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Senator Menendez convicted on bribery charges

''I never violated my public oath,'' says Menendez


Democratic Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey has been convicted on multiple counts of bribery following a nine-week trial, a verdict that could potentially send him to prison for years.

As BBC reports, a jury deliberated for more than 12 hours over three days before finding Menendez guilty on 16 counts related to allegations that he accepted bribes, including gold bars and a Mercedes-Benz, in exchange for using his political influence to benefit foreign governments. Menendez, who formerly chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, now faces a sentencing hearing where he could receive a lengthy prison term.

Democratic leaders swiftly called for Menendez to resign from Congress in light of the conviction. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stated, "Senator Menendez must now do what is right for his constituents, the Senate, and our country, and resign."

Speaking outside the courthouse in New York City, Menendez proclaimed his innocence, declaring, "I never violated my public oath. I have never been but a patriot of my country and for my country."

His attorney, Adam Fee, expressed disappointment with the jury's decision and vowed to appeal vigorously. Prosecutors described the case as revealing "shocking levels of corruption," asserting that Menendez had traded political favors for personal gain.

Menendez's wife, Nadine Arslanian Menendez, faces charges in the same bribery case, though her trial was postponed due to her ongoing breast cancer treatment. She has pleaded not guilty.

The senator's defense argued that the gifts he received did not constitute bribes, contending that prosecutors failed to demonstrate he took specific actions in exchange for them. However, expert testimony and evidence presented during the trial, including Menendez's text messages and financial transactions, supported the prosecution's allegations.

Menendez, who is campaigning as an independent for re-election in November, had lost support from most Democrats in his state after the indictment was unsealed. His conviction on Tuesday marks a significant setback in his political career.

Andy Kim, a Democratic congressman from New Jersey, remarked, "The verdict is a sad and somber day for our state. I called on Senator Menendez to step down when these charges were first made public, and now that he has been found guilty, I believe the only course of action for him is to resign his seat immediately. The people of New Jersey deserve better."

Menendez had previously faced corruption charges in 2017, resulting in a mistrial after jurors acquitted him on some counts and were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on others.

[Information sourced from BBC]

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