The Cyprus National Addictions Authority (CNAA) has issued a warning regarding the circulation of products containing controlled substances, including cannabis and new semi-synthetic cannabinoids like HHC, THCP, and THCPO, as well as pharmaceutical preparations containing CBD. These products have been linked to instances of poisoning and hospitalizations, particularly among young people.
The CNAA reports that these products are being sold in a variety of forms, ranging from edibles like jelly beans, chocolates, biscuits, and even flour, to items such as shampoo, hand cream, e-cigarettes, oils, and capsules. A key concern is that these controlled substances are often not listed on the product's ingredients label. Furthermore, it appears many of these products have not undergone the required testing for marketing authorization.
The Authority is urging parents to exercise particular caution, noting that some of these products, such as jelly beans, are packaged and presented in a way that could appeal to children.
The CNAA statement emphasizes that certain synthetic and semi-synthetic cannabinoids can be significantly more potent than THC, the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, and can have unpredictable and potentially harmful health effects.
Consumers are advised to carefully read product labels and avoid consuming any product that lacks a clear and comprehensive ingredient list. The CNAA has stated it is working with relevant authorities to address this issue and protect public health.