of support measures budgeted between 130 and 150 million euros....

1118. Limassol police corner in suspect vehicle

Three patrol cars collided with a suspect vehicle on Wednesday night in Limassol, after the driver failed to stop for inspection, with officers ending up making arrests on drug, traffic, and public health violations...

1119. Passport committee shuns media over COVID

The special investigative committee probing the passport scandal in the Republic of Cyprus cited the pandemic this week after banning reporters from hearings, while it was unclear how Thursday’s additional COVID measures would further affect media coverage...

1120. Man locked up for life in Ledras murder

A foreign man who was convicted of killing a 21-year-old Indian national during a clash in downtown Nicosia last June has been sentenced to life, with others also getting prison sentences for taking part in the attacks...

1121. Bar set low as Brussels, UN in low spirits for CyProb involvement

Foreign players ranging from Brussels and Berlin to New York have lowered their expectations and show a reduced eagerness to actively get involved in efforts to reach a solution to the Cyprus Problem....

1122. WSJ identifies Steele dossier source in Cyprus

A Wall Street Journal publication suggests that one of the sources in a secret Trump dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele was a disgruntled Russian executive in Cyprus...

1123. Anti-maskers fined after Nicosia demo

A demonstration by anti-maskers held over the weekend led police scouring through video footage and other material to identify participants in violation of the recently-imposed mandatory mask rule for all outdoor areas, with two out of the 10 so far identified fined....

1124. Cyprus turns back clock this weekend

People in Cyprus will get an extra hour of sleep Sunday morning, as clocks will fall back to winter time on Saturday after midnight, marking the end of Daylight Saving Time...

1125. MPs put foot down over farm animals in pet list

As Cyprus scrambles to draw up a list of animals permitted to be sold at pet shops, and by extension which pets the public can keep at home, the parliamentary environment committee is pushing for certain farm animals, such as donkeys, horses, pigs, and sheep, which are currently included in the list, to be available for purchase only in appropriate circumstances....

1126. Cyprus’ daily count surpasses 200

Newly detected coronavirus infections in the Republic of Cyprus reached a whopping 202 on Saturday, the highest daily count ever recorded on the island since the outbreak of the pandemic, with additional measures being rolled out on Sunday starting with Limassol...

1127. Limassol murder suspects in custody

The suspect in last weekend’s murder has been arrested along with an alleged accomplice, with reports saying the two men had gone to the victim’s home in Limassol to rob her...

1128. Athens bracing for four East Med scenarios

Having drawn useful conclusions from the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean over the summer, Athens is prepared to deal with any move Ankara makes south of the island of Kastellorizo and is examining four possible scenarios, Kathimerini understands. ...

1129. EU FMs call for reversal of Varosha opening

The 27 EU foreign ministers called on Monday for a reversal of the opening of Varosha, the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said, after chairing a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council earlier in Luxembourg....

1130. President condemns Dherynia checkpoint ruckus

President Nicos Anastasiades described Sunday night’s demonstration by fans of a local football club at the Dherynia checkpoint as “unacceptable and condemnable.”...

1131. Turkish seismic vessels make waves again

Turkey is once again sending research vessel Oruc Reis to explore for gas south of Greek island Kastellorizo, days after Ankara announced a new NAVTEX for its Barbaros ship in waters off Cyprus...

1132. A historic verdict and a more united Greece

The Greek justice system rose to the occasion and delivered a historic verdict that also confirms Greece’s image as a free democracy governed by the rule of law. Behind the voters’ rejection of Golden Dawn and the party’s condemnation by the institutions lies a good deal of human suffering – the agony of a mother whose child was murdered, but also of so many others who suffered violence and humiliation at the hands of the criminal organization....

1133. Man detained over fake money

A man in Larnaca was arrested in connection with a counterfeit money investigation, after police were told he was visiting shops in the area with fake money in his possession...

1134. Dizzy teen in the ER draws police attention

A high school student who got dizzy and visited the Emergency Room drew police attention after doctors said the teen partially fainted after trying to get high...

1135. Man stabs compatriot over loaned money

A man has been arrested in Paphos in connection with a knife attack, with reports saying he stabbed his compatriot who owed him money after he felt insulted...

1136. Bill to update definition of rape, tighten penalty to life

A bill tightening the penalty for rape to life in prison is set to be tabled before Parliament next week....

1137. Elderly man dies at popular Larnaca beach

A senior citizen died on Monday following an apparent drowning incident at a popular Larnaca beach...

1138. Cops defend use of firearm in traffic stop

Questions have been raised in local media over the use of firearms by on-duty police officers, following an incident in Paphos when warning shots were fired during a traffic stop...

1139. Cops fire warning shots to stop vehicle

Police in Paphos district arrested a male driver on Thursday after he refused to stop for inspection, prompting officers to fire warning shots in the air...

1140. The four scenarios after the 'veto'

The decision on EU sanctions has been postponed for the meeting of the 27 leaders of member states, likely to take place on October 1 and 2 due to a case of coronavirus. At that meeting, it will become clear whether the case of Belarus will be linked with whether sanctions will be imposed on Turkey for its provocations in the Cyprus EEZ or not. Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides made it clear to the Council of Foreign Ministers that what was agreed in Berlin should be respected, in essence using his veto. Whether Nicosia will maintain this position until the end will be seen at the summit of the 27....