12° Nicosia,
01 October, 2024


Displaying results 3451-3480 of 4308 matches for query Republic.

3451. Senate-approved EastMed on Trump’s desk

US Congress’ approval of a spending package that includes the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019 signals a “new day in Greek-American relations,” said Senator Bob Menendez, one of the authors of the bipartisan legislation...

3452. Three locals arrested in spy van case

Cypriot police have arrested three individuals in connection with an investigation into the controversial “spy van” owned by an Israeli company registered on the island...

3453. Lebanon says Greek vessel violated waters

Beirut is seeking answers through the United Nations following an alleged maritime violation by a Greek vessel in Lebanese territorial waters...

3454. US House votes to impeach Trump

Donald Trump became the third U.S. president to be impeached as the House of Representatives formally charged him on Wednesday with abuse of power and obstructing Congress...

3455. Turkey warns US over Cyprus arms embargo

Ankara has warned Washington that an impending lift of a US arms embargo on the Republic of Cyprus is a “dangerous escalation” that would hamper efforts to reach a peace settlement on the divided island...

3456. EastMed bill squeezed through federal budget

US Senator Bob Menendez on Monday applauded a bipartisan deal on federal government spending that is comprised of 12 appropriations bills, including legislation shaping American strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean...

3457. Turkish military drone lands in Cyprus

A military armed drone landed in the northern part of Cyprus on Monday after flying a five-hour mission from its naval base in Turkey...

3458. Turkish drones in the north ready for takeoff

Turkish drones were due to arrive in the northern part of Cyprus where they are expected to begin flying missions on Monday over drilling ships in search of natural resources in the eastern Mediterranean...

3459. Senate approves Armenian resolution

The US Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution that recognizes as a genocide the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, a historic move that infuriated Turkey and dealt a blow to the already problematic ties between Ankara and Washington...

3460. House passes 2020 budget

The House of Representatives voted the state budget for 2020 on Wednesday evening with 29 votes in favour and 23 against...

3461. Iranian wins appeal against Asylum office

A coordinator from an Iranian university, who was refused asylum in the Republic of Cyprus, was vindicated but the Supreme Court this week after it emerged that his case was adjudicated based on a flawed Google search...

3462. US arms embargo to be lifted on conditions

President Donald Trump will have discretion over a current US arms embargo imposed on Cyprus, as both Senate and House conferees have reached an agreement on the defence budget for next year...

3463. Minister explains joint patrols downtown

The interior minister says joint patrols in downtown Nicosia are meant to prevent crime and combat illegal migration, while also clarifying that the two are not necessarily connected to each other...

3464. Cypriot-Israeli dispute out in the open

The Republic of Cyprus says development of Aphrodite’s natural gas reservoir will go forward as planned, after reports said a letter from Israel called on energy companies to halt operations until the two countries settled all pending issues...

3465. Athens and Ankara take jabs at each other

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias is expected to raise the Turkey-Libya deal on maritime borders in Brussels, after accusing Ankara of blackmailing its way through an agreement totally devoid of substance...

3466. Senate blocks Armenian vote for third time

Republican Senator Kevin Cramer prevented the US Senate from voting on a resolution on Thursday that would recognize as a genocide the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, saying it was not an appropriate time to pass legislation that would anger Turkey...

3467. Leaked Turkey-Libya deal under scrutiny

A copy of a controversial maritime agreement between Turkey and Libya leaked to the press on Thursday after Ankara shared the memorandum with parliament ahead of a vote in the coming days...

3468. Armed patrols begin this weekend

Armed soldiers and police officers will very soon be holding joint patrols in downtown Nicosia, with the justice minister saying the measures are being taken to combat crime, terrorism, and illegal immigration...

3469. Spy van owner fires back at police

The CEO of WiSpear, the high-tech company caught in a media storm for owning the confiscated “spy van” in Cyprus, says local police have not done much to dispel false rumours...

3470. Cyprus asks to review Turkey-Libya deal

Τhe Republic of Cyprus has joined Greece in demanding to review two recent Turkey-Libya deals, with the Cypriot foreign minister accusing Ankara of extorting the memorandum from Tripoli...

3471. Turkey says Greek Cypriots 'spoiled' in the EU

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says his country’s continental shelf is not up for discussion, accusing Greeks and Greek Cypriots of holding maximalist and uncompromising positions....

3472. Neighbours criticise Turkey-Libya deal

The foreign ministry of the Republic of Cyprus has condemned the signing of an agreement on maritime boundaries between Turkey and Libya, calling it a “serious violation” of international law...

3473. Condition unknown for man in scooter crash

A young man’s condition remained unknown after he was struck by a car in Limassol as he was crossing the street on an electric scooter...

3474. Attorney general weighs in on spy van

The attorney general of the Republic of Cyprus has appointed a special investigator in the “spy van” case, while the Israeli company that sells controversial surveillance vehicles is calling on authorities to investigate what it calls a “false accusations” campaign...

3475. Guterres committed to explore possibility to convene five-party meeting on Cyprus

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that he committed to explore with the President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci and the guarantor powers the possibility to convene an informal five party meeting on Cyprus “at an appropriate stage”, following an informal dinner in Berlin attended by both leaders. ...

3476. All set in Berlin for low-key dinner

The two Cypriot leaders are hours away from having an informal dinner together with the UN Secretary General in Berlin, where they have been invited for an assessment of next steps regarding a possible resumption of talks on the divided island...

3477. UNSC briefed on Cyprus ahead of Berlin

The Security Council held consultations on Cyprus on Thursday behind closed doors, where members were briefed on the latest developments and urged leaders to be productive in the period ahead...

3478. Cypriot hacker to be extradited to US

A young hacker could be the first ever Cypriot to be extradited to the United States, while his lawyers are urging him to file an appeal...

3479. North says flag burners in the south identified

Authorities in the north have alerted their officers at all checkpoints to be on the lookout for specific individuals in the south who were identified in a video during the burning of a Turkish Cypriot flag...

3480. Minister determined to fight ‘green line abuse'‘green-line-abuse

The Cypriot government is cautiously moving forward with plans to reduce illegal migration to Cyprus through the north, including checkpoint stations and surveillance of remote areas along the Green Line...