12° Nicosia,
01 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 284 matches for query flood.

211. Towns pounded by severe weather

Emergency crews were called to respond to dozens of flooding incidents on Sunday, following heavy rain, tornadoes, and uprooted trees caused by severe weather...

212. Trump hits China with more tariffs, sharply escalating trade dispute

U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to impose a 10% tariff on $300 billion of Chinese imports from Sept. 1, sharply escalating a bruising trade war between the world’s largest economies and jolting financial markets. ...

213. Bishop probe ordered over gay comments

The attorney general has ordered a probe into possible offences committed by Morphou Bishop Neophytos following controversial statements he made on homosexuality and other matter, while discussion about the debate is proving to be intense in the public domain...

214. Ombudswoman weighs in on Bishop controversy

Criticism towards Bishop Neophytos is picking up steam, following his comments about homosexuality and abortion that stirred debate and prompted all sorts of reactions...

215. Memes flood internet after bishop’s gay comments

Morphou Neophytos has taken heat after making controversial comments about gay sex, with the internet flooding with funny memes but also criticism against the bishop...

216. Orestis trial starts Monday

The alleged serial killer in the “Orestis case” has been ordered to appear for his arraignment on Monday, where he will formerly answer to seven murder charges and one rape...

217. Island under severe thunderstorm warning

A new orange weather alert was issued for Tuesday afternoon, with heavy thunderstorms and strong winds expected in many areas...

218. Diver’s words resonate through Memi Lake

A brief exchange between a supervisor and his diver who found the body of little Sierra in Memi Lake has resonated with the Cypriot public, as shock and disbelief still continue in the serial killer case...

219. Body found in Memi Lake

A human body believed to be Sierra has been found in Memi Lake, with reports saying state forensic pathologists are rushing to the scene...

220. Partial drain at Memi Lake to go forward

Divers can expect a less difficult task at Memi Lake in the search for little Sierra, following a decision by the Water Development Department to allow a partial drain to lower the water level...

221. Police renew efforts in search for Sierra

Robotic cameras head back in the water on Monday in search for little Sierra, with officials still contemplating a partial drain of the lake...

222. Police lineup scheduled in serial killer case

A Nicosia judge has renewed the remand for the main suspect in the serial killer case, with prosecutors hinting at a police lineup as a next step in the investigation...

223. Difficult search ahead in Memi Lake

Divers head to Memi Lake to search for a little girl, one of seven victims in the serial killer case, one day after a third body was recovered from the red lake...

224. Filipina who escaped Orestis speaks out

New information emerged about the alleged serial killer, with another woman from the Philippines coming forward with shocking details of how she escaped alleged serial killer Nikos Metaxas days before the first body discovery...

225. Police close to wrapping up Orestis case

There are still no signs of Maricar and little Sierra as authorities failed to locate their bodies so far, while police say they see no evidence to suggest that Orestis committed more than seven murders...

226. Orestis back in court

A month has gone by with police still searching for two more slain victims of alleged serial killer Orestis, while a crucial autopsy on Monday is expected to show the cause of death of eight-year-old Elena Natalia...

227. Latest finds in red lake raise questions

Police are flooded with phone calls concerning the serial killer case, while items discovered in the red lake are raising more questions for investigators...

228. Sonar back and forth in search for victims

Search efforts continue for two more slain victims in the serial killer case, with divers and equipment going back and forth between two lakes in rural Nicosia...

229. Biker tells story of finding Marry Rose’s body

A group of curious bikers were behind the discovery of the first body in the serial killer case that shocked public opinion in Cyprus and around the world...

230. Lake search resumes for slain victims

At least two more bodies are believed to be underwater in rural Nicosia, as divers resume search efforts to locate two more victims believed to have been slain by confessed serial killer Nikos Metaxas...

231. Divers fail to locate Maricar

Divers failed on Monday to locate a third body at the red lake, believed to be a Filipina domestic worker who went missing in December 2017...

232. Second body retrieved from red lake

Divers retrieved another suitcase from the red lake on Sunday, with first indications pointing to the body of a young Romanian girl based on a confession by the alleged serial killer who admitted seven murders...

233. Sonar scans red lake for victims

Experts have began mapping the bottom of the red lake using sonar technology in the serial killer case, while the second body found in a nearby mine shaft has been positively identified...

234. New details emerge in Mitseros case

New information has emerged about a missing Nepalese woman believed to have been murdered by an alleged serial killer in Nicosia, suggesting immigration police did in fact search for her but on the assumption she was a runaway and not a missing person...

235. First body from red lake identified

Reports say the body inside the first suitcase retrieved in Mitseros belonged to Livia, with a second autopsy revealing the horror of the Romanian woman’s final moments...

236. Suspense in search for bodies in Mitseros

A recovery operation is taking place at the red lake at the old abandoned mine in Mitseros, where a confessed serial killer said he dumped three bodies in suitcases...

237. Orestis formally charged with third murder

The suspected serial killer in the Filipina murders has been charged with a third count, based on specific evidence found in his home and linked directly to another woman as police still search for her body...

238. Authorities regroup in Mitseros search

Authorities are entering second phase in the Mitseros murders, as they begin to scrutinize the past of a suspected serial killer and prepare to inspect the bottom of a lake inch-by-inch in search of a missing little girl...

239. Body count in Mitseros still unknown

Police in Cyprus are scrambling to locate and identify bodies of foreign women following the arrest of a suspected serial killer, while the total number of slain victims is unknown with critics accusing law enforcement of not doing enough...

240. More experts join Mitseros investigation

A former student of the suspected serial killer says the army captain was fascinated with Mitseros during photography lessons but there was never any indication that he might be a psychopath...