12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 241-270 of 2345 matches for query citizen.

241. Number of homeless people sees increase in 2023

Official data released to Parliament by the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare, in response to a question from AKEL MP Nikos Kettiros, highlights a notable increase in individuals experiencing homelessness during the first half of 2023....

242. EAC refunds €82.85 to flat tenants over faulty photovoltaic charges€82-85-to-flat-tenants-over-faulty-photovoltaic-charges

The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) has decided to refund 82.85 euros to tenants of apartments connected to photovoltaic systems in response to an incorrect charging mechanism, known as ripple control, that was found to be nonexistent in the system. ...

243. Americans return home in surprise Venezuela swap

In a significant diplomatic development, Americans, previously considered wrongfully detained in Venezuela, have touched down at a U.S. military base in San Antonio, Texas. ...

244. Israeli investments raise eyebrows in occupied territories

The large-scale acquisition of land in the Occupied Territories by Israeli citizens and Europeans of Jewish descent is creating interesting dynamics within the Turkish Cypriot community, as well as in Turkish and Turkish Cypriot press reports....

245. 2024 budget gets green light – Inside scoop on state wage proposals–-inside-scoop-on-state-wage-proposals

The 2024 budget was passed into law relatively comfortably, with a total of 37 MPs voting for it, while 19 were opposed. ...

246. Divisions in Cyprus amplify fact-checking challenges

Cyprus, an ethnically divided island in the Mediterranean, is like any other nation: It’s been hit by a wave of misinformation, and residents are trying to keep up....

247. Labor Minister responds to industry staff shortages, urges caution in demands

In response to demands from employer representatives regarding staff shortages in retail, catering, and the hotel industry, Minister of Labour and Social Insurance, Yannis Panagiotou,...

248. Israel proposes Hezbollah relocation 6 miles from border

In a bid to alleviate tensions with Lebanon, Israel has communicated to the Biden administration its desire to push Hezbollah's forces approximately 6 miles away from the border....

249. Preventive pediatrics expansion: Center takes on eight more diseases

''The CPP has been carrying out a project on behalf of the State for 35 years and covers the needs of the entire population of the country free of charge on a voluntary basis'', says Fotini Tsiridou, the president of the Association of Friends of the Center of Preventive Pediatrics ''Amerikos Argyriou'' and councillor of DISY, to ''K''....

250. Decoding the tragic legacy from 'Helios' airplane crash to bus blazes

Miraculously, there is no other explanation for the situation with the "crazy" school buses. They catch fire, burn up in the good seats, break down on long downhill grades, and, it is whispered, have a whole host of other problems....

251. Cyprus and the porn industry: High-tech hub exposed

For many years, the Republic of Cyprus, due to its art visa law, served as a hub for white flesh trafficking....

252. Government unveils e-justice system for streamlined legal processes

In a significant move toward digital transformation, Cyprus inaugurated the e-justice information system on Monday, enabling the electronic registration of documents throughout the judicial process....

253. Lisbon's homes unaffordable as prices hit record highs

In a dramatic twist, Lisbon finds itself grappling with a housing crisis, ranking second only to Athens in soaring housing costs among major European cities, reports Bloomberg. ...

254. Akamas environmental issues and Minister's decision

There have been signs and monsters about the works being done in Akamas and the breaches of the conditions of the Special Ecological Assessment (SEA) but the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Xenophontos, is still not sure that he should order a disciplinary investigation to be held accountable....

255. UK and Cyprus to strengthen global collaboration

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Director General for Europe, Peter Wilson and the Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary, Kyriacos Kouros chaired the first annual review of the UK-Cyprus Memorandum of Understanding....

256. EU Council's ''historic'' decision to benefit Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia

Without agreement on the European budget, the first day of the European Council meeting was concluded at 2.30 Brussels time (3.30 a.m. on Friday), as no "common ground" was found on the revision of the budget (2021-2027), due to lack of unanimity....

257. Civil Defence introduces warning system for emergencies

The Civil Defence has revealed a cutting-edge warning system designed to keep citizens informed about emergency events and bolster their safety....

258. Interior Minister highlights 75% reduction in African arrivals

In bilateral meetings held in Geneva, Interior Minister Konstantinos Ioannou emphasized the shift from illegal to legal migration channels, as stated in a press release by the Interior Ministry on Friday. ...

259. The overtime dilemma – George Vassiliou's proposal–-george-vassiliou-s-proposal

Only a young John Kapodistrias, with his wit and cunning, can rescue this troubled land from the folly of officials and citizens....

260. Billionaire's great escape? Kolomoiskyi's Cyprus flight sparks alarm

In a twist of legal intricacies, Ukrainian authorities are on high alert following the release of billionaire oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskyi. ...

261. New online service for 2024 European Elections

The Ministry of Interior announced on Tuesday the operation of the electronic information service for registration in the special electoral roll for the 2024 European elections of citizens, who reside in areas where the Government of the Republic does not exercise effective control. ...

262. Occupied territories witness a 33% surge in visitors

In the first 10 months of this year, the influx of visitors to the occupied territories through land entry points and ports saw a remarkable increase of 33% compared to the corresponding period last year, totaling 1,520,604 individuals....

263. Cyprus and France seal the deal on tax cooperation

In a milestone development, Cyprus and France have solidified their commitment to combat double taxation through the signing of a renewed Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation....

264. President's clash with Auditor General escalates

When Nikos Christodoulides expressed bitterness and heartache after the publication of the auditor general's report on the benefits he received as a government representative and seconded civil servant, questions arose about the conflict between the president and the auditor general....

265. Israelis alarmed at security hole in occupied territories

Benjamin Netanyahu's announcement, following Kathimerini's revelation that the Cyprus Intelligence Service prevented a strike against Israelis by arresting two Iranians linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, ...

266. Planned attack against Jews in Cyprus thwarted

The Cypriot police arrested two Iranians last month, alleging their connection to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards of Iran (IRGC), targeting Jewish citizens in Cyprus....

267. Akamas road improvement faces backlash

In response to mounting pressure and civil complaints, the Ministry of Agriculture initiates a comprehensive investigation into the Sustainable Development Plan for Akamas National Forest Park. ...

268. EU unveils sweeping reforms to enhance animal welfare standards

In a groundbreaking move, the European Commission has proposed extensive reforms to EU rules on animal welfare during transport, marking the most significant overhaul in recent years....

269. Erdogan and Mitsotakis sign Landmark Friendship Declaration

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's arrival in Athens signals a pivotal moment in the longstanding tension between Greece and Turkey....

270. How locals can mitigate the risks of Cyprus' new citizenship rules to attract tech talent

Cyprus's recent initiative to boost its technology sector by offering tax breaks and fast-track naturalization to third-party nationals is a strategic move that could significantly reshape its economy and society....