Source: CNA
A total of 94% of respondents in a special Eurobarometer published by the European Commission on Wednesday believe that the problem of corruption is widespread in the country.
This number is significantly higher than the EU average (68%). Cyprus is the country with the second largest percentage of positive responses after Greece (98%).
Called to identify where receiving bribes and the abuse of power are widespread, respondents in Cyprus ranked political parties in first place (70%, an increase of 7% compared to 2022)
Responding to a question on whether they perceive the level of corruption in the country to have increased, remained the same, or reduced over the past three years, 66% of participants in Cyprus said that corruption had increased (41% in the EU average), 27% that it has remained unchanged (43% in the EU) and 4% that corruption has been reduced (9% in the EU).
Asked whether they believe that there is corruption in national public institutions in the country, 92% in Cyprus said they do, which marks a 3% increase compared to 2022. On average in the EU, 74% of respondents (an increase of 4%) gave a positive answer to this question.
Asked whether they believe there is corruption in local or regional public institutions, 87% of respondents in Cyprus said yes, compared to 72% in the EU average.
Called to identify through a multiple choice question (with multiple answers possible) where they believe that receiving bribes and the abuse of power are widespread, respondents in Cyprus ranked political parties in first place (70%, an increase of 7% compared to 2022), followed by the healthcare system (60%, a 1% increase), officials awarding public tenders (58%, a 6% increase), officials issuing building permits (57%, a 4% increase), politicians at the national, regional and local level (54%, a 6% increase) and police and customs (54%, a 1% increase).
On average in the EU political parties came first (58%, 5% increase), followed by politicians at the national, regional or local level (55%, 6% increase), officials awarding public tenders (45%, 7% increase), officials issuing building permits (45%, 8% increase), private companies (37%, no change - in Cyprus the percentage was at 31% with a 3% reduction) and officials issuing business permits (33%, 3% increase, 52% in Cyprus with 2% reduction).
A total of 93% of respondents in Cyprus, compared to 77% in the EU average, agreed that close ties between business and politics in the country lead to corruption.
Asked to identify the reasons they wouldn’t report corruption (maximum of three responses), most respondents in Cyprus said that they wouldn’t do it because this would be pointless as those responsible will not be punished (53%, 30% in the EU), followed by those that said that there is no protection for those that report corruption (43%, 28% in the EU) and those that said that it is difficult to prove anything (40%, 48% in the EU)
When asked to say who they would trust to deal with corruption (multiple answers possible), 52% of Cypriot respondents chose the police (63% in the EU), 29% the National Ombudsman (29%, 16% in the EU) and the media and journalists (21%, 15% in the EU).
The survey was conducted through personal interviews with a sample of 505 persons in Cyprus, between March 21st and April 10th. The total sample in all 27 member states was 26,509 persons.