12° Nicosia,
29 September, 2024


Displaying results 601-630 of 1533 matches for query diploma.

601. Israeli ambassadorship to Turkey rewrites gas rules

Israel's new ambassador to Turkey presented her credentials to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan week, after four years of strain between the two countries and just months after Nicosia said it was confident it would not be sidelined by its Jewish neighbor...

602. Nicosia scrambles to block north recognition

The Republic of Cyprus is scrambling to block the Turkish Cypriot administration from upgrading its status in the northern part of the divided island, with Greek Cypriot officials in the south confirming reports of new counter measures with diplomatic missions to countries including Gambia...

603. China opens first consulate general in Iran

China's Consulate General in Bandar Abbas was officially opened on Wednesday in the capital of Hormuzgan Province on the southern coast of Iran, marking the establishment of China's first consulate general in Iran....

604. Russians flying to Cyprus get 'next best thing'

Moscow and Nicosia are growing further apart on travel between the two countries, prompting Russians living on both sides of the divided island to look for new routes through Turkey after rumors of direct flights in the north subsided due to the Cyprus Problem...

605. Nikos Christodoulides announces his proposals on the Cyprus issue

Nikos Christodoulides, an independent candidate for the presidency of the Republic, has published his positions on the Cyprus problem under the title "For a United Cyprus" today. ...

606. Divided Cyprus’ leaders meet as UN not giving up

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar met on Wednesday evening in the framework of an end of year reception which the UN in Cyprus hosted at Ledra Palace, in the Nicosia buffer zone...

607. North releases video of rogue driver incident

A Greek Cypriot man accused of driving through a Turkish Cypriot checkpoint barricade says his car was shot at during the incident, with authorities in the north releasing video footage and prosecutors saying the suspect was being uncooperative...

608. The EU will retaliate if Turkey's unilateral actions in Cyprus continue

A local source in Brussels said that if Turkey continues to take unilateral actions against Cyprus in violation of existing UN Security Council resolutions, there will be a reaction, noting that Nicosia "has no better ally than Brussels." ...

609. Rogue driver arrested for ‘breaking down barriers’‘breaking-down-barriers

A Greek Cypriot man who gave new meaning to the phrase 'breaking down barriers' has been arrested by Turkish Cypriot police, after he failed to comply with officers on both sides of the divided island and drove through a barricade in the north...

610. Did Iran just abolish the morailty police?

Both Iranian state media and anti-government protesters downplayed statements by an Iranian judicial official that the "morality police" had been abolished on Sunday....

611. Ukrainian embassies receive 'bloody packages' with animal eyes

Ukrainian embassies in at least five European countries have received several 'bloody packages' containing body parts of some animals, mainly eyes, the country's Foreign Ministry has reported....

612. EU: The price of Russian oil has been capped at $60$60

The European Union has agreed to cap the price of Russian seaborne oil at $60 per barrel, a Polish official stated....

613. Anastasiades: 'No one can portray me as a corrupt person'

It is not possible for anyone to make allegations that the President is involved in corrupt or even criminal acts without the matter being investigated by the appropriate authorities, said the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades today....

614. Kasoulides: Cyprus solution a 'win-win' if there is political will

The solution to the Cyprus problem could be a win-win situation for all stakeholders, Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides has said, adding that there is a great possibility for this provided that there is political will....

615. More Russians visiting Spain despite EU sanctions

The number of Russian nationals who are reaching Spain for travel purposes keeps increasing despite flight sanctions continuing to remain in place....

616. EU struggles with Russian oil price cap

European Union governments remained split on Thursday over what level to cap Russian oil prices at to curb Moscow’s ability to pay for its war in Ukraine without causing a global oil supply shock, with more talks possible on Friday if positions converge...

617. Brussels urging guidelines for NGO boats in the midst of France-Italy migrant dispute

The European Commission is pushing to create guidelines for the NGO boats rescuing migrants off Europe’s shores as part of a plan to reduce the number of asylum seekers heading to the Continent....

618. Shocking! No resolution on the Cyprus issue

Was it unfair that Miroslav Jenca, the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia, and the Americas, met with President Anastasiades and TC leader Ersin Tatar?...

619. Ukraine's grain agreement with Russia extended 4 months

A diplomatic agreement that restarted Ukraine's maritime food exports will continue for at least another four months, keeping the economic lifeline open as the major food producer faces its first full winter at war with Russia....

620. 'Double tax' treaty talks to begin between Cyprus and Australia

Cyprus Finance Ministry has expressed satisfaction with the positive reaction of Australian authorities to initiate bilateral negotiations for the conclusion of the Convention for the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance....

621. NATO response convoluted in missile aftermath

Puzzled world leaders breathed a sigh of relief on Wednesday after it was revealed that Ukrainian forces, not Russian, had fired missiles into Poland, but the incident had already disrupted G20 diplomacy meetings in Bali and further revealed hidden divisions within NATO...

622. How Turkey's 'Blue Homeland' doctrine came to be

Fresh fuel was thrown onto the already volatile Greek-Turkish relationship in 2019 in the form of a map that was made public in a photograph that had Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan standing in front of it....

623. Iranian protesters look to outside world for help

The anti-government protests sweeping Iran are now in their eighth week, with no sign of ending, despite a bloody crackdown. The rest of the world has watched with alarm, with some countries taking steps in support of the protests....

624. Israel to award Anastasiades with medal of honor

The Israeli Presidency announced on Tuesday evening that Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades will be awarded on Wednesday the Presidential Medal of Honor by his Israeli counterpart Yitzhak Herzog....

625. Anastasiades' last hurrah

President Anastasiades is on his final diplomatic tour in the region before the end of his term, beginning with multilateral contacts in Egypt, where he has been since last Sunday in the framework of COP-27. ...

626. Initial PEGA report - Cyprus is an appealing destination for spy goods

627. EY holds Cyprus Attractiveness Forum: Investment Realized, a reference point for FDI in Cyprus

The Cyprus Attractiveness Forum: Investment Realized, organized by EY in collaboration with the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, took place on Tuesday, October 25th at the Parklane Hotel, in Limassol. ...

628. Announcement: Appointment of Principal and Senior Managers in K. Treppides & Co Ltd

The Management of K. Treppides & Co Ltd is committed to develop leaders who derive from own people and who pursue excellence in the provision of high quality specialised and unique services. We are pleased to announce the appointment of the following members on the Board of Management effective as of 1 November 2022....

629. Cyprus has come a long way in restoring reputation over anti-money laundering issues

The Republic of Cyprus has come a long way in dealing with anti-corruption and Anti-money laundering (AML) issues, making important strides in restoring the Republic of Cyprus’ reputation, said US Ambassador to Cyprus, Judith Garber speaking on Tuesday at EY’s Cyprus Attractiveness Forum....

630. Cypriot president meets pope at the Vatican

Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Monday, with the two men reportedly discussing bilateral issues including refugees following the Holy Father’s visit to the divided island last year...