A high school student who got dizzy and visited the Emergency Room drew police attention after doctors said the teen partially fainted after trying to get high.
Local media said a 15-year-old student was taken to the ER at Limassol General Hospital on Thursday around noon, while being in a semi-conscious state.
Law enforcement authorities were notified about the incident, with reports saying the teen attempted to smoke a marijuana joint and got dizzy.
According to media reports, the teenager admitted to police officers at the hospital that he had smoked a cannabis cigarette which he bought for five euro.
After smoking weed, the teen felt dizzy and was taken to the hospital, where he said he got the cigarette from a classmate.
Police tracked down the classmate, also a local 15-year-old, who was detained for questioning.
The incident took place on October 1, a national holiday when schools are closed.