Andreas Karamitas
The formation of CYTAPOWER was announced by Mr. Andreas Neocleous, the Executive Director of the organization. CYTAPOWER will encompass all of CYTA's projects and infrastructure related to energy and energy autonomy.
In an exclusive interview with "K," Mr. Neocleous stated, "We have established CYTAPOWER as a subsidiary to oversee all energy-related endeavors for CYTA. This company will manage various projects, including the installation of 100 electrification chargers, the leasing or purchase of PV parks, and any other energy initiatives undertaken by CYTA." Additionally, Neocleous emphasized that any future involvement CYTA has in the energy market will be channeled through CYTAPOWER.
Telecommunications companies expanding into energy market
During his presentation, CYTA's Executive Director highlighted the growing intersection between connectivity and energy distribution, leading to enhanced data analysis and sustainable practices. Neocleous noted the increasing interest of telecom companies in entering the energy sector, which is resulting in the convergence of these two vital industries. The challenges and opportunities arising from this evolving landscape are compelling CYTA to adopt a new role that aligns with the dynamics of energy transition and autonomy.
The future of smart meters
When questioned about the status of Smart Meters and CYTA's involvement in providing such a service, Mr. Neocleous clarified, "We have not lost the Smart Meters tender, as there is an ongoing court appeal scheduled for May 23. If the appeal is successful, we anticipate signing a contract with EAC for the provision of smart meters," concluded Mr. Neocleous.
[This article was translated from its Greek original]