12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 301-330 of 483 matches for query parliamentary.

301. Op-ed: The shooting of a dog and the non pet-friendly destination of Cyprus

In mid-November, community authorities found another abandoned dog in the ‘wine villages’ around the mountains of Limassol. This has become an all-to-common sighting usually resulting from unconscientious “hunters” who leave their dogs in the mountains or surrounding ravines....

302. MI5 warns MP's: Chinese government 'agent' has been 'active' in UK parliament

MI5 has warned that a Chinese government agent has been working in parliament "to subvert the processes", MPs have been told....

303. Rising anger with Turkey drives calls for reunification in crisis-hit northern Cyprus

In his sun-filled office in north Nicosia, Şener Elcil is plotting his next protest. Anger, he says, is in the air in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus....

304. Turkish nationalist leader warns Greece over armaments program

The head of Turkey’s main nationalist party, Devlet Bahceli, has slammed Greece’s armaments program while accusing Athens of violating the country’s maritime rights....

305. Turkish ship Oruc Reis to continue hydrocarbon exploration

The Antalya station issued a navigational telex (Navtex) late Thursday announcing that the Turkish ship Oruc Reis will continue its seismic exploration mission in the sea area between southern Turkey and the Turkish-occupied north of Cyprus through January 31....

306. Parliamentary Committee report on state budget 2022 sees significant uncertainties due to pandemic

A report by the Parliamentary Committee of Financial and Budgetary Affairs on the State Budget for 2022 ahead of the plenary debate and vote this week, stresses the significant uncertainties affecting the projections upon which the budget is based....

307. East Med is ‘not a Turkish sea,’ president of French Senate tells Kathimerini‘not-a-turkish-sea-president-of-french-senate-tells-kathimerini

The East Mediterranean is not a Turkish sea and interoperability between the French and Greek armed forces is a factor that brings stability to the region...

308. Protests continue against new COVID measures (images)

Protests continued this morning outside the House of Representatives against the use of masks in primary schools, rapid testing and vaccinations outside the House of Representatives....

309. Charalambidou: Need for coordination of support services for victims of sexual violence

The Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women, Ms. Irini Charalambidou, stated that a holistic approach is needed and that cross-sectoral cooperation and the coordination of all support services for victims of sexual harassment is needed....

310. German Health Minister: 'Vaccinated, recovered or dead' by the end of winter

New calls for an increase in vaccinations were made on Monday by the German Minister of Health, Jens Span. The Minister warned about a very difficult winter to come due to a pandemic, while discussions to extend the deadline for persons to get vaccinated are intensifying around the country....

311. Reduction of electricity VAT from 19% to 9%

Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides said on Thursday that the Government has notified the EU’s VAT Committee over its intention to reduce VAT on household electricity bills from 19% to 9%...

312. Anastasiadis intervenes in the conference on Libya with messages to Turkey

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis participated today in the Paris International Conference on Libya, following an invitation from the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emanuel Macron....

313. Former South African President F.W. de Klerk dead at 85

South Africa's last white president F.W. de Klerk, who died on Thursday aged 85, stunned the world when he scrapped apartheid and negotiated a peaceful transfer of power to a Black-led government under Nelson Mandela....

314. NGO says refugee woman misled by agents

A pro-migrant group in Cyprus is accusing officials of using dubious methods to pressure a Syrian woman refugee to withdraw her asylum application, including hiding a recent development that could reunite her family on the island more quickly...

315. ‘A Dark Room’: excerpts from Alexis Papachelas’ forthcoming book‘a-dark-room-excerpts-from-alexis-papachelas-forthcoming-book

“The nut, he went and did what we didn’t,” said Greek dictator Georgios Papadopoulos the morning of July 15, 1974 after he found out that Dimitris Ioannidis, the junta’s military police chief, had orchestrated a coup to overthrow Cyprus President Archbishop Makarios....

316. Man shoots people with bow and arrow in Norway

A man armed with a bow and arrow killed five people and wounded two others on Wednesday in Kongsberg, southwestern Norway, before being arrested....

317. More than 330 current and former politicians identified as beneficiaries of secret accounts

A huge leak of financial documents published by several major news outlets on Sunday reportedly linked world leaders to secret wealth stockpiles, including King Abdullah of Jordan, Czech Prime Minister Andrzej Bremen and Prime Minister Andrei Bredo....

318. Jiu Jitsu producers file new lawsuit

The producers and director of the film Jiu Jitsu are suing the Republic of Cyprus, the Auditor General, the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency and a television station for compensation in excess of 30 million euros...

319. President Anastasiades addresses the 76th UN General Assembly

The President of the Republic, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, today addressed members of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York....

320. Greece facing shortage of doctors and healthcare workers

The suspension of unvaccinated doctors and other health workers in effect since September 1 have resulted in personnel shortages across the public health system....

321. Low birth rate in Cyprus

A meeting was held by the Parliamentary Committee. Of great concern was the issue of low birth rates in Cyprus....

322. State budget and economic outlook for 2022

The Ministry of Finance is working hard to complete the proposed budget of 2022 for submission to the Council of Ministers....

323. Defense committee on hold over ELAM spot

The chairman of the House Defense Committee in the Republic of Cyprus has blackballed the head of the nationalist party, saying he wants to the matter resolved before he can convene the first meeting...

324. No concessions to Erdogan, says Bob Menendez

No concessions should be made to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan 'without a significant behavior change,' US Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat and chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, tells Kathimerini...

325. ELAM throws hat in speakership race

Cyprus’ nationalist party ELAM says its president will seek the speakership of the House, following Sunday’s parliamentary elections that doubled the party’s seats while mainstream political movements lost ground...

326. Ruling party wins as largest parties shrink

The ruling conservative party in the Republic of Cyprus came on top following Sunday’s parliamentary elections, but DYSI along with leftist AKEL, the two mainstream parties, both saw many supporters choosing smaller tickets...

327. Cyprus enters dome of silence ahead of election

The campaign for the parliamentary elections of Sunday May 30 in Cyprus ends on Friday, with government officials handing over the ballot boxes and 600,000 ballots to the officers in charge of polling stations...

328. Cyprus jumps the gun on Sinopharm

Travelers who have been inoculated with Sinopharm can now visit freely the Republic of Cyprus, but it is up to other EU member states to accept the Chinese vaccine if the latest draft version for a COVID certificate is adopted in Strasburg next month...

329. Minister warns House over crucial EU money

Cypriot Finance Minister Constantinos Petrides is calling on Parliament to approve structural reforms that come as a condition to the disbursement of over €1 billion from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Fund...

330. Syllouris declines questions in passport probe

A former Cypriot parliamentary speaker secretly filmed in an expose on a now discredited cash-for-passports scheme declined to answer questions on Wednesday into his role in a scandal which rocked the island nation...