12° Nicosia,
02 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 292 matches for query Sovereignty.

211. Cyprus cries foul over Turkey’s pick at UNGA

Cyprus and Armenia have sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General explaining the reasons why the two countries object to the election by silence procedure of Volkan Bozkir of Turkey as President of the UN General Assembly at its 75 session...

212. Med7 calls on Turkey to respect law of the sea

The foreign ministers of Greece, Cyprus, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain, a group dubbed the Med7, issued a joint declaration on Thursday calling on “all countries of the region to respect international law, including the law of the sea, and in particular the sovereignty and sovereign rights of EU member-states.” ...

213. EU top diplomat urges Turkey to respect Greece, Cyprus sovereignty

Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, on Tuesday urged Turkey to respect the sovereignty of Greece and Cyprus....

214. Greek FM insists Evros fence will be completed

215. Greek army, police dig in along Turkey border after migrant clashes

Greek troops and riot police remained on high alert on Tuesday along the land border between Greece and Turkey, the main flashpoint in an escalating row between the EU and Ankara over how to deal with a new wave of migrants and refugees....

216. Bulgaria wants in on EastMed energy cooperation

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said on Tuesday that his country wishes to cooperate within the framework of the trilateral mechanism among Cyprus, Greece, and Israel in the energy field, adding that Bulgaria is geographically a natural continuation of these three countries....

217. Greek and French Defence Ministers declare united front

Greek and French Defence Ministers, Nikos Panagiotopoulos and Florence Parly, denounced Turkey’s illegal actions in the Eastern Mediterranean during their meeting in Athens on Monday....

218. France stands by Greece and Cyprus, says French Defense Minister

France will stand by Greece and Cyprus, supporting both in their disputes with Turkey over maritime zones in the Mediterranean, French Defence Minister Florence Parly was quoted saying in a Greek newspaper on Sunday....

219. Tusk pledges support for Cyprus

Donald Tusk, the recently-appointed head of the European People’s Party (EPP), affirmed his support for Cyprus’ efforts to “protect its independence and sovereignty in all aspects.”...

220. Cyprus, Lebanon begin preparations for first Trilateral Summit

Cyprus and Lebanon have begun preparations for the first Trilateral Summit at the level of Heads of State and Government, to be held in Nicosia in the spring, the Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides announced on Friday...

221. Mitsotakis calls for greater European solidarity on Turkey, migration

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has called for greater European solidarity in dealing with Turkish provocations against Greek sovereignty and the immigration crisis....

222. Egypt issues warning over Cyprus rights

Egypt has sent out a warning on Sunday about repercussions of any unilateral moves that could breach the rights of the Republic of Cyprus and pose threats to security and stability in the Middle East...

223. Libya’s Haftar in Athens for talks

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis vowed on Thursday to veto any solution on the North African country if the maritime border deal between the Tripoli-based government with Turkey is not scrapped...

224. US preemptive strike put to the test

The Trump administration on Friday justified its killing of a top Iranian general as an act of self-defense, trying to deflect accusations that it violated international law and concerns raised by legal experts and a senior UN rights investigator....

225. Tough dilemmas in Greek-Turkish affairs

Turkey’s claims in the Aegean were first brought to the table in 1973 and have escalated ever since, reaching successive peaks over 10 to 15 years and multiplying...

226. Lebanon says Greek vessel violated waters

Beirut is seeking answers through the United Nations following an alleged maritime violation by a Greek vessel in Lebanese territorial waters...

227. Athens denounces sea border deal to UN

Greece’s objections to the “legally invalid” maritime boundary deal between Turkey and Libya are meticulously outlined in two letters it has sent to the United Nations, which also call on Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to bring the matter before the Security Council...

228. Senate blocks Armenian vote for third time

Republican Senator Kevin Cramer prevented the US Senate from voting on a resolution on Thursday that would recognize as a genocide the mass killings of Armenians a century ago, saying it was not an appropriate time to pass legislation that would anger Turkey...

229. President stresses political determination ahead of Berlin

President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades stressed on Friday his determination and political will to attend a meeting in Berlin, later this month, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, in a positive and creative spirit, aiming to conclude the terms of reference “whatever the Turkish intentions are.”...

230. Mogherini says EU stands with Cyprus

High Representative Federica Mogherini expressed the EU’s full solidarity with Cyprus in her closing statement in the European Parliament plenary discussing Turkey's drilling activities around the island...

231. EU ministers follow up on Turkey conclusions

EU foreign ministers meet in Brussels on Monday where they are expected to adopt measures against Turkish drilling activities around Cyprus...

232. Lute to return to Cyprus ahead of Berlin leaders' meeting with the UNSG

In mid-November, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Cyprus, Jane Holl Lute will be in Cyprus to prepare for the meeting of the leaders with the SG in Berlin....

233. UN diplomat expresses concern over uncertainty for the resumption of negotations on Cyprus

The UN Secretary General’s Special Representative and head of the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) Elizabeth Spehar has said that uncertainty regarding the prospects for the resumption of the negotiations aiming to solve the Cyprus problem remains a concern, adding that “these are crucial times both on the island and in the region.”...

234. Syria moves troops to confront Turkey

The Syrian army will deploy along the length of the border with Turkey in an agreement with the Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria to help repel a Turkish offensive, the Kurdish-led administration said on Sunday...

235. Pompeo opts for diplomacy over Cyprus EEZ

The new defense deal signed between Athens and Washington will contribute to Greece’s security, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Kathimerini in a recent interview, while staying firm on diplomatic efforts regarding Cyprus' EEZ...

236. Turkish ships disturb Cypriot waters

Nicosia and Athens are calling on Turkey to back off following Ankara’s decision to send more ships off the southern coast of Cyprus...

237. Nicosia uses all legal, political and diplomatic means at its disposal to face Turkey's new provocations, spokesman says

The Republic of Cyprus uses all the legal, political and diplomatic means at its disposal to address new Turkish provocations in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone, Government Spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said on Friday, following the meeting of the National Council under Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades....

238. UK deplores any drilling in the waters close to Cyprus, supports Cyprus' right to extract oils

Britain deplores any drilling in the waters close to Cyprus and supports Cyprus’ right to extract oils in its Exclusive Economic Zone, British Minister for Europe Christopher Pincher, said on Friday, adding at the same time that the oil wealth should be extracted for the benefit of all Cypriots on the island of Cyprus....

239. Nicosia monitors closely the course of Turkish drill-ship «Yavuz» in Cyprus EEZ

Nicosia monitors closely the course of Turkish drill-ship “Yavuz” within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Republic of Cyprus awaiting further developments....

240. Cyprus resorts to UN Security Council over Varosha

In statements to the press late on Friday after having completed all his meetings on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, President Anastasiades expressed his satisfaction about the outcome of his “interesting and extremely important” meeting with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the understanding with which Cyprus’ positions were received by the five Security Council permanent members. ...