12° Nicosia,
24 June, 2024


Displaying results 481-510 of 656 matches for query cover-up.

481. Police not ruling out probe in fire deaths

The Cypriot government has rejected accusations of a lax response to Saturday’s deadly wildfire, with police not ruling out a criminal investigation that could include a probe into the deaths of four Egyptian workers who died while trying to escape the inferno...

482. Cyprus readies gratitude gift bag for vaccinated

New measures to reward vaccinated citizens in the Republic of Cyprus are to be decided in a Cabinet meeting on Friday following a sevenfold increase in daily COVID cases, with the government seeking ways to punish those who refuse to get the jab...

483. Bone casts doubt in soldier’s suicide story

New forensic evidence pointing to strangulation has emerged in the 2005 death of a soldier, who was said to have committed suicide while serving in Cyprus while his family kept insisting all along that the army had covered up a crime...

484. Interim report on golden passports delivered

An interim report on the golden passport scandal in the Republic of Cyprus says just over half of citizenships granted by the executive branch were not approved lawfully...

485. Gloves are off again over golden passports

Cyprus’ auditor general told a House committee this week that the Cabinet used old rules to approve over two hundred golden passports after the cutoff date for an investigation ordered by the attorney general, who pushed back on the criticism saying there was 'no bottom to the abyss'...

486. Cyprus expecting 60,000 Covid doses this week

487. Cabinet approves €250m supplementary pandemic budget€250m-supplementary-pandemic-budget

The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a supplementary budget of €250 million to cover needs arising from the handling of the pandemic. ...

488. How can digital government connect citizens without leaving the disconnected behind?

Governments should focus on inclusive digitalisation by improving digital literacy and promoting virtual interaction, and this could be achieved by providing digital resources like laptops and tablets in order to get people online and run programs to improve the digital skills...

489. Vandals spray paint mosque with graffiti

A graffiti incident at a mosque in Limassol has drawn wide condemnation on Thursday, a holiday with bicentennial celebrations on the island marking the Greek revolt against the Ottoman Empire...

490. EY Academy of Learning & Development introduces a new Web-Based Learning initiative

EY Cyprus is proud to announce the launch of a new Web-Based Learning (WBL) initiative, an expansion of the offerings of the EY Academy of Learning and Development...

491. TRT delves into Cyprus’ dark past

A new series about ethnic warfare in Cyprus is hitting the airwaves soon, with the Turkish Cypriot leader paying a visit on set in Famagusta during the filming by Turkish state broadcaster TRT1...

492. The bet that Cyprus is winning

The decision taken yesterday by Germany’s Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) to allow the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine to those aged over 65 years old was met with strong reactions domestically due to the bad reputation built up for the vaccine by the early statements of German officials on the efficacy of the specific jab....

493. Cyprus expects full vaccine coverage by early October

The Health Ministry’s vaccine strategy foresees the vaccination process to be completed by the end of September or early October, the acting director of the Cyprus nursing services administration Evagors Tampouris said Thursday....

494. Minister grilled over digital ID bill

Recent discussion on electronic signatures has reintroduced persistent challenges in the digital ID debate, with Cyprus’ innovation minister facing tough questions this week during a House committee hearing...

495. When the lights of the Palace begin to dim

The testimonies of 2013, say that in those critical days of the savings levy, there was a crowd of people on the hill of the presidential palace....

496. Legal blocking tests abroad in soldier's death

The clock is ticking for the family of a dead soldier, whose official manner of death in 2005 as suicide is being disputed, with the Legal department refusing to consent to any exhumed remains being sent abroad for specialized testing...

497. Folli Follie report unveils 17-year scam

The troubled Folli Follie company’s major shareholders, the Koutsolioutsos family, reaped the benefits of a well-orchestrated fraud scheme that lasted for at least 17 years, under the nose of the supervisory authorities, generating hundreds of millions of euros in profits, according to an audit report by PricewaterhouseCoopers. ...

498. Cabinet agrees on plastic bag ban at sales points

The Cabinet on Tuesday agreed on a blanket ban on thin plastic bags at points of sale, with the decision to come into force once passed by the House plenum....

499. 5G bidding process wraps up, first licences in January 2021

The bidding process of the 5G frequencies auction wrapped up smoothly on Thursday, with the first licences expected to be distributed in January 2021, a press release by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, said....

500. Cyprus lays out eagerly awaited vaccination plan

The Republic of Cyprus’ eagerly awaited plan for the mass vaccination of its residents against the novel coronavirus was presented on Tuesday by the health minister and Dr Olga Kalakouta....

501. Bomb goes off ahead of 5G auction

An explosion took place outside a CYTA branch in Limassol with media speculating the attack could be linked to an upcoming announcement this week over 5G contracts...

502. Exhumation ordered as family seeks truth

A local judge in Limassol has ordered the exhumation of the remains of a conscript soldier, whose death in 2005 was ruled a suicide but contested by his family, with the order coinciding with the visit of a Greek forensic examiner who has shown interest in the case...

503. Cyprus, Greece and Jordan to step up cooperation

Cyprus, Greece and Jordan vowed Tuesday to further enhance their trilateral cooperation, which will cover defence and security issues as well as economic and trade cooperation....

504. State budget up in the air over golden passports

Opposition parties are cranking up the pressure on Interior Minister Nikos Nouris, who has been refusing to hand over files in connection with the golden passports scandal, with the Democratic Party making good on its promise not to vote the state budget later this month if there is no transparency...

505. Four women detained in brothel raid

A man in Limassol has been arrested on pimping charges following a raid at a suspected brothel in Germasoyia, while four women were also detained for questioning...

506. Cyprus draws up coronavirus vaccination strategy

The health ministry said Thursday that a plan has been drawn up for the vaccination of the Cyprus public against coronavirus, noting that in cooperation with the government’s coronavirus expert task force, groups to get vaccinated first were determined on the basis of an algorithm....

507. Support schemes added to fight lockdown consequences

Alongside the tough restriction measures that came into effect on Thursday, additional support schemes were announced by the ministers of finance and labour in a bid to cushion the inevitable economic blow....

508. Cyprus digital transformation plan laid out

Cyprus' Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy is looking towards a two-speed plan, separating the aim for digital transformation into small high-speed and longer-orientated projects, in order to ensure effectiveness, Deputy Minister Kyriacos Kokkinos said on Thursday....

509. Government unleashes new bundle of support measures

Along with the new restrictions imposed to curb the recent spike in coronavirus cases, the labour minister Zeta Emilianidou said Thursday that the Cyprus government agreed on a new batch of support measures budgeted between 130 and 150 million euros....

510. NAVTEX wars continue in eastern Med

Greece has issued a counter navigational warning following NAVTEX messages from Turkey, after Ankara renewed exploratory activities in contested Mediterranean waters and further denounced Athens for treaty violations...