The swearing-in of the first 221 special constables who will be in charge of guarding the Green Line is a step forward in the implementation of plans to increase measures to stop illegal flows from the occupied part of Cyprus. After completing their training in the police, the corps of special police officers will be ready to take up duty along the Green Line. According to Politis, the 221 special police officers will be divided into three groups and will receive nine weeks of training. To avoid delays, the three groups will be trained on a rolling basis. The Police Academy will train one group, the Special Police forces (MMAD) will train another, and the Immigration Police will train the third (YAM).
Intercepting migrant flows
The 221 specialists and those who are subsequently recruited will be deployed in all cities except Limassol and according to service needs. Their duties include guarding the Green Line with emphasis on crossing points, controlling the illegal employment of migrants, banning the transportation of migrants who have not entered Cyprus from legal ports and airports, guarding places where migrants are hosted as well as deporting migrants. The special officers will be armed and equipped with special equipment for day and night surveillance of areas.
Video cameras
Along with manpower, electronic equipment for monitoring the Green Line is being developed. A number of the system's cameras, purchased from an Israeli company, have already been installed. Over 100 cameras will be installed along the Green Line.