12° Nicosia,
27 July, 2024

News Room

Athanasios Ellis Athanasios Ellis

Cyprus: A beacon of hope in the Middle East crisis

Cyprus is playing a pivotal role in Western efforts to deal with the crisis in the Middle East; its added value stems not ...
Eleni Xenou Eleni Xenou

Christodoulides' public perception and expectations

"The mistakes weren't made in policies; they were made in behaviors and choices, and those were corrected immediately," ...
Yiannis Ioannou Yiannis Ioannou

Christodoulides' talk of inclusion: Did actions match his words?

Last week, President Christodoulides attempted to address the declining popularity he faced after a year of governance marked ...
Opinion Opinion

Women siding with rapists and murderers?

Today is International Women's Day. Yesterday marked five months since the October 7 massacres in Israel.
Panayiotis Rougalas Panayiotis Rougalas

Why marriage shouldn't be the answer to €2B loans

In 2023, Cyprus secured a substantial loan totaling €2.02 billion from the Bank of Cyprus, earmarking €510 million specifically ...
Opinion Opinion

What role do banks ultimately play?

Are banks merely financial entities providing a range of services to the public and businesses, solely driven by profit ...
Eleni Xenou Eleni Xenou

Will anyone be held accountable?

Experts conduct studies, and we pay them for their work. However, the problem arises when these studies are manipulated ...
Alexis Papachelas Alexis Papachelas

Europe's sleepless nights over Egypt's crisis

Ask almost any European official specializing in security matters what keeps them up at night, and they’ll probably answer ...
Marina Economides Marina Economides

Fodder for the beasts

Last week, Nicos Anastasiades demanded through his lawyer the withdrawal of the books of Makarios Drousiotis, an apology ...
Opinion Opinion

King Charles' battle and Cyprus' cancer crusade

The specter of cancer has reached even the ''semigod'' King Charles of Britain, sending shockwaves through the British populace ...
Alexis Papachelas Alexis Papachelas

A tale of two nations, Greece's stability amidst America's unraveling

It’s a strange thing: Greece has become a relatively predictable, politically stable country. I wouldn’t say boring, because ...
Yiannis Ioannou Yiannis Ioannou

Youtube star to political contender with Elon Musk

When Fidias Panayiotou, affectionately known as Fidias, embarked on his YouTube journey following his departure from the ...
Yiannis Ioannou Yiannis Ioannou

The controversy over the ''homophobic'' school video and societal issues

In Cyprus, a heated debate has ensued over a school video labeled as homophobic. Despite the Minister of Education asserting ...
Panayiotis Rougalas Panayiotis Rougalas

The sloppiness of our 'Big Brother'

The Cypriot's life is filled with cameras: pocket cameras worth 1,000 euros that also take phone calls, home cameras warding ...
George Kakouris George Kakouris

Cyprus' EU-Turkey relations: What comes next?

Cyprus stands firm in its commitment to engage with Turkey within the European Union framework. However, it seeks to steer ...
Yiannis Ioannou Yiannis Ioannou

Navigating civil society's role amid deadlocks

In Cyprus, amid the backdrop of the Cyprus problem, discussions frequently revolve around Civil Society and its potential ...
Onasagoras Onasagoras

Calls for increased electricity rates raise eyebrows

The recent plea by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) for significant electricity rate increases has raised eyebrows, ...
Maria Eracleous Maria Eracleous

How state members earn in semi-governmental boards

The monthly income for the president/member of a semi-governmental organization, derived from participating in the organization's ...
Onasagoras Onasagoras

Cypriot society: A landscape where pizzas outpace police

We live in a society where pizzas arrive faster than the police, once remarked French director Claude Chabrol, and I fear ...
Marina Economides Marina Economides

Mythologizing Nikos Koshis

The portrayal of Nikos Koshis as a role model for combating organized crime, being showcased on various TV stations whenever ...
Opinion Opinion

Be specific, Mr. Stewart

''It would be particularly interesting if the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative would list each side’s violations ...
Opinion Opinion

Can Cyprus withstand yet another crisis?

The recent Houthi attacks on commercial vessels navigating the Red Sea have triggered another disturbance in the intricate ...
Opinion Opinion

''It is, therefore, right that I resign''

I wrote in my previous article ("How the prestige of the institutions is undermined", Kathimerini, 7/1/24) that, based on ...
Apostolis Tomaras Apostolis Tomaras

Diversity and the Church

The ongoing discussion in Greece regarding same-sex couples and parenting is poised to capture the attention of the political ...
Marina Economides Marina Economides

The cabinet reshuffle saga is a lesson in governance

When Nikos Christodoulides was vying for the Presidency last year, the primary question scrutinized was not just his readiness ...
George Kakouris George Kakouris

Journalism is (also) a job like any other

Since 2009, when I began working full-time in this field, I've observed the media landscape in Cyprus undergo multiple crises. ...
Onasagoras Onasagoras

Politics Blog: King Charles and Anastasiades

I came across the news that King Charles had bestowed an honor upon Anastasiades, and I must admit, at first I felt a shiver, ...
Opinion Opinion

Beware of the Brits bearing ideas for a Cyprus solution

According to recent reports, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office is working on various scenarios to break the deadlock ...
Opinion Opinion

Cyprus housing crisis deepens amid interest rate scandal

With current interest rates, the prospect of repaying a mortgage spans nearly fifty years for an average family, turning ...
Apostolos Kouroupakis Apostolos Kouroupakis

Preserving Cyprus' cultural heritage is a bicommunal effort

The Bicommunal Technical Committee's ongoing mission to safeguard and celebrate the island's rich history
Alexis Papachelas Alexis Papachelas

Israel should be alarmed

Israel faces the risk of losing the support of its traditional allies, as well as the perception of invincibility, both ...
Pavlos Xanthoulis Pavlos Xanthoulis

Cyprus faces dilemma as EU puts Turkey's wishes first

On Monday, behind the scenes in Brussels, an agreement was reached and sealed in the evening at the diplomatic level on ...
Opinion Opinion

The overtime dilemma – George Vassiliou's proposal

Only a young John Kapodistrias, with his wit and cunning, can rescue this troubled land from the folly of officials and ...
Opinion Opinion

Defying dictatorship

In their quiet struggle for freedom and democracy, the people of Belarus represent a beacon of courage and resilience. Despite ...
Opinion Opinion

What about the day after in Gaza? What about the days before?

A colleague of mine asked me the other day a very interesting question. Let's assume, he said, that Israel does manage to ...