12° Nicosia,
14 June, 2024


Displaying results 361-390 of 506 matches for query entry.

361. Arrivals keep divided Cyprus on toes

Discussions on virus risks are taking place publicly between officials and health experts on both sides of the divided island, with the north scrambling to find the right formula before July 1 and the south moving to correct a number of issues...

362. Interior minister presents bills for streamlining asylum procedures

The house legal committee discussed on Tuesday a bundle of four bills, submitted by interior minister Nicos Nouris, that seek to streamline procedures for the processing of applications filed by asylum seekers as well as appeal proceedings....

363. Letter to UNSG denounces Turkey's violations of Cyprus' airspace, maritime zones

A letter dated May 28 sent by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the UN Andreas Mavroyiannis to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that denounced Turkish violations of the island’s airspace and maritime zones was released on Thursday as an official document in the General Assembly of the UN Security Council....

364. EU to ease virus travel bans from July 1, but not to all

The European Union on Thursday announced plans to ease a ban on nonessential travel to the continent, with foreign students, non-EU nationals who normally live in Europe and certain highly skilled workers likely to be exempt from the coronavirus restrictions from July 1....

365. Cyprus blocks another boat citing coronavirus

A video showing a Republic of Cyprus coast guard vessel pursuing a boat of undocumented migrants has emerged, with police saying they blocked the boat due to the coronavirus crisis...

366. Suspect caught in women-home-alone attacks

Police have apprehended a suspect in connection with two incidents back in January, when two women said an unknown man attacked them in their own apartments...

367. Police vague over clues in downtown deaths

Police continue to search for clues in connection with the death of two foreign nationals in downtown Nicosia on Sunday, with investigators not ruling out double murder or murder-suicide...

368. Greece to welcome Germans, Cypriots, Israelis in first wave of visitors

Greece will allow travelers from around two dozen countries including Germany, Cyprus and Israel to visit from mid-June without having to be quarantined, government officials said, part of a gradual easing of coronavirus lockdown restrictions....

369. All asylum seekers at Pournara locked in

Health ministry officials say going in and out of the migrant facility in rural Nicosia is temporarily forbidden due to a scabies infestation, with the government defending migration policies amid criticism over living conditions and restriction of freedom of movement at the camp...

370. Woman in Paphos says she was raped

A woman in Paphos told police she was raped in her own apartment by an unknown male who was staking her out...

371. Turkey forbids plane carrying medical equipment from China to Cyprus to enter air space

A plane chartered by the Republic of Cyprus to transfer 36 tonnes of donated medical equipment from China on Wednesday was forced to change course after Turkey prohibited the plane from passing through its air space, Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos said....

372. Measures being prepared for reopening of airports in June

The expert team of scientists advising the Health Ministry are coming up with measures that would allow airports to resume operation by June, Head of the Pancyprian Medical Association’s Special Committee on dealing with the coronavirus, Maria Koliou, said Tuesday....

373. British woman dies in Paralimni house fire

A British woman was found dead inside her Paralimni residence on Wednesday, after authorities were called to the scene to extinguish a house fire...

374. Fake cops visit woman's apartment

Cyprus police are telling the public to remain vigilant following a complaint where a woman says she was robbed by two cop impersonators who entered her residence on false pretenses...

375. Cops bust door down in Paphos

Two foreign women in a Paphos apartment were arrested on Tuesday, after police officers broke down the door but failed to locate their initial suspect, who is thought by local media to have allegedly given cover to murder suspects...

376. More Cypriots ditch cash during pandemic

Cypriot consumers are increasingly turning to debit and credit cards as opposed to traditional cash payments for their daily needs amid the coronavirus pandemic, data by JCC payments systems show ...

377. Future for rescued refugees in north unknown

The fate of 175 Syrian refugees, trapped in the north of the island amid the coronavirus pandemic, remains unknown while a human rights group is calling on Greek Cypriot authorities to take them in...

378. Coronavirus outbreak won't get in the way of completion of school year

The coronavirus outbreak won’t obstruct students from completing the school year, Minister of Education Prodromos Prodromou told CNA on Tuesday, noting that solutions will be found for graduates so that they receive an accredited leaving certificate allowing them to compete for positions at public universities in Cyprus and Greece....

379. UNHCR steps in to ensure refugees in Cyprus receive proper protection

The UNHCR office in Cyprus has stressed that refugees must be included in the government’s planning and response to the Covid-19 pandemic, offering hands-on solutions to the myriad problems in the government’s handling of refugee and asylum procedures that have only been exacerbated by the current crisis....

380. Cyprus gets tougher with stricter bundle of measures

Stricter measures to contain the spread of coronavirus were announced by the Health Minister on Monday as the island scrambles to curb the steadily rising deaths and infections....

381. New decree enforces ban on car sales, exempts certain groups from movement ban

382. Blocked refugees rescued in the north

Coast guard officials in the Republic of Cyprus blocked a boat carrying over a hundred undocumented migrants from entering territorial waters, while reports in the north said Turkish Cypriot authorities rescued 175 Syrians including women and children...

383. Cyprus follows through with charter flights

Cypriots stranded in the UK will be repatriated with two chartered flights, after the government revised its decision of asking citizens who traveled abroad to stay put...

384. North Cyprus bars entry to citizens from all countries, including Turkey

In a further escalation of measures amid the unfolding coronavirus health crisis, the north moved to bar entry from land, air, and sea, to all third country nationals, including Turkish nationals....

385. Cyprus to ban flights from 28 countries

As of Saturday, flights to the Larnaca and Paphos airports from 28 countries will be banned, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou announced on Tuesday night, noting that this stricter measure does not affect cargo....

386. Officials cave in after airport tension

Government officials got a taste of their own medicine on Monday after students who flew in without complying with the latest coronavirus guidelines were granted an exception after hours of tension at the airports and inside the plane...

387. New government travel restriction leaves thousands of Cypriots trapped abroad

Thousands of Cyprus nationals have reportedly been trapped abroad after the government said it would not allow entry to arrivals without valid health certificates, but labs abroad say they are following protocols whereby checks are only conducted on those showing symptoms....

388. Flights booked solid before 6pm deadline

Daytime flights from Athens to the Republic of Cyprus were sold out on Monday after the government said new arrivals on evening flights after 6pm would not be allowed into the country without a valid health certificate...

389. Cypriots hunker down to beat virus

Cyprus is going all out to beat the coronavirus after restrictive measures taken gradually north and south against the pandemic proved to be no match for the spread of the infectious disease...

390. President: Partial lockdown of airports, schools to remain closed until April 10

President Nicos Anastasiades addressed the nation on Friday night after the week saw cumulative confirmations of coronavirus cases across the divide....