12° Nicosia,
06 February, 2025
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Pedieos linear park to 'spill' into north

European Commission holds event as northern side of Nicosia’s famous river gets ready for a make over


A bicommunal project for Cyprus’ longest river got media attention in the north this week, following a presentation by the European Commission on multi-million infrastructure projects.

During an event at the old covered market in north Nicosia on Thursday, the European Commission kickstarted a new infrastructure project under the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community, with an initial budget of €17.7 million. The project will span over a three year period with additional funding to be allocated annually on a need-basis.

The main project was presented as the bi-communal “Pedieos River/Kanlidere Rehabilitation (linear park) Project” which covers both north and south as well as the UN buffer zone in Nicosia.

The main project was presented as the bi-communal 'Pedieos River/Kanlidere Rehabilitation Project' which covers both north and south

The specifications of the project in the north are similar to the already completed river linear park in the southern part of Nicosia, with the overall project consisting of works covering approximately 370 metres riverbed south of the UN Buffer Zone, 435 metres riverbed within the UN Buffer Zone, and 4795 metres of riverbed north of the UN Buffer Zone.

Parts of the project in the north will include construction for flood protection and a linear park for pedestrians and bicycles along a stretch of approximately 5.6 km along the riverbed.

The projects fall the umbrella of the EU-funded "Local Infrastructure Facility" (LIF) with projects also including a water resources master plan, the extension of the Morphou/Guzelyurt and Famagusta wastewater treatment plants, a Nicosia green waste composting facility, Mandres/Hamitkoy sewerage network, and an initial phase of decommissioning the old Nicosia wastewater treatment plant.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is responsible for administering and implementing the LIF project.

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