12° Nicosia,
16 June, 2024


Displaying results 121-150 of 296 matches for query assembly.

121. Nicosia backs new Israeli foreign minister

Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides has congratulated his Israeli counterpart who took office this week ahead of anticipated big news in Israeli-Arab relations that do not leave Nicosia unaffected...

122. The week that shook Brussels saw a police stakeout, piles of cash, and reform promises

The police had been waiting since dawn. Officers from the special unit of Belgium’s federal police gathered on Rue Wiertz, close to the European Parliament in Brussels. ...

123. EU Parliament halts work on Qatar-related cases

The European Union’s parliament voted Thursday to suspend work on all files involving Qatar, and called for security passes for representatives of the Gulf country’s interests to be withdrawn until light can be shed on a corruption scandal rocking the assembly....

124. Turkish FM raises havoc over ‘demilitarization’ of Greek islands‘demilitarization-of-greek-islands

The matter of the eastern Aegean islands is a “national issue,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told the Grand National Assembly on Tuesday, appealing for consensus over Ankara’s claims that Greece is violating their demilitarized status....

125. More EU Parliament offices raided in corruption probe

Belgian police conducted more raids at European Parliament offices Monday as the legislature’s president pledged to launch an internal investigation into corruption allegations and the bloc’s top official called for the creation of an EU-wide independent ethics body...

126. 'K' poll: The race for second place (graphics)

We are in the crucial final sixty days before the elections, and everything points to a sensational thriller, a fierce battle for the coveted second place....

127. The end of an era for the plane that shrank the world

The last Boeing 747 is about to leave the assembly line today, after 53 years and at least 1,570 planes....

128. Cypriot defense minister visits Serbia

Cyprus’ Defence Minister, Charalambos Petrides was on an official visit to Serbia on Tuesday during which he discussed with his Serbian counterpart, Milos Vucevic, the relations of the two countries in the field of defence and security, as well as current developments ...

129. Anastasiades: 'No one can portray me as a corrupt person'

It is not possible for anyone to make allegations that the President is involved in corrupt or even criminal acts without the matter being investigated by the appropriate authorities, said the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades today....

130. Apple supplier apologizes, offers $1400 payout to quell protests$1400-payout-to-quell-protests

Apple’s manufacturing partner Foxconn has offered payouts of Rmb10,000 ($1,400) to newly recruited staff who elect to leave the iPhone factory and vowed to honour pay agreements, in an attempt to quell unrest after workers violently clashed with police....

131. Russian officials denied visas for OSCE meeting in Poland

The government of Poland will not issue Schengen visas to officials from the Russian Federation for attending a meeting of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) set to be held in the city of Łódź in Poland on December 1 and 2....

132. Thirty-nine years since the illegal declaration of the pseudo-state

Today marks 39 years since the illegal declaration of the pseudo-state in the occupied territories of the Republic of Cyprus....

133. How Turkey's 'Blue Homeland' doctrine came to be

Fresh fuel was thrown onto the already volatile Greek-Turkish relationship in 2019 in the form of a map that was made public in a photograph that had Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan standing in front of it....

134. Cyprus sits out as UN50 seek to condemn China

Fifty member states of the United Nations are calling on China to “uphold its international human rights obligations” in a joint statement on Xinjiang, with Cyprus being absent from that list...

135. Cavusoglu: 'TRNC' delegations will be established in two EU member states

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that although the pseudo-state has not been recognized, representative offices will now be established in two EU nations. ...

136. Suspicion over Turkish fishing boats in migrant drownings

Hellenic Coast Guard officers have told Kathimerini they were investigating the role of Turkish fishing boats that were close to the location where a dinghy sunk late Wednesday and a confirmed 18 people drowned, the deadlier of the two incidents involving migrants....

137. Anastasiades, Erdogan size each other up in Prague

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades had a brief encounter with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Prague on Thursday, with conflicting reports emerging as to what exactly they talked about on the sidelines of the first European Political Community summit...

138. UN forces told to recognize 'TRNC' or leave

According to today's front page of the Turkish daily Hurriyet, 'officials' in the occupied north of Cyprus are requesting that peacekeeping personnel leave their UN installations if they do not recognize the TRNC state....

139. Majority of tourists visiting Cyprus are no longer Russian

In June 2021 at the 43rd conference of the Pancyprian Hoteliers Association, it may have been the first time it was officially made clear that the markets of Russia and Britain will no longer be a one-way street for the Cypriot tourism industry....

140. US Embassy in Moscow tells citizens to leave immediately

The United States Embassy in Moscow has told all Americans left to leave immediately to avoid being conscripted into Vladimir Putin's mobilized army....

141. Candidates concerned over higher rents facing undergraduates

Parties and candidates on Monday continued their activities, ahead of the February 2023 presidential elections, with issues such as digital transformation, labor relations, the Cyprus problem and benefits for undergraduate students who face difficulties renting student halls, topping the agenda....

142. 'UN adopts equidistant stance, even when faced with violation of resolutions'

The UN, unfortunately, adopts an equal-distance stance, even when faced with the violation of decisions, resolutions and defined scope and terms of reference specified to the Secretariat said Friday Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades. He also referred to recent statements by Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan which he described as provocative....

143. Turkey singing the same old song

In a letter dated June 5, 1963, and addressed to the elderly Turkish prime minister Ismet Inonu, US President Lyndon Johnson sought to avert a military invasion of Cyprus by threatening that in the case of a Soviet attack, the United States and NATO would not come to Ankara’s aid....

144. Anastasiades scrutiny grows after Zakharova tease

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades’ cold shoulder to his Russian counterpart in New York is back in the news after Moscow’s spokeswoman poked fun at western leaders, claiming officials from big EU countries have been discretely requesting meetings while dissuading others in the bloc from sitting down for a chat...

145. CNN journalist cancels interview with Iranian president when asked to wear headscarf

CNN's Christiane Amanpour canceled an interview with the Iranian president after he asked her to wear a headscarf amid the civil unrest in Tehran....

146. Israel puts two states back on the table

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid called on Thursday for a two-state solution to decades of Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reasserted that Israel would do 'whatever it takes' to stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb...

147. Cypriot president criticized for snubbing Lavrov

A Nicosia professor says Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades’ decision to snub Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the last minute was 'unwise' and a 'missed opportunity' after hearing the government spokesperson on state radio citing guidelines from Brussels...

148. California to allow human remains to be composted and used as soil

California will begin offering the option of human composting after death thanks to a bill recently signed into law that aims to tackle climate change....

149. Erdogan calls on world to open up to Turkish Cypriots

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on the international community to stop imposing sanctions on northern Cyprus, saying Ankara’s unheeded calls for cooperation showed “who supports provocation and conflict and who supports peace and stability” in the region...

150. Gender pay gap in Cyprus at 9%, needs improvement

Commissioner for Gender Equality, Iosifina Antoniou, in her statement for International Equal Pay Day, highlights the long-standing struggles to achieve equal pay for work of equal value between men and women, noting that the wage gap in Cyprus continues to exist and stands at 9%....