12° Nicosia,
01 October, 2024


Displaying results 3121-3150 of 4204 matches for query office.

3121. Police break up soccer match downtown

Four males from Cameroon were arrested on Tuesday in old Nicosia after police attempted to break up a soccer match, while two detainees were also accused of assaulting an officer and resisting arrest...

3122. Cops won’t mess around during holy week

Law enforcement officials have announced they will step up patrols throughout the holy week, leading to the Greek orthodox Easter on April 19, singling out delinquent teens while giving a heads up to groups of foreign nationals...

3123. Morphou bishop defies church lockdown

Morphou Bishop Neophytos spoke out against decree orders on Palm Sunday, after accusing police officers of being “rude” and praised the Bulgarian government for keeping churches open...

3124. Thunderstorms, hailstorms, and grim weather across Cyprus

The sunny spring days Cyprus usually sees around this time of year were nowhere to be seen on Thursday as hail and thunderstorms affected many areas of the island, with the Met Office issuing a yellow weather warning that will remain in effect until 6pm....

3125. Cyprus stays put beyond Easter

Church and state got behind scientists this week in the Republic of Cyprus, with the government extending measures beyond Easter to stop the spread of Covid-19 despite partial data suggesting a flattening of the curve...

3126. UNHCR steps in to ensure refugees in Cyprus receive proper protection

The UNHCR office in Cyprus has stressed that refugees must be included in the government’s planning and response to the Covid-19 pandemic, offering hands-on solutions to the myriad problems in the government’s handling of refugee and asylum procedures that have only been exacerbated by the current crisis....

3127. Pair try to trick their way out of restriction measures

Police have cuffed a man and a woman who appear to have attempted to trick the authorities with a fake message supposedly sent by the Republic of Cyprus that said they were granted permission to move around unrestricted for 48 hours....

3128. Boris Johnson in ICU as symptoms worsen

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was fighting worsening coronavirus symptoms in an intensive care unit on Tuesday, leaving his foreign minister to lead the government’s response to the accelerating outbreak...

3129. Employers and Employees in the age of Covid-19: A looming battle

In modern times the world community has not faced a situation like the present, created by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Republic of Cyprus is among many countries fighting desperately to minimize damage on all fronts....

3130. Boris Johnson spends night in hospital

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was still in hospital on Monday suffering persistent coronavirus symptoms 10 days after testing positive for the virus, although Downing Street said he remained in charge of the government...

3131. Tracking app promoted to combat pandemic

An EU-funded research centre in the Republic of Cyprus is calling on people to install a new app called CovTracer to help limit the spread of coronavirus, amid concerns regarding privacy and effectiveness of tracking applications...

3132. Court issues first prison sentence for COVID-19 decree violation

The Larnaca District Court imposed a 30-day prison sentence and a €700 fine on a 52-year-old who had attacked a member of police after he fined a relative of the 52-year-old, who he was accompanying outdoors, for violating restriction measures....

3133. Good news for confined dog owners

Bummed dog owners in the Republic of Cyprus were relieved to hear on Tuesday that walking a family pet out in the neighbourhood would not count against a person’s limit of one outing per day under tighter coronavirus measures...

3134. Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporates’ response to COVID19

The long-term debate over CSR is concerned with whose interests should be attended to, shareholders or stakeholders, and this is actually the debate of the two competing theories over the purpose of the modern business firm...

3135. Tax alert: Cyprus

3136. Minister lashes out at decree violators

Cypriot Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou called on members of the public to “drastically limit their contacts in order for the effort against coronavirus to work” as police fined a record number of violations on Sunday...

3137. Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus and is self isolating but will still lead the government’s response to the outbreak....

3138. Cabinet approves bill allowing courts to jail violators of Covid-19 decrees

The Cabinet on Thursday approved a bill allowing authorities to impose €150 fines on violators of the decrees issued on the basis of the Quarantine Law, while a second bill given the green light authorizes certain cases to go to court which will be able to impose a prison sentence and/or a fine of up to €3,000....

3139. Police clamp down on unjustified movements

Police in the Republic of Cyprus have been checking motorists and pedestrians for possible curfew violations, with 123 individuals found to be in violation of a decree on movement restrictions on Wednesday...

3140. SMS service 8998 gets the axe

The SMS service, operated by the government to enforce movement restrictions amid the coronavirus crisis, was back up and running smoothly on Wednesday morning, while the President of the Republic has warned that a total curfew would be in place if people abuse the service...

3141. Five new flu clinics open their doors

Five new flu clinics opened their doors on Monday to examine individuals with flu symptoms that may not immediately point to coronavirus. ...

3142. President: Unnecessary travel strictly prohibited, violators to be fined

Addressing the nation on Monday night for the second time since the coronavirus pandemic broke out in Cyprus in early March, President Nicos Anastasiades announced that all unnecessary travel will be banned as of 6pm on Tuesday until April 13....

3143. President to address nation Monday night, tighter measures expected

President Nicos Anastasiades retreated to his office following the conclusion of the crucial inter-ministerial meeting on Monday that was set to decide on tighter measures, noting that he would take the final decision on any additional measures before addressing the nation once again....

3144. PwC: We support our people, clients and the society

3145. Pressure mounts to increase measures

A crucial meeting at the Presidential Palace on Monday is expected to discuss whether tighter measures are needed in the fight of the coronavirus pandemic, following reports over the weekend that people were defying public health advice...

3146. Quarantined students in north put foot down

Turkish Cypriot students who flew to the north on a charter flight were up in arms over quarantine accommodations, while both sides of the island were having a hard time convincing people to comply with quarantine rules...

3147. Blocked refugees rescued in the north

Coast guard officials in the Republic of Cyprus blocked a boat carrying over a hundred undocumented migrants from entering territorial waters, while reports in the north said Turkish Cypriot authorities rescued 175 Syrians including women and children...

3148. Coronavirus hits Cyprus police force

The island’s coronavirus outbreak hit the police force on Friday, with one member of police working at the police headquarters in Nicosia testing positive for the virus....

3149. Elderly man killed while crossing the street

An elderly man was killed in a road accident in Limassol on Friday, after he was struck by an oncoming vehicle as he was trying to cross the road...

3150. Man shot by police dies in hospital

A foreign national, who was hospitalized after getting shot by Limassol police during an attempt to arrest him, has succumbed to his injuries...