12° Nicosia,
19 September, 2024


Displaying results 301-330 of 467 matches for query urgent.

301. Public rooting for hybrid cat detained at Limassol zoo

Public support came pouring in over the weekend for a woman and her Savannah cat, which is being detained at the Limassol zoo over safety concerns, with social media users shocked that her request to take the animal to the vet was initially rejected...

302. Turkish rig to begin drilling on August 9th

Turkey’s Abdulhamid Han drill ship will leave the country’s port of Mersin in the Mediterranean on August 9, Energy Minister Fatih Donmez said late Tuesday....

303. Coronavirus: Inhaled vaccines offer better protection and immunity

Canadian scientists comparing two different alternative vaccine delivery systems confirmed that inhaled aerosol vaccines provide better protection and stronger immunity than nasal spray vaccines....

304. Weekend urgent care clinics aim to undo ER misuse

The government of the Republic of Cyprus launched a new urgent care program over the weekend where citizens could visit a clinic for minor problems in an effort to unclog the emergency room...

305. Kyiv summons Turkish ambassador over release of ‘stolen’ grain from Russian ship‘stolen-grain-from-russian-ship

Kyiv is summoning Turkey's ambassador to Ukraine after Ankara released the Zhibek Zholy cargo ship with "stolen" Ukrainian grain Wednesday evening, Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote in a statement today. ...

306. Swiss hotel offers sleepless nights to ponder the world's problems

"I couldn't sleep," and "my room was too noisy," may be complaints hoteliers dread from guests, but for the Riklin brothers, that is the entire point of their latest 'zero-star hotel' art installation....

307. Masks no longer required in indoor spaces as of June 1st

Masks will no longer be required in indoor spaces as of June 1st, according to an announcement today from the Ministry of Health....

308. EY launches 2022 Better Working World Data Challenge to help tackle biodiversity loss

309. Labor Minister undergoes brain CT scan today

Cyprus Labour Minister Zeta Emilianides who suffered an aneurysm last Sunday underwent a brain CT scan on Thursday, which doctors describe as satisfactory, the Health Ministry announced....

310. Cyprus' RCB Bank and its Kremlin ties

On March 24, Cyprus’s fourth-largest bank announced it would wind down its banking operations in the wake of the “volatile geopolitical situation” caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a month earlier....

311. Urgency and skepticism clash as west probes chems in Ukraine

Moscow says claims by American officials about the possibility of Russia using chemical weapons in Ukraine were 'baseless' as politicians and experts were becoming more skeptical about Kiev’s allegations...

312. Russian chemical weapons in Ukraine could see NATO troops deployed

The UK's under-secretary for the armed forces, James Heappey, has revealed that "all possible options are on the table in terms of how the west might respond" if it is confirmed Russia used chemical weapons on Ukraine....

313. EIB ready to offer funding to mitigate effects of Ukrainian war on Cyprus

New investment opportunities in Cyprus, as well as funding to mitigate the effects of the war in Ukraine, were discussed on Monday by President Nicos Anastasiadis, Finance Minister Constantinos Petridis and European Investment Bank (EIB) President Werner Hoyer. ...

314. Study: Microplastics found in human blood for the first time

Microplastics – tiny pieces of plastic less than 0.2 of an inch (5mm) in diameter – have been found in human blood for the first time....

315. Walls go up as wall comes down in divided Nicosia

Turkish Cypriot city officials in north Nicosia say they are prepared to tackle a collapsed Venetian wall with or without help from the south, as both sides on the divided island still disagree on how to fix it together...

316. Nouris to send urgent letter to EC regarding migrant crisis

Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said on Thursday he was to send an urgent letter to the European Commission, along with evidence proving the mass influx of migrants to the Republic through Turkey, to highlight the extent of the problem faced by the country....

317. US imposes fresh sanctions on Russia while providing an additional $1B in humanitarian aid$1b-in-humanitarian-aid

The United States will expand its sanctions on Russia in response to the invasion of Ukraine, targeting members of the country’s parliament and the central bank’s gold reserves, the White House announced Thursday....

318. Alexandre Dugin, the man behind Putin's war playbook

On the eve of his murderous invasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a long and rambling discourse denying the existence of Ukraine and Ukrainians, a speech many Western analysts found strange and untethered....

319. Op-ed: 'Gas to Europe via Greece'

One of the many aspects of the war in Ukraine is the European recognition of the pressing need to become independent from Russia on energy....

320. COVID face masks are a ticking plastic bomb

Every minute of the day we throw away 3 million face masks. Many end up as potentially toxic micro- and nanoplastic or carriers for other toxicants in the environment, researchers warn....

321. Moscow jumps on Burisma links to Kiev

Moscow has put together an elaborate diagram alleging Biden connections to Ukrainian biological labs, with new revelations initially described by Washington as “Russian disinformation” now gaining traction in the United States and reaching all the way to Cyprus...

322. The Cypriot oligarch and passports

On the first day of the invasion, Thursday, February 24, as Ukrainian cities were being bombed by the Russian army, Vladimir Putin met with 37 businessmen and members of his government to assess the impact of sanctions already imposed by the United States and members of the European Union....

323. World faces food crisis due to Ukraine war

A global food crisis looms unless the war in Ukraine is stopped because fertilizer prices are soaring so fast that many farmers can no longer afford soil nutrients, Russian fertilizer and coal billionaire Andrei Melnichenko said on Monday....

324. US to ban all Russian oil imports, reports say

Joe Biden has decided to ban Russian oil imports to America in a dramatic ratcheting up of the economic squeeze on Vladimir Putin’s regime, according to reports from the US....

325. EU plans to cut Russian gas imports by two-thirds in a year

The European Union will outline a plan on Tuesday to cut Russian gas imports by two-thirds within a year as it seeks to reduce its dependency on the country’s fuel supplies after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. ...

326. Concerns over bioweapons emerge in Ukraine

Washington warned this week that Russians could plan a biological or chemical attack in Ukraine, in response to Moscow’s claims that Russian armed forces obtained evidence of US-sponsored research as well as calls for American officials to come clean...

327. Italy seizes oligarchs' villas and yachts to put pressure on Russia

Italian police have seized villas and yachts worth 143 million euros ($156 million) from five high-profile Russians who were placed on sanctions lists following Moscow's attack on Ukraine, the government said on Saturday....

328. Cyprus undertakes cancer treatment for three children from Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has generated a humanitarian crisis. Not just in the number of refugees fleeing the country, but also in the breakdown of medical infrastructure....

329. Cyprus stands by the Ukrainian people says House Speaker

Cyprus stands by the Ukrainian people, committed to international law, respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states and for the fundamental European principles and values, House Speaker Annita Demetriou said on Thursday....

330. In historic shift, Germany ramps up defense spending due to Russia’s Ukraine war

Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday announced a major boost to German military spending in the latest of a series of dramatic moves reversing decades of Germany’s post-Cold War foreign policy in just a few days....