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Coastal areas and mountains to offer cooler relief

Fire hazard alert - Maximum temperatures of 40°C expected


The Greek Meteorology Department issued a new yellow warning for high temperatures and a fire hazard alert on Thursday (03/08).

The yellow warning will be in effect from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. and covers the entire country. Maximum temperatures are expected to reach around 40 degrees Celsius in inland areas, while higher mountainous regions may experience temperatures around 32 degrees Celsius.

The Department of Forestry, part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Environment, has also warned about an "EXTREMELY HIGH" fire hazard in all forested areas today.

Citizens are strongly urged to exercise caution and avoid any actions or activities that could potentially trigger wildfires.

The weather forecast for today predicts predominantly sunny conditions across Greece. Initially, the winds will be light and variable, at around 3 on the Beaufort scale. As the day progresses, the winds will shift to mainly southwest to northwest directions, with a strength of light to moderate, ranging from 3 to 4 on the Beaufort scale. In some southern coastal areas, the winds might become occasionally strong, reaching 4 to 5 on the Beaufort scale during the afternoon. The sea is expected to be moderately rough.

As temperatures soar, the mercury will climb to approximately 40 degrees Celsius in inland areas, while the northern coastal regions will experience temperatures around 36 degrees Celsius. Southern and southeastern coastal areas will see temperatures of about 35 degrees Celsius, while other coastal regions will be slightly cooler at around 33 degrees Celsius. The higher mountainous regions will offer some relief, with temperatures hovering at around 32 degrees Celsius.

Tonight, the skies will remain mostly clear, although some low clouds might appear later in the western and southeastern coastal areas. The winds will shift to light and variable, at around 3 on the Beaufort scale. The sea is expected to be calm to slightly rough during the night.

Looking ahead to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, sunny weather is expected to persist. Friday will see a temperature increase, Saturday will show little temperature change, and Sunday might bring a slight drop in temperatures. Despite this, temperatures are expected to remain above the average climatic values throughout the weekend.

As temperatures soar and the risk of wildfires remains extremely high, everyone needs to take necessary precautions. Stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day, and if you must be outside, stay hydrated and avoid strenuous activities. Additionally, refrain from actions that could potentially cause fires and be extra vigilant to prevent any accidents.

Keep updated with the latest weather advisories and stay safe during this period of high temperatures and fire hazards.

[Information sourced from Cyprus Met Service]

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