12° Nicosia,
15 June, 2024


Displaying results 211-240 of 332 matches for query Georgia.

211. North hands Rudolf over to south

Miroslav Balazovjech, also known as Rudolf who was wanted in connection with attempted murder, has been handed over to authorities in the Republic of Cyprus on Sunday...

212. Foreclosure legislation deemed unconstitutional

Finance Minister Haris Georgiades said on Tuesday that "a legislative framework must be effective, it must not change frequently, in order to create a trustworthy framework that will enable us to manage this last remaining problem of non-performing loans.'' ...

213. Coral Bay trial ends with sentence

The man who ran down Charlie Birch in Coral Bay last year has been sentenced to 2.5 years, following a protracted legal battle that had charges reduced twice in the course of the trial...

214. Moody's warns foreclosure laws increase risk for banks

Cyprus’ new foreclosure framework hampers banks efforts to reduce NPLs said credit rating agency Moody's in an announcement on Thursday....

215. Cyprus parliament suspends foreclosures

The House of Representatives voted in its last plenary before summer recess an amendment to the foreclosure law that foresees a freeze in foreclosures and suspension for loans eligible for the ESTIA loan relief plan...

216. Cyprus aims to be among the first to regulate blockchain technology

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and more specifically, Blockchain, can offer endless possibilities in many different fields, according to speakers addressing the Cyprus Blockchain Summit, on Wednesday, in Nicosia. Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said that Cyprus aim to be among the first countries to regulate aspects of DLT. The creation of the regulatory framework should be flexible, so that it will promote innovation and provide legal certainty and protection for both consumers and investors, House President Demetris Syllouris noted from his part...

217. Coral Bay defendant admits lesser charges

The Coral Bay trial resumed Tuesday following a number of procedural delays, with the prosecution introducing three lesser charges against the defendant while the court formally suspended prosecution on two previous counts, manslaughter and premeditated murder...

218. New Greek cabinet sworn in

Greece’s new cabinet was sworn in on Tuesday after New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis was elected on Sunday on a pledge to create jobs and lure investment to the economically stricken nation...

219. Female tourist in hospital after Paphos accident

Police arrested the driver of a vehicle that struck a Russian tourist, who was hospitalized in Paphos Tuesday night with multiple injuries...

220. Legal department weighs in on Coral Bay trial

The Coral Bay trial has been pushed back for another week, with reports citing different number delays including instructions from the Legal Department...

221. North and south exchange murder suspects

An exchange of murder suspects took place between north and south on Thursday, with officials on both sides of divided Cyprus sending a clear message against impunity for crimes...

222. Fiscal Council: Implement reforms and maintain surpluses

223. Bank culture should change Central Bank Governor says

224. New witnesses in Coral Bay trial

The Coral Bay trial resumed this week with a new witness giving his account of what took place on 24 June 2018 just before British tourist Robert James Birch was ran down and killed...

225. DBRS reaffirms Cyprus’s rating

226. US Treasury official: Cyprus has made huge progress in combating money laundering

227. Two worlds on a collision course

When Nicos Anastasiades was campaigning in 2013 for the presidency in the Republic of Cyprus under the banner “leadership in times of crisis” many people bought into the idea that the leader on the right would recognize the gravity of the situation and had a plan ready to get the country out of a tight spot...

228. US Assistant Secretary for terrorist financing to visit Cyprus

229. Cyprus to repay Russian loan early

230. Financial stability a priority says new Central Banker

231. Paphos farmers chase out-of-towners away

Two people were arrested on Sunday following complaints that they attacked a group of motorists during their rest stop in a rural part of Paphos...

232. Man critical after scaffolding accident

Police are looking for more details surrounding a foreign worker, who was dropped off outside a private clinic with multiple injuries...

233. President Anastasiades: Political cost preferable to letting go of Finance Minister

234. Finance Minister: To avoid trouble, don't defy economic logic

235. Haris Georgiades: We kept the Cooperative Bank alive to protect people's deposits

236. Finance Minister to stay on until the end of the year

237. You can call it political karma

With the re-election of Nicos Anastasiades, many were puzzled with Harris Georgiades’ decision to insist that he not be reappointed finance minister. Having a clear path ahead of him and a brewing storm miles away, shouldn’t he be entitled to leaving while things were still good?...

238. Probe on a probe finding

It was to be expected that the president of the Republic would stand by the finance minister, emphasizing that he still has faith in him, following the finding of the co-op investigative committee...

239. Finance Minister speaks to Euronews on Cooperative sale

240. President stands by Finance Minister