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02 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-239 of 239 matches for query relief.

211. Interview with German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen

212. EU unhappy with Greek reforms, debt relief in doubt

Greece's bailout creditors say the country has fallen behind on several key reforms that have been set as a condition for debt relief....

213. Prespes: The rally, the raw numbers, and the day after

214. Product with an expiry date

215. Finance Minister: Fiscal stability must be preserved

216. Amid aid delays to fire victims, ND leader visits Mati

A month after the disastrous wildfires on the outskirts of Attica that claimed the lives of 96 people and destroyed dozens of homes and thousands of hectares of land, the government approved additional aid for victims, as Infrastructure Minister Christos Spirtzis and New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis conducted separate visits to Mati, the coastal settlement east of the capital where dozens died....

217. The mistakes of Greece’s creditors

A lot has been said about the mistakes made by Greece’s lenders during the bailout programs. The fact is they made many errors, including some serious ones. Meanwhile, Greek politicians were responsible for refusing to take ownership of the required reforms and failing to reach a degree of basic consensus. ...

218. The solitary third age of Greek Australians

Thirty-three-year-old Dimitra will lock her door tomorrow morning and breathe in the chilly Melbourne air. ...

219. Global jitters hit Greek bonds

Just days before Greece is to emerge from its international bailouts, upheaval in international markets took a toll on Greek bonds on Thursday, driving yields up above 4 percent....

220. Wanted: A respected person for assistance effort

After the cries of despair come the calls for help and the need for long-term support. The victims of the lethal inferno that devastated eastern Attica on July 23 don’t just need words of solidarity but deeds too....

221. Search continues as wildfires death toll climbs to 80

Rescue crews Wednesday continued to search the seaside areas northeast of Athens that were the worst affected by wildfires to locate any further victims, as the official death toll rose to 80...

222. Greece cannot afford policy reversal after bailout ends, says EU's Costello

Greece is on course to complete its third international bailout program but cannot afford to backtrack on adopted reforms after its expiration in August, the European Commission’s mission chief to Greece said on Thursday....

223. IMF, Berlin still divided over Greek debt but progress in sight

A meeting of the so-called Washington Group – representatives of Greece’s creditors as well as the governments of Germany, France, Spain and Italy, the biggest eurozone economies – failed to break a deadlock over the Greek debt as the International Monetary Fund and Berlin remain divided on the length of an upfront extension on bailout loans....

224. Tsipras says Greece will meet fiscal targets with no fiscal gap in 2018-9

Greece and its foreign creditors agreed that the country will meet its fiscal targets in the coming years and there will be no fiscal gap in 2018 and 2019, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told his cabinet ...

225. Teenager Alexander-Arnold named in youthful England World Cup squad

Liverpool’s 19-year-old right back Trent Alexander-Arnold received a surprise call-up for England as manager Gareth Southgate put his faith in youth with his final 23-man squad for next month’s World Cup...

226. 'Bonfire of the Vanities' author Tom Wolfe dead at 88

Tom Wolfe, an early practitioner of “new journalism” who captured the mood and culture of America across five decades with books including “The Bonfire of the Vanities,” “The Right Stuff,” and “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” has died at the age of 88...

227. All lights 'set on green' for end to Greek bailout

Greece’s exit from a bailout program instituted by the eurozone and International Monetary Fund looks set to proceed in August, Luxembourg finance minister Pierre Gramegna said on Friday...

228. Israel says Iran lied on nuclear arms, pressures US to scrap deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled what he said was evidence of a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program that could step up pressure on the United States to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran...

229. On Athens visit, Juncker appears upbeat about Greek recovery

In a speech before Greece’s Parliament on Thursday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker expressed optimism about Greece’s economic recovery and called on its European partners to honor pledges for debt relief....

230. Trump-Macron to face differences on Iran and trade as French visit begins

Trump and Macron began their improbable friendship a year ago in Belgium with a jaw-clenching handshake...

231. North Korea test freeze blunts its nuclear threat

North Korea said it no longer needed to conduct nuclear or intercontinental ballistic missile tests because it had reached its weapons development goals...

232. US believes Russia may tamper with chemical evidence

Syria and Russia deny unleashing poison gas on April 7 during their offensive on Douma...

233. May says UK had no choice but to conduct missile strikes against Syria

More than 100 missiles fired from ships and manned aircraft, the allies struck three of Syria’s main chemical weapons facilities...

234. Scholz seen to pick up where Schaeuble left off

Despite the cordial meeting on Friday between Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and his new German counterpart Olaf Scholz, Berlin made it clear that the key Greek demand of debt relief will only be discussed after Greece’s bailout program ends....

235. Any US missiles fired at Syria will be shot down

The Russian military said on March 13 that it would respond to any U.S. strike on Syria...

236. China retaliates for US tariffs, slaps duties on soybeans, planes, autos

The scale of China’s tariff targets was in line with Beijing’s pledge to mount a commensurate response...

237. ENI says it will follow through

Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides got a reassuring statement in Rome from ENI’s Executive Vice President Lapo Pistelli, who said the energy company will honour its commitments with Cyprus. ...

238. Foreign Minister in Rome to meet UN chief

Nikos Christodoulides has said that “the main topic of discussion will be the Cyprus issue”...

239. Illegal bird trapping begins to fall

Despite a huge drop in illegal bird trapping, hailed as a big success following an unprecedented crackdown by authorities, experts warn that more work is needed to prevent poachers from upping their game once again....