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Cyprus on alert for 40°C heatwave

Meteorology Department warns of 40°C highs on Monday


The Department of Meteorology issued a yellow warning for extreme temperatures on Sunday afternoon, forecasting highs around 40 degrees Celsius for Monday, July 29, between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The weather is influenced by seasonal low pressure and a warm air mass. Monday’s forecast predicts mostly clear skies, with some localized cloud buildup in the mountains during the afternoon. Winds will initially blow northwest to northeast, and locally southeast to southwest, at weak 3 Beaufort, shifting later to southwest to northwest at weak to moderate 3-4 Beaufort. The sea will be calm to slightly turbulent, with local turbulence in the afternoon. Temperatures will reach about 40 degrees Celsius inland, 34 degrees on the west coast, 37 degrees on other coastal areas, and 30 degrees in the higher mountains.

Overnight, skies will remain mostly clear, though low clouds may develop along the western coast. Winds will shift to southwest to northwest and gradually to northeast at weak to moderate 3-4 Beaufort, becoming weak at 3 Beaufort. The sea will be calm to slightly turbulent, except in the west and north where it will stay slightly turbulent. Temperatures will drop to 26 degrees Celsius inland and along the southeast, east, and west coasts, 23 degrees on the southwest coast, 25 degrees on the north coast, and 20 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tuesday’s forecast continues with mostly clear skies and some afternoon clouds in the mountains. Wednesday and Thursday will also be mostly clear, with increased cloudiness after noon, possibly bringing isolated showers in southern mountainous areas on Wednesday.

Temperatures are expected to remain above average through Thursday.

[Information sourced from Cyprus Met Service]

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