12° Nicosia,
03 June, 2024


Displaying results 151-180 of 298 matches for query drink.

151. Feeding your dogs insects can help fight climate change

Many pet owners reflexively bark “No!” when their dog or cat prepares to feast on a bug. But despite what scientists call the “yuck factor,” insects could be a sustainable secret ingredient for the booming pet food industry....

152. Teen girl arrested after trying to retrieve phone

A teenage girl in Paphos who was given a ride home by police officers was detained later on burglary charges, after she reportedly went back to the station to retrieve her phone...

153. Run, run the first Christmas pop-up bar in Larnaca

Cocktails and lively music, who can resist?...

154. Stasikratous Christmas wonderland

The Municipality of Nicosia, RCB BANK and EPIC invite you to a fantastic all-day Christmas experience on the most beautiful street of the city, Stasikratous this weekend December 18 and 19....

155. Christmas at Ermou 272

This year "At Christmas at Ermou 272", it's an open house!! Our workshops, cafes and houses will be open to welcome you with a festive mood and holiday cheer....

156. Restrictions return to Britain

In an attempt to stop the spread of the Omicron mutation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday the need for the resumption of teleworking, the use of a mask in most enclosed spaces and the presentation of a valid vaccine certificate for entry into clubs....

157. The 30th Auction of Greek and Cypriot Artworks

158. Former South African President F.W. de Klerk dead at 85

South Africa's last white president F.W. de Klerk, who died on Thursday aged 85, stunned the world when he scrapped apartheid and negotiated a peaceful transfer of power to a Black-led government under Nelson Mandela....

159. Suspended sentences in bullied teen’s death

Three young males got suspended sentences for involuntary manslaughter in the case of Panayiotis, a bullied teen who died after binge drinking at a Saturday night birthday party...

160. Paramythoupoli returns

'Tis the season and Paramythoupoli returns once again to the city of Nicosia!...

161. Three found guilty in bullied teen’s death in Larnaca

Three out of four teens charged with involuntary manslaughter have been found guilty in connection with the death of Panayiotis, a bullied teen who died after binge drinking at a Saturday night birthday party...

162. Doubts raised in another suicide case in Cyprus

An investigative TV show is raising questions over the death of a Greek commissioned officer in Cyprus, a case initially treated as suicide but experts believe police glossed over facts that could point to a premeditated crime...

163. The largest tech conference in the region begins Tuesday in Cyprus

Speakers from around the world are gathering in Nicosia for the largest tech event in the region. ...

164. California: Turning air into water

The machine Ted Bowman helped design can make water out of the air, and in parched California, some homeowners are already buying the pricey devices....

165. Protected too late: US Officials report more than 20 extinctions

The ivory-billed woodpecker, which birders have been seeking in the bayous of Arkansas, is gone forever, according to federal officials....

166. 5 tips for parents with overweight children

If your child is overweight, there is a lot you can do to help him or her maintain a healthy weight growing up. Here are some tips you can start from today....

167. Russia behind 2006 murder of Litvinenko

The European Court of Human Rights today ruled that Russia was responsible for the 2006 killing of Alexander Litvinenko....

168. Policing Safe Pass put to the test

An incident in broad daylight in Nicosia has raised questions over the latest use of Safe Pass, with police keeping quiet about reports of a downtown arrest and some business owners refusing to check documents at the door...

169. Two arrested in Nicosia midtown fatal fight

Two suspects have been arrested on murder charges following the death of another male in Nicosia, with some reports saying the three men were drinking buddies who got into a late night fight...

170. Man behind mansion carnival party arrested

Police have tracked down and arrested the man who is believed to have rented a mansion in Paphos for a carnival party last weekend...

171. Health Minister consults experts before Friday's measures announcement

The Health Minister consulted the government’s health advisory committee on Thursday for an evaluation of the island’s coronavirus situation before the Cabinet is set to take final decisions on Friday on whether we’ll be moving forwards or backwards....

172. Limassol restaurants accepting 'chosen' customers through back door

Against the backdrop of intensifying concerns over the island’s deteriorating epidemiological situation, culminating in the government’s decision to hold off on announcing any further relaxations on Wednesday, some appear to not be fully grasping the severity of the situation and are flouting restrictions in place to curb the spread of the virus....

173. Cyprus' main Covid hospital at 96% capacity

The Famagusta general hospital reached 96% capacity on Wednesday, the hospital’s scientific director Amalia Hadjiyianni said....

174. Cyprus moving forward with more relaxations

The Cabinet on Thursday agreed to move forward with a steady lifting of restrictions, as starting Monday each week will see additional relaxations culminating in the lifting of restrictions on food and drink businesses on March 16....

175. Police smart vehicle flags down wanted man

Police continue to put their smart vehicles to good use while out on the road, after a car driven by a wanted man who had had too much to drink was flagged on Wednesday by the mobile ANPR system...

176. 15 days of hell in Varosha in the summer of '74

Varosha. August 19, 1974. Appartments, Block 10, apartment 2. There lived Michalakis Hadjipavlou, 30 years old, with his wife, Xenia Hadipavlou, aged 25, and two of their three children. Their firstborn, four-year-old Thomas, and two-year-old Marios, while their three-year-old daughter Maria was at a friend’s house in Larnaca....

177. Partial lockdowns on Limassol, Paphos, migrant camps

The health minister Constantinos Ioannou announced stricter measures late on Wednesday night, with restrictions to be even harsher in the Limassol and Paphos districts that have developed into the epicentres of the island’s recent pandemic flare-up....

178. Cyprus tightens restrictions, imposes 11pm curfew

In a national address on Wednesday night, the Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades said the government was obliged to take tough decisions for stricter measures as the island was no exception to Europe’s second coronavirus wave, before the health minister stepped in to outline the new measures that come into effect on Thursday....

179. Masks made mandatory outdoors

Come Friday, masks will be mandatory in all outdoor public spaces for all over the age of 12, the health ministry announced on Thursday as part of a bundle of stricter restrictions aiming to slow down the rampant spread of coronavirus....

180. Cyprus tightens restrictions as virus flares

The health ministry tightened its grip on the island in a bid to slow down the recent extreme flare-up of the virus that has sent daily new cases into three-digit numbers....