12° Nicosia,
16 September, 2024
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Sunny skies with a side of breezy bliss

Your weather update


Good morning! After the early morning mist and low clouds clear away, we’re in for a mostly sunny day, with just a few clouds popping up here and there to keep things interesting.

Now, about those winds—yes, they’ll be picking up, especially along the coast. We’re talking a mix of southwest to northwest breezes at 3 to 4 Beaufort, and on the windward coast, they might even give you a good push at 4 to 5 Beaufort. But don’t worry, it’s all part of the refreshing relief from the heat!

Speaking of heat, expect the mercury to climb up to a toasty 38°C inland. The coasts will be a bit cooler, with temps around 32°C on the west and southwest coasts, 34°C elsewhere along the shore, and a pleasant 31°C in the higher mountains.

As evening rolls in, the skies stay mostly clear, with a few low clouds sneaking in as the night deepens. Winds will calm down, shifting to a light westerly breeze at 3 Beaufort, making for a peaceful night with a calm to slightly rough sea. Temperatures will drop to around 22°C inland, 24°C along the coast, and a cool 20°C in the mountains.

Looking ahead to the weekend, it’s more of the same sunny goodness, with a slight chance of a brief, isolated shower in the mountains during the afternoons. Temperatures will stay steady on Saturday but start to creep up by Monday, sitting just above what we’d expect for this time of year.

So, get out there and enjoy the sunshine, with just enough wind to keep you cool!

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