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Democrats grapple with Biden's debate fallout (video)

Calls for change emerge amid concerns over President's performance


Following President Joe Biden's lackluster debate performance, Democrats are grappling with unprecedented discussions about potentially replacing him on the ticket.

Several strategists close to potential Democratic candidates revealed they were inundated with messages during the debate, urging their candidates to step forward as alternatives to Biden. A major Democratic donor went as far as suggesting Biden should end his campaign, labeling his performance as "the worst in history."

Despite the calls for change, prominent figures like Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and California Governor Gavin Newsom stood by Biden, dismissing talks of his resignation as "unhelpful." Biden, 81, struggled throughout the debate against former President Donald Trump, renewing concerns about his fitness for office and fueling internal Democratic anxieties.

The debate, intended to reset perceptions of Biden, instead reinforced doubts about his candidacy. While some within the party expressed hope for a new contender or a brokered convention, others acknowledged the unlikelihood of such scenarios.

In response, Biden's campaign defended his performance, emphasizing his history of defeating Trump and pointing to post-debate fundraising successes as evidence of continued support.

Democratic consultant Stephanie Cutter affirmed Biden's position as the nominee, urging calm amidst the fallout from the debate. However, for many Democrats, Thursday night's performance raised serious concerns about Biden's ability to maintain momentum heading into the election season.

See some of the highlights below:

[Source: CNN, Politico, NBC 11Alive]

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