Newsroom / CNA
President Nikos Christodoulides, during his address to the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, extended an invitation to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to collaborate towards a vision of peace and the mutual betterment of their countries. This collaboration, Christodoulides emphasized, should be forged through dialogue and respect for international legality.
He emphasized the centrality of peace in Cyprus to his agenda and conveyed a personal message to President Erdogan, stating, "There is not, and there will never be another basis for the settlement of the Cyprus question other than that dictated by the United Nations Security Council resolutions. Dear Mr. Erdogan, illegality stemming from invasion, aggression, and the use of force cannot be recognized."
Christodoulides pressed for the UN to take a more active role in facilitating dialogue by appointing an envoy for the Cyprus problem, in line with Security Council resolutions, to pave the way for renewed negotiations.
He affirmed his readiness to engage in negotiations within the agreed UN framework and in adherence to relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, aiming for a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality.
In a climate where international legality faces challenges, Christodoulides stressed the importance of upholding international law and UN Security Council Resolutions.
He underscored his commitment to negotiating a settlement that protects the fundamental freedoms and rights of all Cypriots, irrespective of their background, and called for peace negotiations to be based on the agreed framework.
Furthermore, Christodoulides asserted that the United Nations and its Secretary-General bear the responsibility, as outlined in the UN Charter, to act as catalysts for peace in Cyprus. He emphasized the role of the European Union in facilitating reunification and contributing to peace in Europe and the wider Middle East.
Cyprus has remained divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern territory. Multiple rounds of UN-led peace talks have not yielded a resolution, with the most recent negotiations in July 2017 concluding inconclusively.