by Giannis Georgoulas
In the last twenty-four hours, the world we live in has changed and will never be the same again. I am not talking about the natural borders of countries but about the way organized societies work.
The Ukrainians, led by their President, reminded us that the homeland and the family are above all else and are not subject to negotiation. The love and solidarity they showed for the country and its people woke the European Union up from its slumber. They made the people rise up against the vulgarity of the Russian neo-Stalin, who despises human values and fuels a constant war against freedom not only abroad, but by imprisoning and torturing innocent civilians in his own country. He fooled the whole world together with his right-hand man the Minister of Foreign Affairs when they said in official statements that they were not going to attack Ukraine. Suddenly, however, like a thief at 5 in the morning, when children are sleeping in their beds, he insidiously attacked a free country all because he wanted to determine its future.
The Ukrainians have my eternal appreciation for the way they resist, unlike the 'beloved' Russians who accept, without question, a leader who bombs the innocent and curtails the freedoms of Russian citizens themselves. The Ukrainians have reminded us that values and ideals are worth fighting, something that Russian diplomats don't seem to have when you see the statements they make.
Through this misery, the good thing is that the European Union is being reborn, as well as NATO, which according to Macron was brain dead. We all in Europe understand the value of having the means to defend ourselves, as well as valuing our friendships with people of other backgrounds. But unfortunately, the ugly truth is that thousands are dead as a result of the invasion and an entire people are being isolated because of its arrogant leader.
Mr. Giannis Georgoulas is a Strategy and Business Consultant.