A UK Cypriot man who groomed and sexually abused a young girl has been sentenced to life imprisonment....
Authorities are seeking to arrest criminal lawyer Apostolos Lytras, 52, following a lawsuit filed by his wife, Sofia Polyzogopoulou, on Wednesday....
A United Nations expert has accused Australia and other western governments of paralysis over the Israel-Gaza crisis, saying leaders are either “muttering inaudible words of condemnation” or staying silent in fear....
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a law requiring K-12 schools to provide gender-neutral bathrooms by July 2026....
The Cypriot banking institutions are holding a small basket for demand in new loans....
According to Pafos Assistant Police Director Michael Ioannou, 576 cases have been investigated since the Violence in the Family Unit of the Pafos Crime Detection Department began operations on 15.2.21 until yesterday, 22.2.23....
An unusual arrangement between a police officer and his girlfriend in rural Nicosia, where the separated couple manage a farm together under a restraining order, took a sudden turn when the cop’s claims he had rekindled the relationship fell flat after admitting to an inquisitive judge that he did so by calling her on his mobile phone while in jail...
A male teacher at a junior high school in Limassol will be arraigned next month on dozens of charges following accusations from nine girls who say the educator was touching female students inappropriately during class...
Even though they were not identified during the protests, those who attended this weekend's protests in China have received phone calls from the authorities in recent days....
The Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO)’s first review of existing policy approaches and legislation on violence against women in Cyprus has revealed many areas in which redoubled action is needed to comply with the standards of the Istanbul Convention.
Papachelas makes public, for the first time, all 38 recorded minutes of the critical war council meeting held during the tense hours of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus on July 20, 1974.
A new free mobile app PANICosGR, created by Christos Apostolou, allows users in Greece to send an automated message to a default contact if they need immediate help or if they feel they are in danger....
The Supreme Court has called on authorities to reevaluate a prison release programme for sex offenders, citing a case where a convicted man under a restraining order had preyed on his niece while another case was pending against him...
The father of a US-born child abducted by the mother over three years ago flew to Cyprus Wednesday night, after the country’s Supreme Court issued a temporary hold on a return order following a motion from the mother to delay her son’s departure...
The woman seen in a shared video being abused by her employer, a retired police officer, says she endured physical abuse and serious threats many times before recording the incident...
A criminal court in Paphos on Thursday sentenced the estranged husband of slain Ghada Al Nouri from Syria to 18 years, after he was found guilty of manslaughter...
A mother who was remanded in custody on child abuse charges and ordered to stay away from her baby has asked for supervised visits...
New reports say a social worker, who went to the police station where a mother was arrested on suspicion of child abuse, was pleading with officers to let the woman walk to take care of her baby...
The suspect in the Paphos spousal murder, who has been denying premeditated charges, has reportedly admitted to killing his wife “in a moment of rage"...
The suspect in the Paphos murder was remanded in custody for eight days on Friday, with local reports saying he had confessed to a group of fellow Syrian men that he killed his wife to restore honour...
A murder suspect and husband of a Syrian woman who was stabbed to death in Paphos earlier this week was arrested in Limassol on Thursday...
A woman was found murdered in her own home in Paphos on Monday, with police issuing an arrest warrant for her husband...
A 20-year-old male from Paphos is facing criminal trial next month following allegations that he raped an underage girl, while another young man is being accused of sexually abusing a girl in her early teens...
A bill that would empower harassment and stalking victims is being delayed in the House in order for MPs to seek input from the legal department...
A 21-year-old man in Nicosia got a suspended sentence in a bride kidnapping case involving a 13-year-old girl who claimed she was in love with him...