Kathimerini Greece Newsroom
At least one out of eight people who visited a health service in Greece recently had to make an under-the-table payment, known as a “fakelaki,” or “small envelope,” according to recent data.
In the minds of the vast majority of Greeks, the healthcare system is the most corrupt sector of society, and the feeling has intensified in the past three years.
According to the latest Eurobarometer survey on corruption, which was conducted last March and April and involved 1,013 participants from Greece, 91% of people in this country believe that giving and receiving money off the books, as well as abuse of power for personal gain, are widespread in the healthcare system. The corresponding figure in 2019 was 81%.
At the European Union level, it was 29% this year.
Lithuanians, Romanians and Poles also consider their healthcare sectors as being the most corrupt.