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Cyprus breaks Guinness record with 4,073-person human chain

Konstantinos Argiros tops off Cyprus world record with concert


In a remarkable display of unity and perseverance, Cyprus has achieved a new Guinness World Record for the longest alternating human chain, involving 4,073 participants from across the island. As reported by Neos Kosmos, the record-breaking feat took place Tuesday night at Nicosia's GSP stadium, where individuals clasped wrists to sustain the chain for a full minute.

Organized by the Yianis Christodoulou Foundation, the event not only secured Cyprus a place in the record books but also surpassed the previous record held by Kyoto, Japan, for the "Largest Alternating Human Chain Holding Wrists."

"A quite challenging record... became a reality," the foundation stated, reflecting on the accomplishment amid rigorous adherence to Guinness guidelines. Elly Symons, an Australian of Cypriot descent, served as the "Official Witness" for the attempt, supported by numerous Guinness representatives and over 200 supervisors and volunteers overseeing the event.

Expressing gratitude to the participants, John Christodoulou, founder of the foundation, emphasized the international recognition achieved. "Today we once again put Cyprus on the international map of achievements," he remarked.

The event, hosted by Andri Karantoni, culminated in a vibrant celebration featuring a concert by Greek singer Konstantinos Argiros. Argiros performed the Cypriot rendition of the song "Eleftheros," draped in the flag of Cyprus, to the delight of the crowd.

Amidst the festivities, Christodoulou also addressed the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, underscoring the ongoing need for unity and perseverance towards a lasting solution.

"We must find the strength and unity for a solution if we do not want this situation to continue for another 50 years," Christodoulou urged, highlighting the significance of resolving longstanding conflicts in the region.

The record-setting event not only showcased Cyprus' unity and determination but also underscored its aspirations for international recognition and peace.

[Information sourced from Neos Kosmos]

Cyprus  |  Guiness  |  people

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