I begin with a bow to our dear young Nikos, who, with a fiery decision, didn't hesitate to take on everyone and everything by revoking the passport of the President of Paphos' football club, even though he himself is from Paphos and a fan of the team! Great balls of fire. Respect, Mr. President!
If, after this development, Paphos loses the championship, it is very likely that we will see Paphos break away and form a new independent state in the West, with the added risk of the President losing his Paphian citizenship. Because, when the apostle Paul said the epic phrase "A Paphian man is no good," he didn’t have the golden passports to comment on, and it’s clear that he came to Cyprus illegally himself.
A bow also to the Minister of Health, who didn't give in to the blackmailing taking place over the health of patients by a group of healthcare workers who are neither wronged nor poorly paid
Our column asked for comments from Nikaros and Phaedonas on the matter, but they declined to comment. However, in Paphos, unrest reigns, and the tunnel is guarded by strong counter-terrorism forces. Louizidis was also at the scene asking for overtime for the police officers. Slogans such as "Paphos People Championship" and "Christodoulides NATO same syndicate" echoed in the air.
Paphos supporters contacted our column and urgently requested two things: that the Paphos-Polis road be completed immediately, and that the Paphos-Nicosia road be torn down, as they have no intention of using it again as a form of protest. Some even see a hand from the capital's teams in this!
Once again, kudos to the President, who told the doctors that the State will not succumb to pressure. A bow also to the Minister of Health, who didn't give in to the blackmailing taking place over the health of patients by a group of healthcare workers who are neither wronged nor poorly paid. It's clear that some people's greed could become a bomb under the foundations of the General Healthcare System (GeSY), and the system's sustainability must be safeguarded at all costs. Let some be ready to take responsibility if lives are put at risk during the strike. Let’s note that greed is listed among the seven deadly sins. Ask the Avvakoum monks.
In an interview with Kathimerini, AKEL MP Christos Christofidis called Christodoulides "untethered." A heavy accusation, but something similar is now being said by the spiritual father of our young Nikos, who is under attack from all sides lately and finds some comfort only in the arms of the blonde beloved Panagia.
If the President wants to prove that the accusations of childish mistakes are unfounded, he needs to be more careful and avoid scoring own goals—like with Sylvana. In just one coffee with a minor influencer from Cyprus' Facebook scene, he managed to undo all the progress he had made in two years regarding his commitment to the bizonal, bicommunal federation solution, the return to Crans-Montana talks, and so on.
And if Sylvana were really a relative, I could almost stomach the embarrassment, but Philippa, on the other hand, pretended to barely remember who she was! Even though there are photos of the two of them hugging, with the caption "with the beautiful cousin." It might have been photoshopped. In Paphos, they're already talking about a three-state solution. What do you think?
[This article was translated from its Greek original]